Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 802

Jiang\'s mother knows what Jiang Lingyun and Wen ruoqing mean. Her face is very ugly.

"Who will take care of him? Don\'t tell me it\'s that warm? Ling Feng, that kind of woman..."

"Mom, tell Dad I\'ll go first."

Jiang Lingfeng interrupts Jiang\'s mother, puts her mobile phone into her pocket, strides to the door, changes her shoes and opens the door.

"Ling Feng, you child, why do you just say that and don\'t listen!"

Jiang\'s mother chased to the door and watched Jiang Lingfeng get into the car and gallop away.

"Well, mom, ruoqing and I have gone back."

Jiang Lingyun pulls Wen ruoqing and is ready to leave.

Jiang\'s mother opened her mouth. The depression in her heart made her want to get angry with her little son, but it hindered Wen ruoqing. She couldn\'t be rude. She could only lower her temper and nodded.

"Go back. But Lingyun, help your mother persuade your brother to break with warmth. How can that kind of woman deserve your brother."

Warm news is flying all over the sky. If she becomes the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family, they will not lose face and go abroad!

"Mom, you don\'t know what big brother is like. His Lord, who dares to do it?"

Jiang Lingyun changed his shoes. "Well, mom, don\'t worry about big brother. You\'d better learn from your father, relax your heart and enjoy your life."

Big brother is not as docile as he is.

If his temperament is like big brother, maybe

Xia Ling\'s figure flashed in his mind, but it was fleeting.

It\'s all over.

Now he is also doing well.

"I know that you are old and don\'t pay attention to your mother."

Jiang\'s mother was angry. "In short, I won\'t agree to marry into the Jiang family."


Wen ruoqing wants to say something for warmth, but Jiang Lingyun pulls her and shakes her head.

He knows the temperament of his family too well.

My mother is not someone who can be persuaded in a few words.

And my eldest brother is not a person who will listen to the opinions of his family.

Say more nonsense, some things, just let it go.

"Mom, let\'s go."

"Auntie, let\'s go."

They said goodbye to Jiang\'s mother and left Jiang\'s old house.

Jiang\'s mother looked at the background of the two matching people and breathed deeply.

Look, if she hadn\'t insisted, how could her little son find such a good girlfriend?

The eldest son will suffer if he doesn\'t listen to the old man.

On the other side, Jiang Lingfeng drove his car to go back to his residence.

Halfway through the car, he looked at the neon street and suddenly turned his head.

The idea in his mind was very clear. He wanted to see a woman who didn\'t keep his promise and ask her why he ignored himself as soon as he was discharged from the hospital.

Do you want their relationship to end here?

The car sped all the way and soon reached the warm apartment.

Park the car and look at the community in front of you. Some pictures suddenly flash in my mind.

The tall man with breakfast in his hand entered the community and rang the doorbell of one of the buildings.

The woman opened the door and smiled and took the breakfast in the man\'s hand.

The man smiled, clasped the back of the woman\'s head and covered it with a kiss.

This should be his warm memory with you?

When he closed his eyes and opened them again, Jiang Lingfeng hooked his lips, and a smile flashed in his black eyes.

After entering the community and pressing the elevator, Jiang Lingfeng naturally pressed the number of floors.

Staring at the flashing numbers, the radian of Jiang Lingfeng\'s mouth hasn\'t faded.

When the elevator opened, Jiang Lingfeng went to an apartment and was distracted by the number on it.

Some moments flashed in my mind again, becoming clearer and clearer.

Is this warmth and his love nest?

Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand entered a few numbers on the password lock, and the door was opened with a beep.