Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1105

The next day.

It\'s rare to have a lazy sleep.

When she woke up, it was daybreak.

She blinked, looked at the golden sunshine coming in from the window, and sat up hurriedly.

God, did you oversleep?

Why didn\'t she wake her up?

I don\'t know if dusqing\'s breakfast has been eaten yet?

She slept with Lin Ke\'er last night.

They talked about some private things about the girl\'s family in the quilt, so they went to bed late.

The two fell asleep near the early morning.

Warm quickly opened the quilt and got out of bed.

But just got up and thought of Lin Ke\'er, she didn\'t hurry to get up.

It\'s time to give them two a chance to be alone!

The warmth bent the corners of his lips and walked slowly to the door.

Open the door. It\'s quiet outside.

Eh, neither of them is at home?

Warm looked for a circle, shrugged and ran to wash.

When she came out after brushing her teeth and washing her face, Lin Ke\'er and Du Siqing entered the door one after another.

"Xiao Nuan, are you awake?"

Dusqing saw warmth and smiled at her gently.

Warm eyes swept over them, smiled and nodded, "well, wake up! Where did you two just go? Did you go for a walk?"

"Yes! You can\'t get up for a long time. I can only go out with Siqing for a walk and get some fresh air."

Lin Ke\'er\'s Apricot eyes were bright and winked at warmth.

Warm and knowing smile.

Children can be taught!

Someone should do this. Find more opportunities to get along with the man you like.

"Xiao Nuan, have you had breakfast yet?"

Du Siqing\'s body was still recovering. He was a little tired after walking around and sat on the sofa.

"Just about to eat! You must have all eaten."

"Sure! Today I made your favorite fried dumplings."

Lin Ke\'er said, "come on, I\'ll get it for you. It tastes good when it\'s hot."

"I\'ll just come by myself, but I don\'t dare bother big singer Lin."

"Ha ha, someone, try making fun of me again?"


The two joked with each other and went to the kitchen.

Lin Ke\'er took out the prepared fried dumplings and opened the fire to put the ingredients into the pot.

Thinking of the cigarette butts on the ground when they walked under a tree when they were just walking with Du Siqing, they couldn\'t help blinking their apricot eyes.

"Warm, tell you something interesting."

That\'s where my boss stayed last night.

He must have lost the cigarette butts in that place.

My boss didn\'t stay there all night last night and become a wife stone all night!

"What\'s interesting?"

He asked curiously as he made himself a soup of cereals.

"Didn\'t I take out the garbage last night? I saw a man standing under a tree in the village behind us, staring at a room in a daze."

Lin Ke\'er began to make up his words, "I recognize that man is the man who brought his wife home not long ago. I think he came to pick her up. But his wife\'s anger hasn\'t disappeared, so I can only stand outside and silently be a wife stone."

"Today, when I was walking with Siqing, I also saw cigarette butts falling all over the ground at the bottom of the tree. I don\'t know whether the man stood all night. I\'m curious. If the wife was angry all the time, would the man stand outside and silently act as a wife stone until his wife and son\'s anger subsided? And would the wife look at her husband standing there every night Outside, she was indifferent? "

Isn\'t your boss like a stone looking at your wife?

Pitiful appearance, inexplicably let people sympathize and pity!

What if I can\'t hold my words in my heart?

I really want to tell someone that the wife stone in my mouth is President Jiang Da!