Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1183

Warm sitting beside Jiang Lingfeng, he was curious when he saw his cold face and the faint light beating in his sharp eyes.

She looked over her head and asked, "Lingfeng, what\'s the matter?"

There is no secret between them. Jiang Lingfeng\'s mobile phone doesn\'t set a password for her.

So Jiang Lingfeng will let her know anything.

Just now she glanced inadvertently, as if someone had sent a small video.

In the end what is it?

"Oh! Nuanuan, the incident that you killed Jiang Nan by driving can finally correct your name and help you clear away your grievances."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s voice fluctuated, swept over his warm shoulder and replayed the video in his mobile phone.

Warm one Zheng, the heart immediately tossed countless emotions.

The sad memories poured in, making her can\'t wait to watch the video.

Can you correct her name?

What on earth can correct her name?

The scene in the video is on an empty road.

Two men hid behind the bushes.

Under the dim yellow light, the picture is particularly silent.

At this time, a car came not far away with its lights flashing. When the car was about to reach the bushes, the people behind the bushes suddenly shot.

One of them pushed the other out.

Without waiting for the car to brake, the man was hit and flew out, rolled for several circles, and lay on the ground silently.

His warm hands covered his mouth and stared at the video in disbelief.

She is familiar with the scene.

This scene is the scene when she was framed by Xu Jiaojiao and slept in the same bed with Du Siqing. She left the hotel and received a mysterious message. Then she drove to the appointment and suddenly hit Jiang Nan.

But it turned out that it was not the person she hit, but someone deliberately pushed Jiang Nan out.

The woman who pushed Jiang Nan out is

"An Xueyan, did an Xueyan push Jiang Nan out?"

Warm looking at the face of the woman in the video, seeing an Xueyan\'s familiar face, he was immediately excited.

Tears suddenly spilled over the eyes, which was the excitement when the truth came out.

She has been brooding about it for so long.

She killed Jiang Nan with a life on her back. It\'s impossible to say she\'s not ashamed.

Now, the truth has finally come out.

She really has mixed feelings.

"Well, warm, take it easy. Leave everything to me."

Jiang Lingfeng held her warm shoulder and took out a paper towel to gently wipe away her tears.

Warm sucked his nose, took Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand and looked eager, "Lingfeng, what should I do now? Can we give this video to the police to return my innocence?"

Ann Xueyan did everything.

She wants the police to arrest an Xueyan!

"Don\'t worry, this is material evidence. If there is evidence, it will be more convincing."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s face was calm and calm, and a pair of sharp eyes stared at the mobile phone interface. "This number now sends this video. There should be other purposes. Let\'s wait."

Sure enough, the mobile phone beeped and another message came.

Jiang Lingfeng opened the message and looked at it with a warm probe. It said: "President Jiang, is this video still satisfactory to you?"

A question can\'t tell the real intention of the other party.

Jiang Lingfeng squinted, wrote down the number and dialed directly.

The warmth on one side pursed her red lips, stared at Jiang Lingfeng for a moment, slightly approached his side, and wanted to hear the voice on the phone.