Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 775

The warmth didn\'t stay much in the club.

She chatted casually with Lin Ke\'er and went back.

Lin Ke\'er is worried about her, so she must go to her if she has something to do.

Warm smiled and hugged her, but her heart was warm.

She used to have only Xia Ling\'s best friend. Unexpectedly, Lin Ke\'er and Fu manyun are talking with her now.

When I think of Xia Ling, I feel so depressed.

Since the accident, her best friend has not called to inquire, nor asked Fu Yunting to bring a greeting.

It seems that she has been separated from herself since she gave birth to her child.

Very helpless.

But now she has no time for herself. When she\'s busy, she\'ll find her again.

Warm went to the vegetable market, specially bought a domestic grass chicken, and bought some ingredients, ready to go back to make soup.

Cook it all afternoon until the house is filled with the smell of chicken soup. After a warm taste, he nodded with satisfaction.

Put the chicken soup into a thermos cup, warm your eyes and get ready to go out.

At this time, her mobile phone rang and a message came in.

Warm took out his mobile phone and saw the message from Wen ruoqing.

Just wanted to open it, Wen ruoqing called in.

Warm quickly connected, "if the situation."

"Sister Wen, I\'ve sent you the information about an Xueyan you asked me to check. I really don\'t know. I\'m surprised when I check. I didn\'t expect an Xueyan to play so well in private."

Wen ruoqing on the other end of the phone sighed a series of times.

Warm slightly raised his eyebrows and couldn\'t wait to know how an Xueyan played privately.

She didn\'t want to pry into other people\'s privacy.

But an Xueyan shouldn\'t conspire with Xu Jiaojiao to frame himself with that despicable means.

She just wants to know about this person\'s past, because she knows herself and her enemy, she can compete with her.

I didn\'t expect an unexpected discovery.

"Sister Wen, I\'m sorry. I was busy checking brother\'s affairs some time ago and didn\'t care about you. You won\'t blame me."

The voice of Wen ruo\'s apology came over the phone, warmed his mind and said with a smile, "no, I know you asked Mr. Fu to help me. Isn\'t it all right for me?"

"Well, warm sister is still so considerate."

Wen ruoqing on the other end of the phone promised: "don\'t worry, I will always support you and help you look at your brother. I won\'t let an Xueyan steal him. Sister warm, you have to come on."

Hearing this, he smiled warmly, "thank you. If you are kind, I will."

She\'ll come on.

Even if he hates himself, she won\'t let an Xueyan succeed.

Hung up the phone, warm and hurried to open the message sent by Wen ruoqing.

In the information, there are both texts and pictures, which are the secret things of an Xueyan abroad in recent years.

No wonder an Xueyan\'s husband will divorce her. I believe no man can stand such a casual and debauchery woman.

An Xueyan not only likes to play with men, but also hangs out with a little fresh meat who has been several years younger.

They lived together secretly for several years, and she had two abortions for this little fresh meat.

After her husband found out, she broke up with little fresh meat in a hurry.

But after all, her husband couldn\'t accept her debauchery and resolutely proposed a divorce with her.

Both of them are intelligent people, and their husband doesn\'t want to be talked about by others. Therefore, they used their relationship to erase the scandal of an Xueyan, and they parted hands calmly.

However, the paper can\'t cover the fire after all. With the power of Wen ruoqing, an Xueyan\'s past was dug out by her.