Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1036

"Stop it, Shaxi. I have one more thing to ask you."

Seeing that the sharp knife in Xia Xi\'s hand was going to poke into Xia Ling\'s heart, Wen ruoqing\'s pupils shrank and hurried out of his voice.

Xia Xi\'s hand movement was a meal. Looking back at Xiang wenruoqing, the end of his eyes still had crazy blood, "you have something to ask me? What\'s the matter?"

Wen ruoqing\'s Apricot eyes glanced at the high wall not far away, reluctantly sank down, looked at Xia Xi and said, "Xia Xi, I ask you, is sister warm\'s car accident related to you?"

At that time, Du Siqing left Haicheng with warmth, but he didn\'t want to have a car accident on the way.

After her investigation, she found that all the clues pointed to Shaxi.

Before she further investigated and collected evidence, Xia Xi pointed the spear at Xia Ling.

At this time, she can only preempt others. First, to verify this matter, and second Delay time and prepare people outside to save people.

"Yes! Warm car accident is that I bought the big truck driver and promised him a lot of money to crash the warm car off the cliff."

Xia Xi didn\'t deny it and looked at Wen ruoqing without scruples.

"Why? Sister warm has no grudge against you. Why did you do this?"

Wen ruoqing glared at Xia Xi with anger on his face.

"Why? Of course it\'s because she broke my good thing!"

Xia Xi sneered and glanced at Xia Ling. "If your good sister hadn\'t found your trace and told Fu Yunting, I would still live in Fu Yunting\'s house against your face. If it weren\'t for her, my secret wouldn\'t be revealed and I would be the real Mrs. Fu. It\'s all because of her bitch that my plan fell short of success! If she didn\'t die, it\'s hard to dispel my hatred!"

The woman\'s face was distorted, which surprised Xia Ling.

"What are you talking about? Shaxi, you\'re not human! It\'s all your fault. How can you attribute the fault to others?"

Is it warm to death?

Is her good sister warm to death?

Is it because of her?

Warm, sorry!

Xia Ling\'s eyes burst into crystal tears and fell down her face bit by bit.

Seeing this, Xia Xi laughed, "Xia Ling, you are a disaster star. Whoever gets close to you will have bad luck! Why, you blame yourself? Well, I\'ll be a good man and let you go directly to the hell palace to reunite with your good sisters!"

Xia Xi\'s eyes twinkled with madness. He raised his sharp knife and was about to stab Xia Ling in the chest.

The afterglow of the setting sun poured down through the branches, with mottled golden halo.

Suhe\'s face was tense and he was always paying attention to the situation around him.

Her reason still exists. She just wants to find a chance to leave with Xiaxi.

However, when her eyes acutely swept to a dark circle, she suddenly widened her eyes.

There\'s a sniper!

"Xiao Xi, be careful!"

Without time to think deeply, Su he rushed towards Xia Xi recklessly.

Chirp, the sound is silenced.

Xia Xi was thrown to the ground by Su He, frowned and looked at Su He, his eyes widened, and a look of pain slowly appeared on his face.

"Mom, why did you push me away?"

It\'s just that Xia Ling is dying.

"Xiao Xi, let\'s go. They\'re not easy to mess with."

Su he gasped heavily, touched his chest and touched the blood of one hand.

Xia Xi\'s eyes moved down, and she found that Su he\'s chest was full of blood. She was shocked, "Mom, what\'s the matter with you!"

Su he\'s face turned white quickly. She tried to raise her hand and caress Xia Xi, "Xiao Xi, you must protect yourself and don\'t be too impulsive when your mother isn\'t around in the future. Xiao Xi, my mother loves you forever."

With a puff, Su he vomited a mouthful of blood, turned his eyes, twitched and slowly closed his eyes.