Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 759

Fu Yunting pressed his temper, pushed Xia Xi away, went to the living room and poured himself a glass of water.

"Ling Feng has a car accident and is still in a coma. He can\'t come and solve things for warm. Warm is your best friend. I help her just for your face, not what you think."

No matter whose problem it is, he can only explain it to her calmly, and then get along well.

"Something happened to Jiang Lingfeng?"

Xia Xi looked around. "Isn\'t there still a lawyer? Just let the lawyer solve it. Yunting, you have to take care of your son and me. How can you solve the problem for others? Don\'t see me again next time."

Her man, why should he solve problems for other women?

It\'s annoying to watch.

Fu Yunting put down the water cup and quietly looked at Xia Xi with a trace of complexity and exploration in his eyes.

Is this really his beloved wife?

Why have you become so selfish and ruthless?

Warmth is her best friend. How can she be so indifferent?

"Yunting, what are you doing looking at me like that? Am I wrong?"

Xia Xi went to Fu Yunting and reached out to hold him again.

Fu Yunting unconsciously stepped back.

Xia Xi was stunned and suddenly got hurt on his face. "Yunting, you\'ve changed. Don\'t you love me anymore?"

Fu Yunting rubbed the center of his eyebrows and reluctantly suppressed his irritability. "No, Lingling, I\'m a little tired. Go and have a rest first."

Busy in the middle of the night, empty stomach.

As his good wife, he didn\'t care about him or his best friend when he came back. Instead, he questioned him and doubted his best friend.

He really can\'t stand it.

"Yunting, stop."

Xiaxi hurriedly stopped his way. "Make it clear, what\'s your attitude towards me now? Do you don\'t love me, or are you blaming me? Blame me for not letting you see warmth?"

Looking at the aggressive look of the woman in front of him, Fu Yunting was silent for a moment, sighed, and patiently explained again: "Lingling, I\'m really tired. Warm is still locked up in the detention center. She is Ling Feng\'s fiancee, and Ling Feng is my good brother. I can\'t sit idly by, you know?"

Xia Xi looked at Fu Yunting suspiciously. "Is that really all? Yunting, you don\'t love me? You don\'t blame me, do you?"

"Yes, I don\'t love you or blame you."

Just feel tired.

Fu Yunting was tired physically and mentally, and quietly looked at the woman who was different in front of him.

"Well, I believe you."

Xia Xi took Fu Yunting\'s arm and smiled at him. "Yunting, I\'ll accompany you. My body has almost recovered. If you\'re tired, let me serve you."

When a man is tired, he will be satisfied with his body.

She knows!

Fu Yunting stopped walking upstairs, pulled her hand away from her arms, and said patiently, "Lingling, listen, you also go to rest. You\'re still in confinement. You shouldn\'t think about things all day."

"How can this be called thinking East and West? Yunting, my body is really all right."

Xia Xi didn\'t give up and wanted to pester Fu Yunting.

Fu Yunting couldn\'t bear it. "Lingling, I still have a lot of things to deal with. Can you let me be quiet?"

Xia Xi shut up and Wei looked at Fu Yunting wrongfully. "Yunting, are you cruel to me?"

Why doesn\'t this man get oil and salt?

Is he really tired, or is he no longer attractive to him?