Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1058

Warm went to the medicine shop in the town and caught two pills for Du Siqing.

Although his wound has healed, his body is still very weak and needs long-term conditioning.

Thinking of the lack of ingredients at home, warm decided to go to the vegetable market.

In the alley not far away, the woman tore off her strange clothes, and her face with heavy makeup was full of anger.

"What a nuisance! When will these days come to an end!"

"Jiao Jiao, don\'t get excited. When the wind is over, we will be able to play the big lady right away."

"The wind has passed? When can the wind pass? It\'s all because of the warm little bitch. I\'m so angry."

Women\'s thick eyebrows wrinkled together. It was none other than Xu Jiaojiao, a warm half sister.

She took the assistant\'s makeup remover with an irritable face and wiped the heavy makeup on her face.

A few months ago, she was inexplicably hacked and raped online. Since then, she has no future in the entertainment industry.

After a detailed investigation, I found out that Jiang Lingfeng was behind her.

He\'s venting for warmth!

Hateful warmth, what is she?

Because of her, she can only act in some fantasy films now, and her role is also a negative role.

She\'s so angry!

However, warm actually died in a car accident!

What a surprise and a joy!

Xu Jiaojiao smiled coldly and glanced carelessly, but her eyes widened when she saw a woman not far away.

Who did she see?


Isn\'t she dead?

Why are you still alive?

Xu Jiaojiao blinked and rubbed her eyes hard. When she was sure that the man was warm, she quickly pulled her assistant aside.

Warm, she\'s not dead yet?


Then let her live rather than die!

Xu Jiaojiao\'s eyes flashed a trace of venom. She pulled her assistant and followed her ear.

Over there, warm walked quickly towards the vegetable market with a traditional Chinese medicine bag.

After the corner, I was about to move forward, but I was stopped by someone.

Warm eyes, when I saw Xu Jiaojiao\'s face, I couldn\'t help but wring my eyebrows.

I didn\'t see the Yellow calendar when I went out today. Why did I meet her?

Warmth didn\'t want to be wordy with Xu Jiaojiao, but just lowered her eyes slightly and moved to the side.

But she didn\'t want to move to which side, Xu Jiaojiao also moved to which side.

The warm eyebrows tightened more. "Xu Jiaojiao, please get out of the way."

"Oh, it\'s really you? Warm, aren\'t you dead? I thought I recognized the wrong person."

"Well, I pretended to be a corpse and specially found someone who didn\'t agree with me. Aren\'t you afraid?"

He raised his eyebrows warmly, looked at Xu Jiaojiao coldly, and deliberately blew a breath at her.


When Xu Jiaojiao choked, it happened that a cool wind blew on her exposed skin, making her goose bumps.

His face changed for a while, so speechless that he could only stare at the warmth with white lips.

Looking at Xu Jiaojiao\'s timid appearance, she couldn\'t help laughing.

"Xu Jiaojiao, I\'ve done too many things. Be careful what?"

Be careful to go out and meet ghosts!

Xu Jiaojiao glared bitterly over the warmth she was ready to leave and winked at the people behind her.

Holding a brick in his hand, the assistant smashed it into the back of her head while it was warm.

Warmth didn\'t expect a sneak attack behind. I just felt a pain in the back of my head and a darkness in front of me.

Staggering and turning around, she saw Xu Jiaojiao holding her chest with both hands and looking at her proudly.

She was calculated!