Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 650

"Why? President Jiang, I didn\'t betray you."

"Warmth is my girlfriend. Hurting her is tantamount to betraying me."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face was cold and his words were as cold as ever.

Hearing this, Jiang Nan couldn\'t accept it at all.

She thought that with her qualifications, even if Jiang Lingfeng finally learned that she had leaked warm information, she would only say a few words at most, but she didn\'t expect Jiang Lingfeng to dismiss her!

Jiang Nan\'s chest fluctuated for a while. "President Jiang, I\'m not worth it for you! What\'s warm enough for you? If you want to have no family background and no education, the most important thing is that she doesn\'t devote herself to you! President Jiang, this kind of fickle woman is not worth your love!"

"What are you? My people need you to talk?"

Jiang Lingfeng\'s breath sank, "Jiang Nan, if you dare to slander her again, it\'s not just dismissal!"

"President Jiang, I didn\'t slander her. What I said is the truth."

Jiang Nan cheered up, "I\'ve been working with you since I set foot in society. You\'re the man I admire most. I hope you have a good wife around you. But warmth is not! What she likes in her heart is your brother President Jiang. In her eyes, you\'re just her spare tire and an optional substitute. President Jiang, what\'s so worthy of your love for such a woman?"

"Jiang Nan!"

Jiang Lingfeng\'s green veins on his forehead kept beating, and the sharp light from his eagle eyes was cold, which could kill people invisibly. "Are you looking for death? Don\'t you want to mix in this circle? Dare to say one more word, I\'ll make you perfect!"

The man\'s cold breath is pressing, and the surrounding air seems to be several degrees lower.

Jiang Nan knew that he was really angry.

She was unwilling and wanted to continue to say something, but she also knew the man\'s ruthlessness.

He is ruthless and cold-blooded to irrelevant people.

In his eyes, she may be an irrelevant person.

"President Jiang..."

"Get out!"

A word, with a trembling cold, made Jiang Nan shut up.

With countless emotions rolling in her heart, Jiang Nan looked at Jiang Lingfeng with a sad face and finally reluctantly left the office.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s eyebrows and eyes were filled with an impending storm.

He tore open the button of his shirt as if to shake off his restlessness.

He didn\'t want to admit that Jiang Nan\'s words hurt his self-esteem.

It is true that the woman she likes first likes her brother.

Although all he wants is the result that she finally falls in love with herself, it\'s impossible to say that he doesn\'t care at all.

Jiang Lingfeng stood at the window, took out his cigarette box, took out a cigarette and lit it, with deep eyes.

At the entrance of the bar, Jiang Nan stared at the warmth of singing on the stage, his eyes full of hate.

Bitch, ruin her future, she can\'t wait to tear her up!

"Eh, manager Jiang? Are you..."

A woman\'s voice of doubt came to Jiang Nan\'s ear. When Jiang Nan saw that it was an Xueyan, he immediately welcomed him with an aggrieved face.

"Miss an, I was fired by President Jiang."

"What? How?"

An Xueyan was stunned and looked at Jiang Nan.

"It\'s not because of the warmth of this little bitch."

Jiang Nan scolded with hate.

An Xueyan slightly raised her eyebrows, looked at her with great interest and pulled her to the corner.

"Tell me, what\'s going on?"

Jiang Nan took a breath and said angrily, "President Jiang thought I leaked the warm information to he Jiachen and fired me because of this. What\'s that warmth? How can a cheap hoof with three indiscriminate hooves fascinate President Jiang?"