Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 769

Fu manyun frowned when he heard an Xueyan\'s sarcasm.

"Miss an, what do you say? Warm is President Jiang\'s girlfriend. He won\'t be superstitious or mind such a small matter."

This woman can sow discord.

I don\'t like her.

"Oh, Miss Fu, you Jiang always do business. He doesn\'t say it, but he must mind it in his heart. Not to mention..."

An Xueyan paused and gave a meaningful look at the warmth, "warmth, I haven\'t congratulated you yet! Although you\'re pregnant and disgraceful, you still have to thank the arrival of this little life to get you out of prison so soon. What about Du Siqing? Didn\'t he come with you? You\'re pregnant with his child. When will you get married?"

Is Jiang Lingfeng\'s girlfriend?

Not in the future!

She said she would wait and see how warm fell from a high place and broke to pieces.

An Xueyan hooked her lips, and the cold light in her eyes flickered.

"What... What is pregnant with dusqing\'s child?"

Fu manyun knew that an Xueyan deliberately provoked and hurriedly looked at Jiang Lingfeng. "President Jiang, the accident between Wenwen and Du Siqing was framed. The child in her belly may also be yours. After all, she is your girlfriend."

"Miss Fu, you don\'t have to cover up the warmth. I\'ve seen the news. Du Siqing admitted in front of the reporter that he liked warmth. How can you believe that they were framed?"

An Xueyan sneered, "what\'s more, you said that the child may be Ling Feng\'s, and it may also be Du Siqing\'s. even if the warmth before was Ling Feng\'s girlfriend, she took advantage of Ling Feng\'s business trip and threw herself into the arms of other men as soon as she turned around. Is such a fickle woman worthy of Ling Feng\'s girlfriend?"

An Xueyan\'s words changed Fu manyun\'s face constantly, and he didn\'t know how to refute it.

The warmth on one side didn\'t speak in the whole process, but focused all his attention on Jiang Lingfeng. He looked at his face and said nothing.

"Ling Feng, are you okay?"

From beginning to end, he had a cold face, and his eyes never looked at him again except after the initial contact with himself.

I didn\'t know what it was like in my heart. I just felt like a knife stabbing her heart, with bursts of dull pain.

Is this his attitude towards himself?

Does he feel dirty, so he doesn\'t want to talk to himself anymore?

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak, but lengrui\'s eyes glanced at the warmth and turned away.

This is his habitual style.

He is stingy with his words for irrelevant people.

Irrelevant people!

Does he really think of himself as irrelevant?

"Warm, Lingfeng has me to take care of, so you don\'t have to worry about it."

Ann Xueyan was very proud, "please come back. If you have time, you should worry more about you and dusqing. Put the marriage on the schedule as soon as possible, or wash away your reputation."

Some things are doomed.

Warm want to marry Jiang Lingfeng?

Don\'t think about it in your life!

"Miss an, you..."

Fu manyun was so angry that he wanted to say something back to an Xue, but he was held by warmth.

She quietly looked at Jiang Lingfeng\'s cold and hard face and smiled miserably.

"Ling Feng, I\'m relieved to see you\'re all right. I... go first."

She didn\'t want to argue anything.

Because Fu manyun said everything for himself.

But it depends on his attitude, his indifferent attitude towards himself.

Everything is in silence.

Maybe I\'m tired of him.