Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1153

Warm sitting in the car, Jiang Lingfeng\'s hand clenched her right hand.

Although they were silent, the air was filled with warmth.

It was a relief after the misunderstanding was solved.

The car braked and stopped at the side of the road.

Warm side head, puzzled to look at Jiang Lingfeng, "why did you stop suddenly?"

Jiang Lingfeng didn\'t speak, but smiled with his lips. One hand held her right hand tightly, and the other hand reached into his coat pocket and took it out.

With a warm suspicious face, Jiang Lingfeng took out a velvet box from his pocket and his apricot eyes blinked.

This box looks familiar.


"Wife, we are husband and wife, so we have to wear our wedding ring!"

Jiang Lingfeng opened the velvet box, took out the wedding ring and put on the warm ring finger of his left hand.

It was as if she was afraid she wouldn\'t wear it.

Warm curved lips, looking at the shining diamond ring on his slender fingers, I sighed in my heart.

The ring is a symbol of identity.

It\'s proof of their eternal unity.

She won\'t take it off again.


He seems to have forgotten another thing.

She hasn\'t seen her mother-in-law since she came back.

She doesn\'t know whether her mother-in-law still refuses to accept her identity as the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family.

And her heart to her

"Wife, find a lucky day. Let\'s have the wedding."

The voice of Jiang Lingfeng interrupted the warm thoughts.

She looked up at him, touched his smiling sharp eyes, and her mood fluctuated slightly.

"Ling Feng, we need your family\'s consent to hold the wedding. Your family..."

"Wife, don\'t worry about anything. Just remember one thing. You are my wife and don\'t care about anyone\'s attitude, including... My family."

Jiang Lingfeng interrupted the warm words, held her shoulder with a little force, and her eyes were full of firm comfort.

He understood his wife\'s concerns.

It was he who didn\'t do well enough that she couldn\'t let go.

Find a chance, he will have a good talk with his mother.

He believed that everything would be all right.

"Well, I remember."

His man has been standing firmly on his side. She has no reason to listen to his arrangement, doesn\'t she?

Warm looking at Jiang Lingfeng, apricot eyes turned, "but I want to hold a wedding with ling\'er, can I?"


Jiang Lingfeng\'s sword eyebrows were slightly raised and stunned for a moment.

"Yes! We are good sisters, so we want to have a wedding together. Don\'t you want to?" Warm tooted his lips and asked.

"Nothing. I listen to my wife unconditionally."

"Really? Then I have to work, go to the wind, go to the media, and keep an eye on you."

"OK! I can\'t wait, my landlady!"


It\'s settled.

Warm returned to the villa, called Xia Ling for the first time and told her the news.

The two joked and proposed to get together with a group of friends in the evening.

Xia Ling readily agreed, and they discussed who to call together.

The night arrived as scheduled.

In a super VIP private room of zero bar, men and women gather together, which is a rare lively atmosphere.

The people who come here are close relatives and friends who are familiar with each other.

The men are Jiang brothers and Fu Yunting.

Women have warm and Xia Ling, a pair of good sisters, as well as Lin Ke\'er and Fu manyun.

Men drink and talk about business, while women gossip about preparations for the wedding.