Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1186

Anna\'s words made Jiang Lingfeng thoughtful.

This is how it happened?

This woman also has a plan.

"Since you heard their conversation, why don\'t you send someone to save my wife?"

She almost died in the sea.

If she hadn\'t been saved by Xia Ling, he might be separated from her now.

At the thought of all this, Eric is also an accomplice, and Jiang Lingfeng\'s whole body is full of hostility.

"I\'m really sorry. My ability is also limited. After I sent someone to save Luo Yi, Eric almost found out. In order not to scare the snake and destroy the relationship between me and Eric, so..."

Anna shrugged and said sorry.

Warmth is not related to herself. She doesn\'t need to expose herself in order to save people\'s home.

Jiang Lingfeng obviously understood this truth, but his face was still cold.

Seeing this, Anna said, "President Jiang, I swear in the name of my grandfather that as long as you are willing to give Eric to me, if you have something to do in the future, our Xinte family will help you with all their strength."

She doesn\'t want Eric caught.

But if Eric is still fooling around with Ann Xueyan, he will definitely have an accident in the future.

She knows exactly what he is doing now.

Want to use Jiang Lingfeng\'s company to go the bright way?

Then you have to see what kind of talent Jiang Lingfeng is!

Jiang Lingfeng is calm and wise. Can he control it?

This bad idea must have come from an Xueyan.

She\'s trying to kill Eric!

This time, she must hide from Eric and let Jiang Lingfeng send an Xueyan to prison!

Hearing Anna\'s words, Jiang Lingfeng was silent for a moment.

Then in Anna\'s anxious eyes, she finally nodded, "OK, I can promise you not to hand Eric over to the domestic police, but you have to do something for me."

"What\'s up? As long as you let Eric go, I can do anything for you."

Anna looked happy and asked quickly.

Jiang Ling Feng moved his lips, "help me bring someone out."

Originally, he had to take some trouble to save LV Zhixuan\'s sister.

I didn\'t expect Anna to jump out suddenly.

With her help, I believe things will get twice the result with half the effort.

Jiang Lingfeng told Anna what happened. "Miss Anna, do you need me to find someone to cooperate with you?"

"After all, it\'s not a small thing, Eric. It\'s my fiancee. It\'s not a problem."

Anna got up with a smile and shook hands with him. "President Jiang, that\'s a deal. When I bring people out, you should have an Xueyan arrested in prison."

"OK, it\'s a deal."

Jiang Lingfeng shook hands with her and asked, "where is the witness?"


Anna beckoned her entourage to bring them out.

Jiang Lingfeng looks back and sees the witness Luo Yi.

A man in his thirties, wearing a pair of black framed glasses, looks gentle.

Seeing Jiang Lingfeng, he hung his head slightly and looked dejected.

"Did you take the video?" Jiang Lingfeng came to Luo Yi and asked.

"Yes, I took it." Luo nodded with a decadent look on his face.

"Tell me what happened." Jiang Lingfeng stared at Luo Yi and opened his thin lips.


Luo Yi said, "I\'m a reporter. I happened to pass by there that day and saw an Xueyan and Jiang Nan talking in a coffee shop. With my keen sense of being a reporter for many years, I intuitively thought they had a problem, because the place was remote and an Xueyan was still armed. Therefore, I watched them in the dark as soon as I got up."