Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1156

Warm came to the lounge and saw the man changing clothes with his back to her.

The coat just took off, revealing his thin back.

Warm hissed, busy don\'t turn your head.

When the man heard the news, he looked sideways and hurriedly put on his coat.

"Who are you? Get out!"

The man\'s voice is magnetic, but it is cool. He squints warmly and sneaks a look. He finds that he has put on his clothes. Then he walks forward with a smile.

"Hello, I just heard you sing. It\'s very good! Are you interested in developing in the direction of singing?"

The young man is also good-looking and sings better. If such a man is brought into the singing world by him, he will become the sign of Fengyun media.

She is waiting to make words and music for him, and then be the hero behind the scenes and make a name for him.

The warm heart secretly rubbed and thought, but didn\'t think that the man was the flower of kaolin. He glanced at her, raised a touch of ridicule at the corners of his mouth, ignored her, and strode to the door.

"What\'s your name? Don\'t pay attention to me..."

"Are you bored? I have a girlfriend. This way of chatting up doesn\'t work for me."

The man interrupted the warm words, pushed her away and strode forward.

Warm: "

This person thinks she is a flower crazy girl!

"Hey, hey, I\'m not a boring woman. I don\'t like you! No, I like you. No, don\'t get me wrong..."

Warm and incoherent, hurried to follow up, but saw the man suddenly stop.

She didn\'t stop her steps and hit him on the back.


Warm touched the nose hurt by the collision, stepped back, looked through the probe, and saw someone standing in front of the man.

And this man

"Ling Feng, why are you here?"

With a warm smile, he walked quickly to him.

Jiang lingfengmu looked down at the warm smiling face and said, "what were you talking about just now? Who did you like? Huh?"

The ending of the low charm was full of dangerous breath, and he blinked warmly. Only then did he react. Just now he was in a hurry and blurted out his words.

Suddenly, I couldn\'t cry or laugh.

"No, Ling Feng, don\'t get me wrong, I am..."

"She said she had a crush on me."

Behind him came the man\'s divine mending knife.

Warm: "

This man, do you want to make trouble!

She had clearly felt that her men were going to eat people.

Wen turned back and stared at the man, "yes, I just like you. Your voice is very good, so I want to invite you to Fengyun media as a singer, but you don\'t give face!"

It\'s true that when she did this kind of recruitment for the first time, she met an ungrateful one.

This man, probably because he is handsome, is often accosted by women.

When Jiang Lingfeng heard the warm words, his breath was slightly restrained. He took her into his arms and whispered in her ear, "even for business, you can\'t say to any other man except me in the future, do you understand?"

Deliberately thin out the heat, with a trace of ambiguity.

As soon as the warm ears were hot, he quickly covered his hot ears, struggled to stand straight from his arms and stared at him coyly.

This man, can you stop flirting with yourself in front of others?

With a warm cough, he turned and looked at the man, "well, I\'m warm. I\'m really sincere to invite you into Fengyun media. Do you think you can think about it?"