Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1141

Hearing Du Siqing\'s words, the warm smile on the corners of his mouth was slightly restrained.

She knew that she owed dusqing.

He is sincere and kind. He is a great man.

I sincerely hope he can find his own happiness.

Holding Du Siqing to the outside, he said, "elder martial brother, you and Ke\'er are my best friends. I sincerely hope you can find your own partner."

Some words hurt people, but they have to be said in the end.

Dusqing understood the meaning of warmth and stepped slightly.

He looked at the warmth and wanted to say something.

But when I touched her bright and pure eyes, my heart finally sighed.

"Xiao Nuan, I see what you mean. I know I\'m a little late, but I want to ask you another question."

"What\'s the problem?" He inquired warmly.

Du Siqing looked at the woman\'s beautiful face and said silently, "I want to ask you, if there is no Jiang Lingfeng, do you have a little, even a little, in your heart, like me?"

I don\'t know why I want to ask such boring questions.

But he just wants to know.

Even a little, he was happy.

The man\'s eyes twinkle with starlight and some expectation.

Warm opened his mouth and didn\'t know what to say.

Does she like him?

If there was no Jiang Lingfeng, she would treat him

"Siqing, don\'t be amorous. Even without me, the person you like in your heart is not you."

Jiang Lingfeng\'s deep voice came from the entrance of the stairs.

Warm and refreshing, he saw the man take his pocket with one hand and walk down the stairs leisurely.

Even without him, the person she likes in her heart is not Du Siqing?

Inexplicably, she heard the murmur in the man\'s tone.

Whose vinegar is he eating?

Warm blinked, some clear under the heart, suddenly felt very funny.

Watching the man walk up to him and Du Siqing, he grabbed her shoulder, stared at her side face, looked at Du Siqing again, and opened his thin lips, "don\'t you know that I was secretly in love with my brother before wennuan, and I still became a regular from the spare tire."

From spare wheel to regular!

What a grievance!

Warm and unable to help laughing, apricot eyes stared at the man\'s solemn and handsome face, with a smile in his eyebrows.

Is someone complaining?

And then in this way, let other men retreat?

Du Siqing opposite heard Jiang Lingfeng\'s words, looked at the warm eyebrows with a smile, and pulled his fist slightly.

What Jiang Lingfeng means is that he doesn\'t even have the qualification of spare tire!

Also, he can feel the warmth, full of heart and eyes full of Jiang Lingfeng. He can\'t occupy a place in her heart at all.

It\'s impossible to say no.

Dusqing didn\'t speak. He just felt a little stuffy in his chest and wanted to go out for some air.

"I\'ll go outside for a walk."

"Elder martial brother."

I want to stay warm with the wind.

Thin lips whispered in her ear, "warm, let him calm down. Otherwise, do you still want to develop a spare tire?"

It was a sad tone again. With a wrinkle on his warm eyebrows, he raised his eyes to his dark eyes and twisted him on his arm unhappily.

"What nonsense?"

"Hiss, wife, pain, mercy."

"Again? I didn\'t try hard at all."

"Then why don\'t you use some force?"

"The skin is too thick to pinch."


Behind him came the flirting between men and women. Dusqing sighed in his heart and went to the gate and opened the door.

Just as he was about to step out, he saw a group of people rushing towards him.