Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1173

"President Jiang, I\'m sorry. I really don\'t know how there are hallucinogens in my dessert. I..."

In the car, Fu manyun blamed himself on his face and his eyes were red.

"Don\'t blame yourself, Xiaoman. We all believe in you. It seems that someone is playing tricks behind your back."

Warm quickly took Fu manyun\'s hand and comforted him.

"Yes, let\'s go back to the company and investigate slowly."

Jiang Lingfeng started the car and his eyes were cold.

Fu manyun raised his hand and wiped the corners of his eyes. "Who is behind the scenes? Why do you put hallucinogens in afternoon tea? What\'s the purpose of doing this?"

It\'s really strange.

Their company hasn\'t eaten her dessert for a day or two.

I\'ve never had an accident before. How can I suddenly

"Although I don\'t know who is behind it, the purpose of the people behind it should be to stink our company."

Warm took out his mobile phone, with a tight face, "you see, the hot search has come out, and the video of the police coming to our Fengyun media has been uploaded. Now the melon eating people are talking about it, and some people have speculated that our artists are smoking contraband."

The man behind moves fast enough.

As soon as the police brought people into the police station, they had sent out the news.

It can be seen that the people behind have been prepared.

"So, are the people behind us our competitors?"

Fu manyun frowned and walked along the warm train of thought.

"It\'s possible."

Nodded warmly, "Xiaoman, has Fengyun media made enemies with other entertainment companies recently?"

"No. our company has always been steady. Although it is a competitor with other entertainment companies, it is basically benign competition. I really can\'t guess which company will give us this kind of shady trick."

Fu manyun shook his head and looked depressed. "What\'s more, how did the people behind put the hallucinogen into the afternoon tea?"

What happened was her dessert house. Even if it wasn\'t her fault, she felt remorse.

Who in the end is behind the Yin move ah!

"Secretary Fu, who are the new artists in the company recently?"

It was so cold that Jiang Lingfeng on the cab opened his mouth.

Fu manyun was slightly stunned and hurriedly replied, "three new artists have been recruited in the last month. They are promise, Li Weiyi and LV Zhixuan."

"Well, I see."

Jiang Lingfeng frowned coldly, took out his mobile phone and called his assistant, "give me a promise, the latest information of Li Yiyi and LV Zhixuan, which should be comprehensive."

Hearing Jiang Lingfeng\'s phone call, warm and Fu manyun looked at each other, and they all knew something.

"Ling Feng, do you suspect that the person behind is one of them?"

"I\'m not sure, but there\'s no harm in checking it thoroughly."

Before each artist entered the company, he would ask people to investigate their family background in detail.

Later, because the warmth disappeared, he let it go.

Now that the warmth is back, he also needs to raise his energy again and give his wife a stable working environment.

Fu manyun was thoughtful when he heard Jiang Lingfeng\'s words.

She hesitated to think of anything.

Finally, she pinched the handbag strap and said, "President Jiang, I\'m the Secretary of the general manager of Fengyun media, so I\'ve strictly controlled the artists who came in according to your previous requirements. Promise and Li\'s only information are the latest information, only LV Zhixuan..."

Before he finished, Jiang Lingfeng and warm both heard what Fu manyun wanted to express.

Only LV Zhixuan, because he was brought back by warmth, didn\'t let anyone strictly investigate him.

Therefore, the most likely problem is LV Zhixuan!