Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 648

Warm looking ahead, continue to fall into memories.

The hardships of life at that time can be imagined.

I have no fixed place to live. I slept with my father in the bridge hole at the worst.

She missed her mother and wondered why she could leave her and her father alone.

She wanted to ask her father where her mother had gone.

But when she saw her father\'s increasingly emaciated face and the lonely figure standing in the rented house in the dead of night, she was sensible and never mentioned her mother.

She knows that the most sad should be dad.

From that moment on, there was only dad in her world.

She loved singing and dancing since childhood, so when her father set up a stall, she tried to attract people with singing.

Because her people are clever and her singing is sweet, her father\'s stall business is surprisingly good.

There was a smile on dad\'s face.

Although life is very hard and will be harassed by all kinds of local ruffians and hooligans, the days are still pushing forward day by day. Their father and daughter live together.

However, God did not care for them after all.

In her first year of college entrance examination, when their debts were basically paid off, her father became ill from overwork. When he came home one night, he suddenly fainted. When passers-by found it, he couldn\'t open his eyes when he was sent to the hospital for rescue.

At that time, she was still one month away from the college entrance examination. After this blow, her college entrance examination scores plummeted, and finally reluctantly went to a third rate University.

Since then, her world has been lonely.

Often in the dead of night, she would think of her father\'s smiling face when he was alive.

Tears blurred my eyes and filled my throat with cotton.

Walking forward in a warm and dull way, let your thoughts fly disorderly.

The horn of the car sounded, and a strong force came from her hand, which pulled her back at once.

"Be careful."

The man\'s low voice sounded, warm raised the apricot eyes with tears, and the tears couldn\'t help flowing down.

The fragile and sad look made Jiang Lingfeng\'s heart tug.

A trace of affection flashed in her eyes. Jiang Lingfeng raised his hand and lovingly wiped away her tears, "warm, don\'t cry."

Gentle words make the warm lacrimal glands more developed.

She quickly wiped her tears, sucked her nose and said, "look at me, really, a little hypocritical."

"It doesn\'t matter. In front of me, you can be the most real yourself."

Jiang Lingfeng half hugged her with a low and gentle voice.

Warm biting his lips, you can feel his burning eyes without raising your eyes.

A warm touch came from the cold skin. It was Jiang Lingfeng drying her tears little by little.

On the open street, men and women hugged each other, and the dim yellow street light pulled their shadows very long.

The tip of the nose is haunted by the man\'s pleasant cold fragrance, which is clearly cold but reassuring. The skin on the warm face becomes hot bit by bit.

The heart beat violently, as if to jump out of the chest.

She managed to calm the ripples in her heart and broke the ambiguous atmosphere with a voice.

"Well, my father owes him 500000. Can I pay you back slowly?"

I owe him another favor.

What did you say?

when there are too many debts , one stops worrying about them.

It seems that her skin is getting thicker and thicker now.

"Do you share with me again?"

Jiang Lingfeng raised her chin and asked her to look into her eyes, "warm, I remember I told you, mine is yours, yours is yours. Of course, if you really want to return it, then..."

Jiang Lingfeng was silent and slowly tilted his head.

A warm touch came from the red lips. He blinked warmly, controlling the thunder like heartbeat. His slender hand tightened his clothes and slowly closed his eyes.

Did he mean to offset 500000 with one of her kisses?

What a golden kiss!