Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 779

An Xueyan looked at Du Siqing\'s embarrassed expression, gathered the hair in his ears and hooked the corners of his mouth.

"Siqing, you are the professor\'s son. At least you once called me sister. I still want to remind you about you and warmth."

At this time, it is not appropriate to stir up the fire in the face of Jiang Lingfeng. When should we wait?

An Xueyan continued with his lips hooked: "Although warm has slept with you and is pregnant with your child, her mind is too lively. She is not a woman who can calm down and live at home. You must not be confused by her appearance. Of course, if you have to marry her, I sincerely bless you. After all, life is your own life. You don\'t care who you like and who you want to live with , as long as you feel happy. "

I can see that this silly boy likes warmth.

She longed for him to take advantage of the chaos and warmth to do more things.

But she didn\'t really think of him.

She said this on purpose to Jiang Lingfeng.

He doesn\'t remember now. What she wants is to prick Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart and dislike warmth.

Does Jiang Lingfeng really mind a woman with another man\'s seed?

Sure enough, Jiang Lingfeng, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke.

"Get out!"

The man\'s face was cold to the bone, and his low voice showed a deep chill, which made the surrounding air a little cold.

An Xueyan\'s face was proud, and his eyes swept warm and Du Siqing, "OK, you two don\'t pestle here, let\'s go quickly."

Her warm red lips closed tightly, and her eyes stared at Jiang Lingfeng\'s cold face for a moment without moving.

"Get out! You... Get out!"

Jiang Lingfeng\'s voice sounded again, full of strong anger.

Sharp eyes swept through the three people, full of cold.

An Xueyan\'s proud expression stiffened and looked at Jiang Lingfeng, "Lingfeng..."

Jiang Lingfeng swept the ground with his sharp eyes, making an Xueyan choke and swallow the next words.

"OK, Ling Feng, have a good rest. This is the soup I asked my aunt to cook. Drink it while it\'s hot."

It seems that he is in a bad mood.

It must be because of what I said.

Then she\'d better leave for a while.

Anyway, the thorn has been planted. She doesn\'t believe that Jiang Lingfeng will stay with warmth.

Thinking about it, an Xueyan hooked her lips and looked at Du Siqing and warmth. "What are you doing? Don\'t disturb Ling Feng\'s rest, let\'s go!"

Warm standing still.

She looked at Jiang Lingfeng quietly and wanted to talk to him and look at him.

Then, he ignored himself and took out the computer. The dim light of the screen lit up his indifferent face.

"Xiao Nuan, let\'s go."

Du Siqing held the warmth and pulled her away with a little strength.

The warm nasal cavity began to turn sour again.

She doesn\'t know Jiang Lingfeng\'s attitude towards herself now.

The little expectation for him that had just risen was repulsed by his indifference at the moment.

Maybe no matter what she does, she can\'t change his view of himself, can she?

In his eyes, she is so stupid and so fickle?

"Ling Feng, no matter what you think of me, I\'m still your girlfriend, and I\'ll come again."

She won\'t just give up.

Even if he hates himself, she wants to insist again.

See when you can hold on!

The door was closed, and Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand was shocked. A pair of sharp eyes looked at the door, and the mood in his eyes was floating and heavy.

As she said, he is not a fool.

In the end who is true and who is false, he can still distinguish one or two.

So, is warmth really framed by an Xueyan?