Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1044

The rescuers appeared after Cheng Rongjiu solved the two bandits, and stormed with the rest of the bandits.

Soon, the bandits stopped and were all caught.

Fu Yunting was greatly relieved and hugged Xia Ling in his arms.

Jiang Lingyun broke away from Fu Yunting\'s hand and ran desperately in the direction of Wen ruoqing.

"If the situation, you all right."

Wen ruoqing held the child in his hand, looked at Jiang Lingyun and smiled, "it\'s okay, we\'re all okay."

That smile is a little different from usual.

Inexplicably makes people feel like a formulaic smile.

Although Jiang Lingyun felt strange, he didn\'t think deeply.

Because at this moment, as long as everyone is safe.

"It\'s all right."

There\'s nothing important except

All the people gathered together and their eyes rested on Gu Luoluo, who was held by Fu Xichen.

At this time, Fu Xichen picked up Gu Luoluo and ran forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

Gu Luoluo felt a little cold and felt that the heat in his body was slowly passing away.

She raised her hand and slowly touched Fu Xichen\'s face. "Fu Xichen, have you shed tears? Are these tears for me?"

"Yes! Dead woman, are you satisfied now? Are you very proud to see that I\'m worried about you and worried about you?"

Fu Xichen stared fiercely at Gu Luoluo and strode forward.

Gu Luoluo grinned and felt that the figures in front of him were shaking and overlapping.

"Well, I\'m very satisfied. I have no regrets to see you like this."

"Bah! Gu Luoluo, try another dead word?"

Fu Xichen held the man tightly with a little force in his hands.

"OK, I won\'t say, but, Fu Xichen, I\'m really dying. Can I ask you a question before I die?"

A violent cough, guluoluo\'s mouth gushed blood.

"Shut up and talk nonsense again. Be careful I leave you alone!"

Fu Xichen\'s eyes were full of scarlet and stopped to wipe the blood off her mouth.

Gu Luoluo smiled. His bright eyes barely held a glimmer of light. "Fu Xichen, I want to ask you, have you ever loved me?"

Have you ever loved her?

Fu Xichen hung his eyes and coagulated the woman\'s smiling face, with countless emotions floating in his black eyes.

At this time, a cry suddenly sounded behind him, "be careful."

Then there was another bang. They were shocked and looked back. Cheng Rongjiu was pale. He had knelt down on one leg, and the child was tightly held in his arms.


Fu Xichen was stunned and stared at the man who vomited blood. Only then did he find that the bandit killed by Cheng Rongjiu was holding his last breath and the gun he was holding had just been put down.

Two familiar people fell before his eyes, and Fu Xichen almost collapsed.

He stumbled, hugged Gu Luoluo in his arms and walked to Cheng Rongjiu.

The child was crying. Cheng Rongjiu couldn\'t support himself and wanted to fall to the ground.

Fu Yunting quickly took the child into his arms and looked at Cheng Rongjiu with a complicated look.

He was right next to him just now.

Cheng Rongjiu was shot because he looked back and shouted when he saw the bandit raising his gun.

He didn\'t avoid it because Fu Xichen was in front of him.

If he avoids, Fu Xichen will be shot.

It has to be said that Cheng Rongjiu is a man who values love and righteousness to some extent.

Unfortunately, the road is wild.

His hands were stained with blood, and he was destined to live a restless life.