Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 832

Xia Xi took out her mobile phone from her bag, which showed a message from Fu Xichen.

Why did Fu Xichen suddenly send a message to himself?

Xia Xixiu slightly raised her eyebrows and looked across the information. When she saw the content above, her face suddenly changed greatly.

"Warmth bumps into Lingling. Maybe your identity will not be guaranteed. You can do it yourself."

How did warmth run into Xia Ling?

Is her identity about to be revealed?

Xia Xi was in a panic and hurriedly locked the door and dialed Fu Xichen.

But the phone has always been blind.

Xia Xi didn\'t give up and continued to dial, still like that.

What the hell is Fu Xichen doing?

Have you hacked her cell phone number?

Xia Xi was angry and panicked. She looked at her face in the mirror and forced herself to calm down.

Although he didn\'t know the situation, Fu Xichen only said maybe.

She is wearing Xia Ling\'s face now, and Xia Ling\'s children have also done genetic testing with themselves. Fu Yunting won\'t doubt himself.

Thinking of this, Xiaxi town settled down.

She can\'t panic about it.

Taking a deep breath, she tidied up her wrinkled dress and walked out of the bedroom.

The voices of women and children came from the children\'s room. Xia Ling\'s eyes flashed a trace of disgust. She knew that Lan Mei and Aunt Li were teasing the children. She was too lazy to pay attention to them and ran to find Fu Yunting.

In the study, Fu Yunting is facing the computer to deal with overseas affairs.

One side of the cell phone rang. He glanced at Wen ruoqing\'s call and was stunned.

Connect, but not the voice of Wen ruoqing.

"Mr. Fu, I am warm. Is there anyone around you? I have something important to tell you."


Why did she suddenly call herself?

But also holding Wen ruoqing\'s mobile phone, there is no lack of dignified tone.

"What\'s up, say it."

"Mr. Fu, you may be unimaginable, but I still want to tell you that the woman around you may not be ling\'er. She is a fake. The real ling\'er is now on an island, transformed by Fu Xichen, lost his memory and kept in a villa."

A paragraph of words made Fu Yunting\'s pupils shrink suddenly.

"What are you talking about? Warm, you\'re not kidding me? What\'s going on?"


Warmth was trying to explain, but the door of the study knocked at this time, and Xia Xi\'s voice came from outside.

"Yunting, are you there? I\'m coming in."

Fu Yunting hurriedly interrupted warm words, "wait a minute, I\'ll contact you later."


But the perennial business career made him calm down quickly.

At this time, he must be calm and not startle the snake.

Fu Yunting quickly hung up the phone and pretended to be working.

At the same time, the door of the study was pushed open, and Xiaxi came in with food in her hand.

"Yunting, I guess you haven\'t had breakfast yet, so I went to the kitchen and brought up the breakfast. Come and eat."

A woman\'s voice is charming and sweet.

Fu Yunting felt countless emotions in his heart and looked at the woman in front of him.

Is what warm said true?

This woman is not Xia Ling at all, is she?


It must be so.

Otherwise, his spirit could not have changed so much that he looked like a different person.

And he can\'t have all kinds of rejection of her.

I thought he became a scum man, but I didn\'t want to. His wife was transferred!