Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 826

A bang, a heavy landing.

A dull hum spilled from Jiang Lingfeng\'s mouth.

It\'s dark all around. I can\'t see the scenery clearly.

Warm only felt the body sink, but he didn\'t touch any hard objects except a burst of pain on his feet.

She knew that Jiang Lingfeng let her lie on his body from beginning to end without hurting her.

"Ling Feng, how are you? What\'s up?"

Warm, straighten up, touch Jiang Lingfeng\'s body with feeling and turn him over.

The man didn\'t speak, and the hot breath sprayed on the palm of her hand, with a trace of instability.

The warm heart contracted for a while and tried to open his eyes to see Jiang Lingfeng clearly.

"Ling Feng, don\'t scare me when you talk."

Why doesn\'t he talk?

Did you hurt yourself when you fell?

There was a cry in the warm voice. Holding Jiang Lingfeng\'s body, he touched his face and patted several times, "Lingfeng, wake up and don\'t ignore me. It\'s dark here. How can you bear to ignore me? Lingfeng, don\'t leave me alone? Wake up..."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s dizziness was heavy, and his great pain made him frown.

A woman\'s cry came from her ear, with an urgent cry, which made people feel distressed.

Silly woman, why are you crying?

He\'s not dead yet!

"Cough, stop patting. Your face is swollen!"

Hearing Jiang Lingfeng\'s low and hoarse voice, he was warm and happy. He suddenly hugged his body, smiled and cried, "Lingfeng, you finally woke up! I\'m scared to death!"

"Cough, hold tight and you can send me to the king of hell."

He was so tight that he was almost out of breath.

"Bah, bah, don\'t say anything unlucky."

Warm quickly relaxed the strength in his hand and bah a few times to one side.

Jiang Lingfeng smiled low and wanted to say something, but his throat itched and coughed uncontrollably.

I think I should have been shocked when I just fell.

Warm is a burst of panic, hurriedly help him caress his back, really want to feel bad for him.

Jiang Lingfeng coughed several times, barely pressing down the fishy sweetness in his throat.

Warm sucked his nose, and there was a trace of crying in his voice, "Lingfeng, are you okay?"

Jiang Lingfeng calmed his breath, held her hand and comforted, "warm, don\'t be nervous, I\'m fine."

"Is it all right? But just now you..."

Warm pause, what flashed in my mind?

What did he just call her?


What a kind name. Only Jiang Lingfeng, who has no memory loss, will call her that.


The warm heart missed a beat and tried to open his eyes. After adapting to the night, he accurately found the sharp eyes like eagle eyes.

"Ling Feng, what did you just call me? Call me again!"

Did he regain his memory?

Did he think of their relationship?

I\'m so nervous and anxious. I\'m looking forward to it!

"Warm, I call you warm, don\'t I?"

Jiang Lingfeng smiled low. In the dark night, a pair of eagle eyes were full of fine starlight.

"Yes, that\'s right! Ling Feng, do you recover your memory and remember that I\'m your girlfriend!"

Warm hands grabbed the man\'s slender fingers, and a pair of apricot eyes stared at his starlit eyes.

Jiang Lingfeng chuckled, hugged the man in his arms, stroked her long hair and whispered in her ear, "yes, I was beaten by the man in black, which woke up my memory. Warm, my love, I remember everything!"