Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 782

Jiang Lingyun\'s words made Jiang Lingfeng thoughtful.

Although part of his memory is missing, he knows exactly what his warm character is.

She always behaves well in the bar and doesn\'t look like a wild woman.

Otherwise, there are many childe brothers and rich children in and out of the bar. She wants to be close to the rich and live a rich life, every minute.


"This is just one side of her story. She said she was framed by Xu Jiaojiao. Is that necessarily the case? I only believe in the evidence."

He won\'t admit that he has a heart for her.

How could the woman standing next to him be so stupid?

"Brother, the evidence can\'t be collected in a day or two."

Wen ruoqing came out of the bathroom, listened to their conversation, and said: "at first, Jiang Nan framed sister Wenwen and Lingyun in the same way. I used my power to scare her, which scared her out of the truth. But this time, Xu Jiaojiao is a high-ranking woman, and I don\'t know if she is guilty. There are bodyguards around her all the time, so I can\'t force her."

Hearing this, Jiang Lingfeng was silent, and his sharp eyes swept over them, "where was an Xueyan when something happened that night?"

If what warm said is true, an Xueyan is also involved.

If you can\'t move Xu Jiaojiao for the time being, start with her.

In a word, Jiang Lingyun and Wen ruoqing were stunned at the same time. They looked at each other and saw joy in each other\'s eyes.

"Brother, why do you ask like this? Do you doubt an Xueyan?" Wen ruoqing hurriedly asked.

"I don\'t doubt anyone, but everyone present that night was suspicious."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s thin lips opened gently and didn\'t admit that he had such doubts in his heart.

"Hey, hey, big brother is worthy of being big brother. His head is better than ours."

If Wen Qing doesn\'t expose his careful thinking, he will follow his words.

After a pause, he thought of something, and a trace of contempt flashed in his apricot eyes. "Brother, you reminded me that the warm accident is probably related to an Xueyan."

"You probably don\'t know. Sister warm asked me to check the past of an Xueyan. I checked it. An Xueyan\'s private life is really chaotic. She has an affair with an old man and fooled around with small fresh meat. Tut Tut, it\'s really fun. She came back this time, she probably wanted to continue the front line with her eldest brother, but she didn\'t expect that her eldest brother was with sister warm."

"So she conspired with Xu Jiaojiao to discredit sister warm. Who benefits most when sister warm has an accident? Isn\'t she?"

"Yes, it must be! For the sake of brother\'s happiness, I\'ll let Da Bai check and find out where an Xueyan was on the night of sister Wen\'s accident!"

Warm please Wen ruoqing Cha an Xueyan?

It doesn\'t look stupid.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s black eyes moved slightly, and an imperceptible smile curled up at the corners of his mouth, fleeting.

"Don\'t do it for me. Check it if you want."

Wen ruoqing looked at Jiang Lingfeng\'s serious appearance and joked: "Hey, brother, don\'t be duplicative. I don\'t think you can deceive people. Even if you don\'t have the good memory of sister warm, you still care about sister warm, don\'t you?"


"Not yet? The dead duck has a hard mouth."

Wen ruoqing smiled, glanced at Jiang Lingyun, took his arm and said coquettishly, "Lingyun, brother is not retarded. You should learn from him. In case you lose your memory one day, you should always remember me."

Jiang Lingyun: "

Jiang Lingfeng: "