Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 794

Jiang Lingfeng looked at the woman snuggling up to him and fell asleep safely. The corners of his mouth were hooked.

Glancing at her mobile phone again, I slowly turned over the information, photos and videos about them in her mobile phone, with soft eyebrows and eyes.

I didn\'t expect him to spoil her so much.

In particular, the statement he made during the game safeguarded her to the utmost.

It seems that he really likes her.

Yes, if you don\'t like her, with his cool temperament, it\'s impossible for her to stay by his side and tease him as much as possible.

Put the mobile phone away. Jiang Lingfeng looked at the woman who was sleeping with her eyes closed and carefully flattened the person to make her sleep more comfortable.

Warm moved his body, his hand unconsciously hugged his arm, and his face rubbed against his arm. It was such attachment.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart softened and gently tucked in the quilt. His eyebrows and eyes were full of doting.

I don\'t know how long I slept. I just felt that I slept very comfortably.

Because in his dream, Jiang Lingfeng always smiled gently at himself, comforted and spoiled him.

I woke up because someone came.

When she opened her eyes vaguely, she found two more people in the ward.

It\'s Fu Yunting and Xia Ling.

"Mr. Fu, Lingling, you\'re here."

Warm, a little embarrassed, hurried to get up, and the husky sound line still showed the laziness of just waking up.

"Sorry, did I wake you up?"

Fu Yunting looked at them with a light smile.



No, it\'s warm, but Jiang Lingfeng\'s face didn\'t worry. It seemed to blame them for their sudden arrival.

Warm got out of bed, looked at Jiang Lingfeng coyly, turned to trim his slightly messy hair, and looked at them with a smile.

"Not busy today? Please sit down."

She had planned to see Xia Ling for a while and thank Fu Yunting for her help. Unexpectedly, several people would meet on this occasion.

"No matter how busy you are, you should come and see Ling Feng."

Fu Yunting smiled and sat on the sofa.

Xia Xi frowned and patted the sofa beside Fu Yunting with some disgust, and sat down next to him.

Fu Yunting glanced at her, and a trace of complexity flashed on his face.

Warm also saw Xia Xi\'s action, smiled on his face, and then smiled and said, "ling\'er, are you okay?"

"I\'m fine. It\'s you. You\'re out of prison and you\'re still pregnant with a child. Then this child..."

Xia Xi casually straightened the broken hair in her ear and looked at the warmth with meaning.

The smile on the warm face completely faded down and stared at Xia Xi.

Is it really good to poke her scar in front of everyone?

She was not afraid of others\' gossip, but she said it from her best friend in a tone of disaster and disaster. She really couldn\'t accept it.

Jiang Lingfeng on the hospital bed also had a heavy face and stared at Xia Xi coldly.

For a moment, the temperature in the room dropped rapidly.

"What are you talking about, Lingling?"

Fu Yunting didn\'t hold back. He frowned at Xia Xi.


This strange feeling came again.

He really felt that his wife had completely changed.

He couldn\'t accept it.

A little of his suspicion disappeared in the DNA test results of her and her son.

She is the child\'s biological mother and his wife of one year.

But it feels

It\'s really hard to say.