Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 800

"Oh, the beauty is awake."

Someone found that warmth woke up and immediately joked.

Warm opened his eyes and found himself tied up in the back seat of the car.

There were a few big and rough men sitting on one side. They were not good people at first sight.

Warm heart fear, curl up in a ball, close to the window.

"Brothers, can you please let me go?"

Who hired these people?

Who the hell is going to kill her?

At this time, even if she was afraid again, she could only calm down and face it calmly.

"Sorry, beauty, although we don\'t have the heart, it\'s our rule to do things with money."

One of the men obviously coveted the warm beauty, looked at her greedily, reached out and touched her face, "someone paid for your life, we can\'t help it."

Someone paid for her life!

Who is it?

"Brother, who paid for my life? How much did they spend? Can I double it for you?"

Warm heart uneasy and angry, anxiously looked at the man.

"You pay double? Do you have money?"

The man picked his eyebrows, looked up and down at the warmth, and touched his chin. He obviously didn\'t believe it.

"I have money."

Warm feeling has a play, apricot eyes glitter: "Jiang Lingfeng of Jiangshi group knows? He is my boyfriend. If I have no money, I can ask him for it."

At this time, she will not be hypocritical. She will live anyway.

She wants Jiang Lingfeng to know that something has happened to her.

In this way, she has a chance to ask for help.

"Is Jiang Lingfeng your boyfriend? Beauty, don\'t you know who killed you? It\'s because you robbed..."

"Old three!"

The old Ding in the co pilot\'s cab suddenly made a noise and sternly interrupted the man\'s words, "don\'t worry, the rules on the road can\'t be broken."

The man quickly closed his eyes and looked pitifully at the warmth, "beauty, see, it\'s not that I won\'t help you, but we have rules on the road and can\'t go back."

Hearing this, the warm heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

I can see that these people listen to the old Ding.

And the old Ding won\'t change her mind because of her few words.

What should I do?

Is she going to die like this?

Who has so much hatred with her that she will die!

Warm bites his lips, angry and afraid in his heart.

A man\'s words flashed through my mind.

He said it was because she robbed

Grab what?

Took Jiang Lingfeng?

So, can she infer that the person who wants to die is an Xueyan?

An Xueyan!

Could it really be her?

This vicious woman, who has no ability to make Jiang Lingfeng change her mind, wants to destroy herself in various ways.

Are you angry now?

Because Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t choose her even if she lost her memory, was she angry?

How could she be so insidious!

And now, what should she do?

Just sit back and wait to die?

But her hands and feet were tied. What should she do in the face of the murderous devil?

Fear, anger and depression make warmth want to cry.

The brain keeps turning, trying to find a way to leave, but I don\'t know what to do.

The warmth forced down the sour and astringent nasal cavity, prevented himself from falling into tears, and shrank into the seat again.

Inadvertently, her hand seemed to touch a sharp thing, and suddenly scratched her finger, which made her eyebrows frown with pain.

What happened?

Warm eyes glittered, steady mind, carefully touched the thing, felt that it should be something like a blade, and immediately held it carefully in his hand.

She doesn\'t know where these people are taking her.

But she must save herself!