Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1042

Xia Ling stared at Fu Yunting as soon as he jumped out.

Why did he suddenly run out alone?

Isn\'t this going to die?

"Lingling, let\'s go."

Jiang Lingyun\'s voice sounded in her ear. Xia Ling suddenly understood what Fu Yunting was doing.

may not!

How could she leave him alone?

Xia Ling tried hard to earn Kaijiang Lingyun and ran in the direction of Fu Yunting regardless of everything.

She\'s his wife. She\'s going to die together!

"Lingling, come back!"

Jiang Lingyun\'s pupils suddenly shrunk and hurried out.

"Ling Yun."

Wen ruoqing hurriedly called Jiang Lingyun, but he ran to Xia Ling without looking back.

The banging sound sounded unbridled, like beating on her heart.

Again and again, I don\'t know what it\'s like.

You can best see the essence of a person when it is most dangerous.

So in essence, the proportion of her and Xia Ling in Jiang Lingyun\'s heart is clear at a glance.

"Don\'t worry, auntie. It\'ll be all right. If you like, take Auntie with us first."

Jiang Lingfeng quickly jumps to Wen ruoqing\'s side, comforts LAN Mei with an anxious face, and signals Wen ruoqing to go with him.

Wen ruoqing returned to his senses. He gave a sound and didn\'t say much. He just depressed his inner emotions and helped Lanmei keep up with Jiang Lingfeng.

On the other side, Fu Yunting heard footsteps behind him, and then found that Xia Ling and Jiang Lingyun followed.

Suddenly his face sank and pulled Xia Ling into the tall bush, "Lingling, what are you doing with me?"

"You are my husband. Who am I not with you?"

Xia Ling gasped heavily and looked at Fu Yunting with bright apricot eyes.

"You... Why are you so stupid? Don\'t you know it\'s dangerous here?"

Fu Yunting hugged Xia Ling and deeply kissed her hair.

"No matter how dangerous it is, I don\'t want to separate from you."


"Well, I\'m your little fool."


Listening to their tender words, Jiang Lingyun hooked his lips.

Glancing to the side, Wen ruoqing met several people with LAN Mei.

Several people ran forward quickly and were about to get out of the bushes.

With a few more steps, they can run to the village.

However, the banging sound sounded again and started a fire in the direction of several people.

The bandits are not stupid people. They divide their troops in several ways and look for their footprints.

"If love!"

Jiang Lingyun looks at Wen ruoqing and suddenly stumbles at his feet. He almost falls down and his heart shrinks suddenly.


Is she hurt?

He has to go!

Jiang Lingyun wanted to run there, but there was a bang on his head.

"Jiang Lingyun, don\'t run around."

Fu Yunting grabbed him with cold eyes.

"Let go, I want to go to ruoqing."

"We\'re too far away from them. You\'re going to die if you run out like this! Don\'t get excited. Wait first, find a gap and then run over. You don\'t want to be shot into a sieve without running to Wen ruoqing!"

Fu Yunting grabbed Jiang Lingyun tightly to prevent him from running out impulsively.

Jiang Lingyun clenched his fist and stared at Wen ruoqing\'s direction for a moment. He didn\'t act rashly in the end.

Over there, Jiang Lingfeng was so anxious that he saw several people coming out of the bushes. There was no support around.

The bullets strafed wantonly, and each shot seemed to hit the tip of his heart.

At this time, two men in black rushed out, with weapons in their hands and staring at them ferociously.

Jiang Lingfeng\'s forehead jumped abruptly, and his eyebrows were full of dignity.

Broken, caught up.