Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1158

Warmth finally sent Jiang Lingfeng away.

Touched the red and swollen cherry lips, her water eyes were affectionate, and her heart was as sweet as honey.

A smelly man will never stop until he takes advantage of her.

Next, she can finally do her own business quietly.

The knock on the door sounded, warm and refreshing, and he called in with his lips.

Fu manyun came in.

She looked around and winked at the warmth. "Hey, President Jiang is gone?"

Warm and pretty face flushed, stared at Fu manyun, and deliberately said, "Secretary Fu, are you too gossip during working hours?"

"Ha, is the landlady angry? Don\'t be angry. I swear to hold the landlady\'s thigh tightly."

"Fu Xiaoman!"


Fu manyun smiled happily, walked up to warm, smiled slightly, and handed her the document in his hand. "Back to business, the LV Zhixuan you said last night came to the company."

Hearing this, the warmth put away the idea of fighting, and the apricot eyes were bright.

"Well, here he is! Is this the contract to be signed with him? Great, let him in."


Fu manyun walked slowly to the door and motioned for the man waiting outside the door to come in.

Outside the door, LV Zhixuan was dressed in white casual clothes. He was handsome, tall and long legged. He looked very eye-catching.

He got up warm and walked towards him with a smile in his eyebrows and eyes.

"Here you are."

She was very satisfied with the artist she chose.

"Hello, madam."

"Don\'t call me that. Just call me warm."

I\'m not used to being warm. I\'m a young lady, smiling and saying.

LV Zhixuan didn\'t say a word, but his hands were clasped and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked.

"Come and have a look at this contract. If there is any dissatisfaction, we can discuss it again."

Warm handed the contract to LV Zhixuan and motioned him to read it.

LV Zhixuan took over the contract, sat on the sofa and turned page by page. Without a word, he took a pen directly and signed his name at the end of the last page of the contract.

The man\'s action was very neat, warm, blinked, and the corners of his mouth bent even more.

"Sign it now? You don\'t seem to have looked at the contract carefully."

This man is so refreshing!

It shouldn\'t take much effort to bring such artists.

"As I said, I\'m lucky to be liked by the landlady. I have nothing to be picky about."

The man\'s voice was very magnetic. He handed the contract to warm and looked very calm.

"Aha, OK, OK, don\'t worry, Fengyun media is a promising film and television company, and we will not treat you badly."

Warm took the contract and handed it to Fu manyun standing aside.

"Xiaoman, I\'ll leave it to you to help Zhixuan arrange an agent and other things. As for me, I began to concentrate on writing poetry and music without listening to things outside the window."

"OK, no problem."

Fu manyun smiled, glanced at LV Zhixuan and motioned her to follow him.

"Then I\'ll go out first."

LV Zhixuan nodded slightly with warmth, ready to follow Fu manyun.

Fu manyun in front of him was wearing high heels. When he turned around, he suddenly turned his foot.


"Be careful."

LV Zhixuan was quick eyed and hurried to help her.

Fu manyun was startled, stood up straight and thanked him.

LV Zhixuan shook his head with the corners of his lips, glanced at her feet and said faintly, "your shoes seem to be broken."

Isn\'t it?

The root of her shoe is broken!