Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1508


Jiang Lingyun wants to catch up with Wen ruoqing.

Then his cell phone rang.

He paused slightly and looked back at his mobile phone. When he looked back, Wen ruoqing had gone out of the sick room, and the white shadow outside flashed by.

Jiang Lingyun looked at it, sighed helplessly, turned to the hospital bed, picked up his mobile phone and looked.

It\'s Wang xiner.

Inexplicably upset.

Because of her relationship, there is always a door between him and Wen ruoqing.

He finally pushed the door open and went in, but he was closed again.


Outside the door, Wen ruoqing bowed his head and walked along, some absent-minded.

In front, a medical staff hurried to push the mobile bike. Dabai pulled Wen ruoqing, who was walking stuffy forward, to the side, and bent his fingers to bounce on her forehead.

"What are you thinking? Your soul will be lost!"

There was a burst of pain on his forehead. Wen ruoqing let out a cry, covered his forehead and looked at Da Bai with a sad face.

"It hurts, Dawei. You hate it."

Big white sniffed, "what are you thinking? Is it Jiang Lingyun\'s bastard?"


Wen ruoqing\'s Apricot eyes glittered, looked at Dabai and said, "Dabai, I want you to check something."

"What\'s up?"

"Last night, Wang xiner said she was given something by some gangsters. I think it\'s very suspicious. Go and check whether what she said is true."

That white lotus bitch, she\'s worried that she won\'t have a chance to expose her true face.

Whether she and Jiang Lingyun have a future or not, she doesn\'t want a woman like Wang xiner to succeed.

Big white frowned, some unwilling.

But at the thought that the woman had framed Xiao Hei, she nodded.

"OK, I\'ll do it now."

Wen ruoqing patted him on the shoulder and they left the hospital.

Over there, Jiang Lingyun went to Wang xiner\'s ward.

Wang xiner in the ward was lying on the bed, feeling proud and uneasy.

She\'s proud of her skill.

Because she asked her assistant to help her contact the reporter early and photographed the scene of her and Jiang Lingyun in the hospital until it was exposed on the whole network.

She doesn\'t believe it. When Wen ruoqing sees this news, he will continue to be with Jiang Lingyun as if nothing had happened.

But Jiang Lingyun\'s face was ugly after seeing the news in the morning.

He left the door without saying a word. You don\'t have to guess. He must have gone to find Wen ruoqing.

What will happen?

Will Wen ruoqing ignore her existence?

The door of the ward was pushed open when I was thinking about it.

Knowing that Jiang Lingyun must have come back, Wang xiner quickly pretended to be miserable.

She got up and looked at Jiang Lingyun, with a look of tears on her face.

"Brother Jiang, where have you been? I thought you wouldn\'t come back."

Hearing the speech, Jiang Lingyun didn\'t get close to her, but said, "Xin\'er, I have a cold, so I won\'t get close to you, so that you won\'t be infected by me. I hired a nurse for you. If you have something, you can call a nurse."

His head still hurts a little. I think he was caught in the rain yesterday. He\'s really going to catch a cold.

"Brother Jiang, what happened to your face?"

Seeing that Jiang Lingyun\'s face was hurt, Wang xiner hurried out of bed and ran over.

"I\'m fine, Xin\'er. You have a good rest. I\'ll go out."

He still has something to tell Wen ruoqing. Now he just wants to catch up with Shang ruoqing quickly.

Hearing the speech, Wang xiner\'s tears fell down.

"Brother Jiang, do you dislike me? I know. I\'m dirty. I know it. Go away and don\'t have to see me again."