Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 821

After a warm wash, he opened the door and prepared to go downstairs.

I don\'t know if it\'s her illusion. She always feels that there are a pair of eyes staring at herself behind her.

The scalp was numb and warm, controlling himself not to look back.

Because she knew that if someone was staring at her, it must be Cheng Rongjiu.

She can\'t show timidity at this time.

Warm swallowed his saliva and walked downstairs.

On the dining table downstairs, Fu Xichen was dining with Shu Lan.

His eyes to Shu Lan were as affectionate as ever.

Warm lips, do not know what to do.

Originally, I thought Fu Xichen had found a woman similar to Xia Ling to make up for the emptiness of his lack of love.

But I didn\'t think he was so crazy that he changed people directly.

She didn\'t know whether he was crazy or crazy.

"Warm, come down and have breakfast."

Shu Lan greeted warm, smiled and slowly went downstairs.

Sitting on Shulan\'s side, she could detect Fu Xichen\'s look at her.

"Good morning, Mr. Fu."

The warmth smiled at Fu Xichen.

Fu Xichen hooked his lips, cut the eggs on the plate and said carelessly, "did you sleep well last night? Did Lan Lan sleep very badly?"

This is Are you testing her?

As soon as the warm heart tightened, before answering, he heard Shu Lan say, "ah Chen, don\'t you slander me. My sleeping appearance is very good, okay?"

"Yes, I slept well last night. It\'s just... A little homesick."

Warmth smiled perfunctorily.

Hearing this, Shu Lan smiled slightly and reached out to hold her warm hand. "Warm, don\'t worry. As soon as ah Chen\'s business is finished, he will take you back."

Then she looked at Fu Xichen again, "ah Chen, do you hear me? Bring the warmth back early."

Fu Xichen handed the cut eggs to Shu Lan and smiled at her, "OK, listen to you."

With Fu Xichen\'s assurance, Shu Lan smiled sweetly, glanced at the warmth and winked at her.

"Eat breakfast and don\'t starve your baby."


Warmth didn\'t say much, just bent the corners of her lips and drank the soymilk Shu Lan handed her.

I don\'t know what it\'s like.

If Shu Lan is not Xia Ling, but a woman who looks like Xia Ling, she will appreciate Fu Xichen\'s deep love for Shu Lan and feel that he is a good man with infatuation.

However, his affection is based on deception and madness, which is really speechless.

His paranoid view of love is really deep and terrible!

A breakfast, warm and tasteless.

After breakfast, Fu Xichen went out.

Warm, just feel a little relaxed.

"Warm, are you bored at home? Why don\'t we push my daughter out for a walk?"

Shulan\'s proposal is just warm to her heart.

She can\'t stay in the villa all the time. If she wants to leave here, she has to be familiar with the road conditions.

"Shulan, don\'t always encourage her, will you? Her body needs rest and can\'t walk around at will."

Gu Luoluo was holding the child down. When he heard Shu Lan\'s words, he was immediately dissatisfied.

"Thank you for your concern. But my body is much better. It\'s better to go outside and breathe some fresh air."

Warm heart knows that Gu Luoluo can\'t see her contact with shulando.

Are you afraid of what Shulan thinks of because of her closeness?

"Lolo, I\'ll walk with you for a while and come back. It\'ll be fine."

Shulan took the child and put it into a small cart. She smiled at Gu Luoluo.

"Hehe, so it\'s false for you to take Niannian for a walk, and it\'s true to go out for a walk with warmth?"

"Hey, hey, I\'m not only with my daughter, but also with my friends. There\'s no contradiction. Lolo, you can keep up."

"Oh, heartless woman."


Warm looked at Gu Luoluo, proudly following Shu Lan, silently following up.

In fact, Gu Luoluo can not be so defensive against her.

She is not Fu Yunting. She should not be able to recall Shu Lan\'s missing memory.