Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 762

"Elder martial brother, thank you for your help."

Looking at Du Siqing warmly, "but I don\'t just want to go out, I want to go out for nothing. Elder martial brother, please help me."

"Well, I will try my best."

Dusqing solemnly promised, looking at the warmth, he wanted to stop talking.

She looks much thinner.

It must have been a great blow.

He wanted to tell her that no matter what happened, he wouldn\'t care as long as she went out safely.

"Elder martial brother, if it\'s all right, I\'ll go first."

Warm looked at Du Siqing. When he touched his eyes, he slightly lowered his eyes and got up to leave.

Calm down and see him, you will think of the embarrassing scene that night.

She wants to escape.


Du Siqing hurried up, "Xiao Nuan, I know it\'s inappropriate to say these words now, but I still want to tell you that I\'ve noticed you since my father first talked about you in front of me. What I said in front of the reporter that night is true. Since we already have that relationship, when you go out, we..."

"Elder martial brother..."

Warmth suddenly interrupted what dusqing was going to say next.

She shook her fist. "Elder martial brother, we all fainted that night. Are you sure what happened to us?"

No, nothing must have happened to them.

Just as she and Jiang Lingyun were framed by Jiang Nan before, they are innocent.

"We... Of course something happened for granted. Xiao Nuan, I will be responsible for you."

Dusqing\'s black eyes flashed slightly, but he still insisted firmly.

That night, he had a spring dream.

The heroine in the dream is her.

When they woke up, they were sleeping in the same bed without inches on their bodies.

Doesn\'t that mean anything?

"You don\'t have to be responsible for me."

The warm little face turned white and my heart hurt.

"Elder martial brother, you are just my elder martial brother. We were framed. I have a boyfriend."

She didn\'t believe him.

Now she doesn\'t want to delve into anything.

Because I\'m afraid I can\'t support it.

"But xiaonuan..."

"Elder martial brother, it\'s time. I\'m going in."

Warm no longer looked at him, turned and left quickly.

DUS opened his mouth, looked at the warm back and sighed.

She has a boyfriend.

But after this, her boyfriend will be with her as soon as possible. Won\'t he have a grudge in his heart?

Shaking his head, Du Siqing turned and left.

Warmth returned to the single room, sat at the head of the bed, and tears fell on his face again.

What should I do?

What should she do?

Is she really dirty?

If she is really dirty, will Jiang Lingfeng still want her?

No, he will despise himself!

Maybe I\'m starting to dislike it now.

Otherwise, why hasn\'t he come to visit her now!

On the other side, Fu family villa.

In Lanmei\'s room, Fu Yunting settled her down and retired from the room with Xiaxi.

Pinching his eyebrows, Fu Yunting went to the bar at the corner and took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet.

Is this going to drink?

Shahi turned her eyes and went over and sat opposite him.

"Husband, it\'s boring to drink too much alone? I\'ll drink with you."

It\'s good to drink.

Wine can cheer up.

Tonight, she will sleep with him anyway!

"You haven\'t recovered yet. You can\'t drink."

Fu Yunting poured himself a glass of wine and glanced at the other woman with dark eyes.

"My body has been well for a long time. Husband, I\'ve been insomnia recently. Drinking some wine can help me sleep. Besides, I don\'t need to feed. Drinking some wine won\'t hinder me."

Xia Xidu was coquettish with red lips. Before Fu Yunting refused, she took out a cup from the cabinet and poured a glass of wine by herself.