Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 757

Outside the police station, Fu manyun has learned from Fu Yunting why he can\'t be released on bail.

"Xu Jiaojiao is really good and hateful. Brother, we must help warmth get justice."

"Well, I\'ll have someone check it out."

Fu Yunting rubbed his eyebrows and was slightly tired. "It happened that Lingfeng had an accident at this time. If he was awake now, he would try his best to keep warm."

None of them expected that Jiang Lingfeng would have a car accident in the neighboring city last night.

Jiang Lingyun and Wen ruoqing are still unconscious. They are also in the hospital.

So he\'s the only one who can handle the warmth.

"Yes, President Jiang is fond of warmth. He will certainly find a way to help her clean up her grievances. But who would have thought he would have a car accident?"

Fu manyun sighed and glanced at Fu Yunting, "brother, if Jiang is not there, you can only work hard. Your face looks so bad. Is it because you have a baby at home and don\'t sleep well at night?"

Hearing the speech, Fu Yunting was silent, smiled bitterly and shook his head.

How could he not sleep well because he had children at home?

He\'s just mentally exhausted.

Lack of spiritual wealth made him anxious and unable to be completely happy.

"Xiaoman, your sister-in-law seems to have changed a lot. I apologize for her for the last two times."

The one in the family is hostile to Fu manyun.

He\'s really speechless.

He thought their relationship had long been cleared, but now


"Don\'t apologize, sister-in-law, she..."

Fu manyun paused. "She should care about you too much, and now she has just given birth to a child. Maybe her mind will be different. Give her some time, maybe after a long time, she will return to the original considerate girl."

I really hope my sister-in-law can change back to her original appearance.

She missed her kind and gentle sister-in-law very much.

Will she be the same again?

Fu Yunting sighed in his heart, "let\'s go. I\'ll take you back."

"OK, I\'ll go to the company."


Fu family villa.

Xiaxi paced in the bedroom in all kinds of boredom.

It was said that something had happened to warm. Fu Yunting actually ran errands for her.

Xia Ling\'s best friend, just like Xia Ling, is a bug, which makes people sick.

Doesn\'t she have a boyfriend?

Why ask Fu Yunting for help?

Are you really coveting Fu Yunting!

She dares!

Xiaxi looked gloomy, her eyes turned, and took out another mobile phone from her bag.

For so long, I don\'t know how Xia Ling is now.

Where did Fu Xichen take her? Has she changed her face?

Xia Xi hooked her lips and dialed Fu Xichen.

The phone rang and was picked up.

"Didn\'t you say don\'t contact if you have nothing?"

Fu Xichen\'s indifferent voice came over the phone.

Xia Xi laughed, "Mr. Fu, we are partners at least. Don\'t be so cold to me."

"If you have something to say, you\'ll hang up."

"Oh, no!"

Xia Xi hurriedly said: "Mr. Fu, I\'m just curious. Where are you now? Where\'s Xia Ling? Have you changed her? I\'ll introduce you to the world\'s top plastic surgeons and hypnotists. As long as they start, Xia Ling should be another person with no memory? Mr. Fu, why don\'t you send me two pictures to meet my curiosity?"

"Xia Xi, put away your curiosity and give me some peace. Fu Yunting is not as stupid as you think. Don\'t bring me trouble because of your stupidity. That\'s it!"

When the sound fell, the phone was hung up.