Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 819

Will die with them!

Cheng Rongjiu\'s voice was filled with hatred.

The warmth of the door was a thrill, and the hand holding the door handle slipped.

With a thud, he hit the door and made a slight sound.

"Who\'s there?"

Cheng Rong\'s cold and alert voice sounded, so warm and frightened that he hurriedly closed the door and ran quickly to his guest room.

Behind him, the door was opened and Cheng Rongjiu and Fu Xichen came out.

The two people looked at each other with cold faces.

"Xichen, some people can\'t stay."

Cheng Rongjiu lowered his voice and flashed fiercely on his face.

Fu Xichen was silent and shook his head. "Forget it, cousin, I didn\'t intend to hide her all the time. She will always stand in front of the world and meet Fu Yunting again. Now she has no memory, her face has changed, and she is no longer the same person. Even if Fu yunting has doubts, how can she handle me?"

Now in her memory, only Fu Xichen exists. Fu Yunting is just a stranger to her.

So what?

What if Fu Yunting has doubts?

This woman can only be his fu Xichen\'s woman now!

Cheng Rongjiu looked at Fu Xichen and frowned.

My cousin is still so soft hearted.

He will take care of what he refuses to do.

Warm, this woman will be here. She was chased and killed.

So, even if she dies here right away, who knows he killed her?

Cheng Rongjiu looked at the guest room not far away, and a sneer came out of his mouth.

In the guest room, warm climbed into the quilt and his body was still trembling.

The conversation between Cheng Rongjiu and Fu Xichen echoed in my mind.

Why are they so afraid of her going back?

What the hell are they hiding?

"Well, warm, are you cold? I\'ll cover you a little."

There was a woman\'s waking voice.

As soon as she was warm, her body had been hugged by Shu Lan.

Warm heart a hot, side looked at her, the body gradually warmed up.

In the dark night, I can\'t see a woman\'s face clearly. I can only roughly see her outline.

For a moment, I felt that the people around me were my best friend Xia Ling.

What flashed in my mind, people suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning.

A crazy idea lingered in her mind.

Cheng Rongjiu said that Fu Xichen finally turned her into another person.

Could she be

When this crazy idea comes out, the warmth can\'t be calmed down in an instant.

Will it?

Could this be the case?

Is this man named Shu Lan her best friend Xia Ling?

How is this possible?

Mingming, her best friend Xia Ling is by Fu Yunting\'s side now?

The changes of my best friend during this period flashed through my mind.

Selfish, mean and narrow-minded, she is not like Xia Ling she knows.

It\'s like a different person.

Warm covered his mouth, his heart beat like thunder, and he was frightened by his thoughts again.

Can it be said that the woman around Fu Yunting is not Xia Ling himself?

Is that a fake?

And is the real Xia Ling the woman named Shu Lan?

Otherwise, why did Shu Lan give her an inexplicable sense of familiarity?

Otherwise, why did the women around Fu Yunting change like that.

Most importantly, why is Cheng Rongjiu afraid that she will ruin Fu Xichen\'s good deeds when she goes back?

Is it because Fu Xichen took Xia Ling away and found a substitute for Fu Yunting?

Shock, hesitation, uneasiness, panic

Countless emotions filled her warm heart, making her toss and turn and unable to sleep.

What should she do?

She wants to tell Fu Yunting about it as soon as possible!

But Cheng Rongjiu is cruel and cruel. Will he kill her?

How can she get out of here!