Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 815

After sunset, the time of the day passed quickly.

In addition to eating and sleeping in the villa, the worst thing is to run out and tease the child around Gu Luoluo when you hear the child\'s humming.

Gu Luoluo\'s attitude towards himself is still neither hot nor cold.

I don\'t mind being warm.

After all, not everyone will be like her and Shulan at first sight.

In the evening, Fu Xichen came back with Shu Lan.

The villa became lively again.

"Hoo, I\'m so tired. Ah Chen, I\'ll wash first."

Warm was about to open the door when she heard Shu Lan\'s clear voice from far to near.

Hook the lip angle, warm, like seeing the long-awaited return of relatives, opened the house.

"Xiao Lan, you\'re back."

The voice with a little grievance and expectation made Shu Lan\'s face smile stronger when she went upstairs.

"Warm, isn\'t it boring? I\'m sorry. I\'m not good today and left you out. I\'ll take a bath first and come with you right away."

Shu Lan blew a warm kiss and quickly stepped into the master bedroom.

Warm smiled, looked at Fu Xichen who went upstairs, nodded with him, turned and entered the room.

Why does she feel like she\'s robbing a man for her best friend?

Warm smile, touched his belly, stood at the window and looked at the sunset outside.

One day will pass again, Jiang Lingfeng. Will he look for her?

Maybe not.

I think she is a pessimist in her heart.

Because I\'m afraid that the higher the expectation, the heavier the disappointment.

She would rather bury that little expectation in her heart than be deeply hit by disappointment.

Therefore, she doesn\'t know that Jiang Lingfeng is looking for her in the crazy whole city at the moment.

Tracking all the way, he found a clue, but only knew that warmth had lost its trace on the edge of the cliff.

No one told him whether it was life or death.

Jiang Lingfeng, with scarlet eyes, drove the yacht day and night, frantically searching the sea, hoping to find her trace.

At that moment, even if he had no memory, there was only one thought in his heart, that is, to find warmth.

He knew his mind clearly.

He likes her!

At night.

In order to make up for not being with warm today, Shulan decided to sleep with warm.

Of course, such a decision has aroused strong dissatisfaction from Fu Xichen.

"No, I disagree."

"Ah Chen, isn\'t it good for me to accompany you all day today? It\'s not easy for someone to make a friend. Let me sleep with her at night."

Shu Lan flirted with Fu Xichen.

She wants to sleep with warm. First, she really wants to spend more time with warm. Second

Only Shulan knew that she was running away.

She was afraid that she would sleep with Fu Xichen, and she could not avoid the embarrassment of last night.

It\'s really embarrassing!

Fu Xichen is an adult man. With a beautiful woman in his arms, he will inevitably fantasize.

She could feel him suffering all night.

It made her feel guilty and uneasy.

It\'s better to sleep separately.

"Lan Lan, she\'s pregnant. What if you kick her in the stomach if you don\'t sleep well?"

Fu Xichen found a seemingly sufficient reason and tried to persuade Shu Lan.


"Please don\'t worry, Mr. Fu. I sleep too much during the day, and I may lose sleep at night. In case Xiao Lan doesn\'t sleep well, I\'ll just let her sleep a little."

Warm smiled and made a sound, so he snuffed out the excuse found by Fu Xichen.

Fu Xichen glanced coldly at the warmth, and a chill flashed in his black eyes.

"Well, ah Chen, that\'s it. You\'ve been tired all day. Stop working at night and go back to your room early to have a rest."

Shu Lan made a final decision. Regardless of whether Fu Xichen agreed or not, she took warmth upstairs to have a rest.

Fu Xichen\'s face changed for a while. He could only stare at the figure of the two people upstairs and said nothing.

Gu Luoluo couldn\'t help laughing.

It\'s useful for this warmth to appear here at this time.

At least, she likes to see and hear that Fu Xichen and Shu Lan sleep in separate beds.

Although it\'s just her stealing the bell.