Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 397

In the ward, Xia Ling poured a glass of water for warmth and said excitedly, "warm, you hear it, your voice can be cured."

Warm for the first time, show a sincere smile and nod hard.

She doesn\'t want to be mute.

As long as you can speak, even if it\'s a little ugly.

Xia Ling was excited and chatted with warm.

At this time, the door of the ward was pushed open and the two brothers of the Jiang family came in.

Seeing their arrival, Xia Ling hurriedly told them the good news.

"President Jiang, brother Ling, the doctor just said that there is hope that the warm voice will be cured."

"That\'s good."

Jiang Lingyun breathed a sigh of relief and looked deeply at Xia Ling. She wanted to talk and stopped.

Jiang Lingfeng on one side is unsmiling, and his burly figure is full of awe inspiring Xiaosha breath.

"Brother Ling, President Jiang, you..."

Xia Ling felt a little strange and looked at the two brothers of the Jiang family in some doubt.

"Lingling, my brother found the killer who poisoned the warmth."

Jiang Lingyun looked at Xia Ling and said the key point.

"Really? Who is he? Where is he?"

Xia Ling was surprised and happy, and hurriedly asked.

Jiang Lingyun takes a look at Jiang Lingfeng. Jiang Lingfeng takes out a recording pen from his pocket.

The man and the woman heard the sound of the button.

"President Jiang, give us a break. It has nothing to do with Lina. It\'s what my boss Cheng Rongjiu told me to do. Lina and I don\'t know anything. I only know that the boss said that warmth is bad for others."

Listening to the recording, Xia Ling looked puzzled at Jiang Lingfeng.

Jiang Lingfeng said, "the person talking is Gu Ke. My people found out that he recently bought some drugs on the black market and finally gave them to his girlfriend Wang Lina. Wang Lina is the wine girl in the zero bar. She put the drugs in the warm cup."

Thanks to Lin Ke\'er.

It was she who entrusted his misguided friends to find out these clues.

Knowing the weakness of these people, he directly tied Wang Ke\'s relatives and girlfriend and let him tell the truth.

Cheng Rongjiu!

For a long time, their well water doesn\'t invade the river. It seems that it\'s time to tear their face.

"Why? Why did they do that? Did Cheng Rongjiu and Nuan have any deep hatred?"

Xia Ling was angry and confused. His eyes swept to warm. "Warm, do you know Cheng Rongjiu?"

The warm face was dazed and shook his head.

She really didn\'t know why he had poisoned her.

"Warm won\'t know Cheng Rongjiu, but she knows Ji Linhan."

Jiang Lingfeng said, "Cheng Rongjiu is a man on the road. Ji Linhan calls him brother. He is very precious to Ji Linhan."

In a word, let Xia Ling look at each other with warmth, and the confused eyes slowly become suddenly aware.

"President Jiang, you mean Ji Linhan has to deal with warmth? So Cheng Rongjiu helped her?"

The man said that warmth is bad for others, and the person who deals with warmth is Ji Linhan.

The only time warmth broke jilinhan\'s good thing was at the party.

Therefore, warmth is affected by her this time!

Xia Ling\'s pupils suddenly shrunk and his hands unconsciously clenched their fists.

"Ji Linhan, why doesn\'t she come to me when she has something? Why does she have to deal with wennuan!"

Damn it!

This woman is so hateful!

Just because warmth stopped her evil deeds, she hurt people!

Xia Ling trembled with anger, grabbed the recorder and walked out of the ward quickly.

No, she\'s going to ask Ji Linhan to understand!