Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 811

Hear Shulan\'s words, warm smile.

Under the warm yellow light, the face of the woman in front of her is beautiful, and a pair of beautiful apricot eyes are shining with sincere concern and warmth.

The breath is so familiar.

The warmer you look, the more you feel like being with your best friend.

"Why don\'t you stay with her on this nameless island?" Fu Lan asked

It\'s not what she thought.

She thinks the girl in front of her is so good that she shouldn\'t be regarded as someone else\'s double.

It\'s not fair to her.

What\'s more, Fu Xichen didn\'t bring her to the crowd at all.

Does that mean he only treats her as a plaything and a mistress?

How can this be?

"Ah Chen saved my life."

Shu Lan smiled, rubbed her temples and said, "in my memory, I seem to like traveling around. Then I came to this island alone last year to explore, but I encountered a rare storm, was trapped on the island, and was bitten by a snake. At that time, ah Chen was investigating the geographical environment here, so he saved the unconscious me. Later, we became friends."

Smell speech, warm show eyebrows slightly twist, looking at Shu Lan rubbing his temples, as if thoughtful.

"Why is it in your memory? Xiaolan, can\'t you remember the past?"

"It\'s not that I can\'t remember clearly, it\'s just a little vague."

Shulan put down her hand and said with a smile, "ah Chen said that I was poisoned by snake venom and damaged my brain, so my memory will decline, and I may not remember the past clearly. So he arranged for me to rest on the island."

This explanation sounds very reasonable, but it\'s not strange to be warm.

At this time, the door was pushed open and Gu Luoluo came in.

"Are you still chatting? Go to bed early. If a patient has just recovered, he is not allowed to stay up late."

Hearing this, warm and Shulan looked at each other and smiled.

"Well, we know! Housekeeper."

Shu Lan got up with a smile and muttered to Gu Luoluo.

"Hum, who am I for? Hurry back to your room. Your husband is waiting for you in the room."

Gu Luoluo pushed the man to the door and smiled and scolded.

"I see! Warm, you go to bed early! Good night!"

Shulan said hello to warm and went out of the room.

Gu Luoluo turned to look at warmth, glanced at her and closed the door.

The eyes are light and defensive.

Warm took a breath, sat on the sofa, looked at the strange environment and thought of Shulan\'s words.

It was a coincidence that Shu Lan and Fu Xichen met.

Maybe this is fate?

I hope Fu Xichen really likes this Shu Lan and doesn\'t regard her as the shadow of Xia Ling.

The night was quiet and silent.

The men and women in the master bedroom washed and sat in bed.

Fu Xichen stretched out his hand to hold the woman\'s white and tender hand, and his eyebrows and eyes were full of tenderness.

After planning for so long, she finally came to him.

I enjoy such a warm moment and hope I can spend it all my life.

"Ah Chen, please help me warm up. Why don\'t you go back tomorrow and tell her family so that her family won\'t worry?"

Shu Lan was worried about the warmth and looked at Fu Xichen.

The smile on Fu Xichen\'s face was stiff and he was very unhappy.

He managed to arrange Fu\'s work properly, just to spend more time here with her.

But I was disturbed by the uninvited guest!