Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1097

"This is the end of the matter? Xu Bingkun finally calmed it down with power? Doesn\'t he Chao have another sister? Where is she now?"

Warm asked the question in his heart.

Xu Fei looked at her and said silently, "his sister he Moli is now beside Xu Bingkun and is his mistress."


Xu Jingxi exclaimed, looking incredible.

Warmth is also a frown, full of doubts.

His own sister was forced to death and his own brother was locked up in a mental hospital. How heartless and heartless is this girl to be Xu Bingkun\'s mistress under such circumstances?

But it could also be

"Don\'t be surprised. She did it for a reason."

Xu Fei looked at them and said.

"Why? What\'s the reason? Don\'t tell me. She deliberately went to be Xu Bingkun\'s mistress, and then waited for an opportunity to revenge him and avenge her brother and sister?"

Xu Jingxi spit out a sentence quickly, warm apricot eyes, and his heart thinks so.

Both of them looked at Xu Fei to see how he explained.

Xu Fei nodded. "Yes, she really planned so."

The speculation in his heart was confirmed. Xu Jingxi and warm looked at each other with a complex face.

A civilian born girl, who wants to get justice for her relatives, doesn\'t hesitate to serve others with sex.

I admire, sympathize and sympathize with Xu Bingkun, and I hate him even more.

"It\'s too much. I can\'t wait to let go of my blood and change it again."

Xu Jingxi\'s angry face was not ashamed of her father who was inferior to such animals.

Warm patted her hand, "don\'t be angry, no one can choose their own birth."

Just like her, she doesn\'t want to admit that she is Qin Fen\'s daughter.

However, birth cannot be chosen, but how to be a man can be decided by yourself.

Xu Jingxi breathed out and looked at Xu Fei. "So, what are you going to do next? How do you make Xu Bingkun pay the price?"

Xu Fei paused. "Both private and official affairs are under control."

"How can we do it both ways? Xu Fei, don\'t be coy?"

Xu Jingxi couldn\'t do it curiously and was anxious to ask.

Xu Fei hooked his lips. "Private affairs are the problem of Xu Bingkun\'s style. He is very open. Every time he plays with a woman, he likes to take intimate photos of each other as a souvenir, and threaten those women with these photos, so that they are willing to stay with him as his mistress, or when he is tired of playing, use those women to do power and sex trading."

"He Molly has collected all the videos of him playing with women, saved them, secretly reached an agreement with several girls, obtained several evidences of his power and sex trade, and was ready to wait for the opportunity to uncover his ugly face."

In a word, Xu Jingxi and warm looked at each other and nodded.

The reason why Xu\'s enterprise develops so fast is closely related to Xu Bingkun\'s good management.

Xu Changfei has a good relationship with them in all aspects, but he doesn\'t know how to do it well.

Therefore, he Molly must have spent a lot of effort to find these evidences in order to avenge her poor sister.

It\'s not easy.

Warm thought, "but Xu Bingkun\'s power can\'t be underestimated. We should think of another possibility, that is, although he Moli has come up with these evidences, he may also use his power to turn the world around."

After all, Xu Bingkun is not an ordinary person. No one can guarantee that he will fall because of it.

"Therefore, we must let his power disintegrate, so that he can no longer be domineering."

Xu Fei looked at the warmth and said that his boss was planning strategies.

The object of Mrs. Shao\'s revenge, he had already made an investigation, silently supported her behind her and built a wall for her.

I hope Mrs. Shao can find out who is helping her behind her back!