Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1056

early morning.

The blue mist shrouds the earth, and the remote villa is quiet and hazy.

The door of a two-story building was opened, and a thin figure of a woman came out of the house and cleaned the dust in front of the door.

The sparse light and shadow tried to shine through the clouds to illuminate the earth. The woman faced the breeze and her beautiful face was graceful and gentle.

She is no one else, it is the warmth that Jiang Lingfeng has been missing for a long time.

After warm cleaning the dust in front of the door, lift your eyes to the front and stand quietly.

A new day has come.

How time flies! Has she been here for four months?

Thinking of what happened four months ago, the corners of her mouth pulled and sighed slightly.

This is Kelin\'s hometown.

She has lived here for four months.

At the beginning, her child was gone, and the scandal between an Xueyan and Jiang Lingfeng was overwhelming. She was at the extreme of disappointment and was taken away by Du Siqing.

But I didn\'t want to. There was a car accident on the road.

The van made it clear that it hit them on purpose.

She thought she would die on the cliff. In a critical moment, Du Siqing jumped out of the car with her.



A man\'s slight cough came from the room.

Warm and refreshed, he hurried into the room and opened a door of the room.

"Elder martial brother, are you awake?"

The man on the bed looked pale, but his face was still handsome and gentle.

"Small warm."

Dusqing smiled at the warmth and was ready to sit up.

Warm hurried over and put a pillow behind him.

"Do you feel better today?"

"I\'m fine."

Du Siqing smiled mildly. "Can\'t I take care of you all the time? Don\'t you realize that I\'ve gained weight?"

"What\'s the matter?"

Warm tucked in his quilt. "Look at your face, there\'s still no blood color. I still have to cook pig liver soup for you today."

"No! Give me a break! Xiao Nuan, you know, what I hate most is pig liver."

"No, since I\'m taking care of you, you have to listen to me and drink if you don\'t like it."

"OK, OK, can\'t I listen to you?"


Warm talked and laughed with Du Siqing, then helped him out of bed and asked him to wash.

Looking at the figure of the man entering the washing room, the smile on his warm face was slightly restrained, and a trace of guilt flashed in his apricot eyes.

Dusqing suffered a heavy internal injury.

At that time, he jumped out of the car with her. It happened that they were blocked by a towering tree, so they didn\'t fall directly off the cliff.

Unfortunately, when they fell onto the tree, dusqing was penetrated by branches from his back into his lungs.

At that time, Du Siqing\'s lipstick, blood and pain on his face, but he still hugged himself and didn\'t let go. It\'s warm and still haunting and distressing.

If it weren\'t for dusqing, she might have died.

And he

Although he was injured, luckily he survived!

She went to the kitchen with her red lips, filled a bowl of porridge and took out several boxes of exquisite snacks.

Everything here is arranged by Lin Ke\'er.

Fortunately, before the car fell off the cliff, Lin Ke\'er called her and asked about them, so he learned where they were at that time.

Therefore, after the car fell off the cliff, she sent someone to quickly find them and send them to hospital in time.

She\'s no big deal, just some skin injuries.

But Du Siqing was seriously injured.

Fortunately, after rescue, he was out of danger.

But the doctor said that his singing would be affected in the future.

She was really guilty at that time.

He has just become famous as a singer, but because of her, he can no longer sing as loudly as before.

She would rather hurt herself.

When Du Siqing woke up, the first question was whether she had anything to do with her. The warm heart was even more guilty.

Du Siqing is really good to her, but her heart is

A deep and picturesque face flashed in my mind. It was warm and sour in my heart. I lowered my eyes slightly and put the breakfast in my hand on the table.