Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 787

"Sit over and I\'ll do it myself."

Jiang Lingfeng feels that being fed like this again is comparable to being tortured.

With a wooden face, he reached out and took the porridge from his warm hand.

Warm also didn\'t mind his attitude, smiled and pushed the dishes in the plate to him.

"Congee with side dishes. You used to like me to make you such a simple breakfast every morning when you lived with me."

She doesn\'t care. She just wants to restore their past bit by bit.

Maybe it can stimulate his nerves and make him remember quickly.

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak, but drank porridge gracefully, with a refreshing dish from time to time.

Two coos.

Suddenly a sound came from one side.

Jiang Lingfeng chewed. You don\'t need to know where the sound came from.

"Ling Feng, I\'m hungry."

The woman\'s voice sounded in her ear.

Jiang Lingfeng glanced at her and saw that she touched her lower abdomen and looked at her eagerly.


What does she think?

Jiang Lingfeng pumped his head and handed the spoon in his hand to her mouth.

The warm apricot eyes glittered, impolitely held the spoon in his hand and swallowed all the porridge inside.

"Well, it smells good. Ling Feng, I want it."

Jiang Lingfeng: "

Who takes care of who?

Someone can climb along the pole.

Jiang Lingfeng hissed softly, but the action on his hand didn\'t stop. He handed a spoon of porridge to his warm mouth again.

The warm heart smiles secretly, enjoying the man\'s feeding safely.

He did not push himself away, nor did he ridicule himself.

Does this mean that even if he loses his memory, even if someone provokes him, he is different from himself?

"Don\'t look at me with crazy eyes. What are you doing here?"

The eyes of the river were warm and sneered at her.

"Hee hee, of course I\'m here to take care of you."

"That\'s how you take care of it?"

Jiang Lingfeng glanced at the atherosclerotic bowl that was about to see the bottom, smiling rather than smiling.

"Well, well, don\'t be angry. It\'s a big deal. I\'ll feed you one last bite."

A warm and naughty smile, holding the spoon in his hand, sent the porridge to his mouth and covered the man\'s lips.

The fragrant and soft red lips came with the smell of food. Jiang Lingfeng flashed a small smile in his eyes and let the woman do mischief.

At this time, the door was pushed open.

Then Wen ruoqing\'s exaggerated cry sounded, "ah, sorry, sorry, you go on, just think we haven\'t been here."

There was a sound of footsteps leaving, and the door was gently closed again.

The warm little face turned red, the water eyes looked at Jiang Lingfeng with fog, and hurried to get up and open the door.

Although a little embarrassed, she was very sweet in her heart.

Outside the door, Wen ruoqing took Jiang Lingyun\'s hand and snickered endlessly.

I didn\'t expect that after only one night, their progress was so rapid.

that \'s great!

"Ruoqing, Lingyun, you\'re here."

Warm open the door and clip the broken hair behind your ears.

"Hee hee, warm sister, it\'s bothering you to make out with your eldest brother. You won\'t blame me for ruining your good deeds."

Wen ruoqing took his warm arm and smiled like a little fox.

Warm reached out and twisted a note on her forearm, staring at her coyly.

"Oh, it hurts. Warm sister, it\'s really different to have a big brother to support. Even the hand has become cruel."

Warm: "

This little girl, why is her mouth so sharp?

Make fun of her!