Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 823

Warm put on his clothes, opened the door, stepped gently down the stairs.

The night was quiet and the room was quiet.

It should be two or three o\'clock in the morning. It\'s time for people to sleep.

It was dark downstairs, and only the cold moonlight outside spilled in, making the object shadowy.

He sipped his lips warmly, walked quickly into the kitchen and found a sharp knife.

I don\'t know what I will encounter when I walk at night. I can defend myself with a sharp knife.

Took a deep breath, gently opened the door of the villa and went out.

Not long after she left, Cheng Rongjiu also came out of the villa, followed by several people in black behind him. Looking at the thin figure not far away, he gave a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Moonlight sprinkled on the sea level, warm, walking slowly along the beach.

There are no people in this area. Only through a jungle can we reach the place where there are people.

People on this island should live by fishing. If she wants to leave, she can ask them to take her away in a fishing boat.

Thinking so, she had an idea in her heart and didn\'t go any further. She planned to find an excuse tomorrow to let Shu Lan take her to a crowded place to play.

When I was about to turn back, I didn\'t know if it was her illusion, and there was a faint sound of footsteps behind me.

Warm an exciting spirit, hold the sharp knife in your hand tightly, and your heart has reached your throat.

Is there anyone following her?

Who is it?

Cheng Rongjiu?

Is he going to kill her?

Warm swallowed saliva, barely calmed down, squatted down, pretending to tie his shoelaces, peeked back.

In the distance, several figures were approaching her without delay.

Who are those people?

But no matter who it is, if he doesn\'t sleep in the middle of the night and walks towards her, he won\'t be a good man.

The warm nerves were tight, so he got up quickly, turned his steps and walked quickly towards the jungle.

She didn\'t want to be thrown into the sea again.

She doesn\'t know what those people are from.

Only running into the jungle may be able to escape the pursuit of these people.

In the dense jungle, even the cold moonlight is difficult to get in.

It\'s dark all around. I can\'t see the road clearly.

Warm only felt that her face and body were scratched by branches. She bit her lips and walked hard.

Far away, you can hear men\'s voices.

"Let\'s go separately. The owner said that today we must throw this woman into the sea to feed the fish."

"But she is the guest saved by the young lady. If we do this, will there be trouble if the young lady knows?"

"What we obey is the boss, and the boss\'s cousin. Of course, we have to obey the boss between him and his wife."

"Yes, just make it clean and don\'t let Mrs. Shao find out."


If there is a voice like nothing floating into the warm ears, the warm heart is tightened, and it is more true that Cheng Rongjiu wants to die by himself.

What should I do?

Can\'t she really escape?

Warm squat in a bush, close your eyes and listen to your violent heartbeat. I just hope these people in black can\'t find themselves and leave quickly.

As time went by, I held my breath and could clearly hear the rustle of someone pulling away the branches and walking in my direction.

The warm forehead exuded fine sweat, held the sharp knife tightly, and stared at the front for a moment.

The footsteps are close at hand, and the warmth seems to see the hand of the man in black

Just then, there was a movement in the jungle, like someone fighting.

The man in black turned in one direction and left quickly.

A warm heart suddenly fell back, wiped the sweat from the forehead, and the heart was still beating violently.

I don\'t know what happened outside, but it saved her life.