Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1029

The words made Suhe\'s face change greatly.

This frank is an old fox.

The superior is the most suspicious and taboo to be betrayed by the people around him.

Whether she is Frank\'s person or not, as long as he reveals something and deliberately transmits this to the top leader, she will lose the trust of the top leader even if she doesn\'t die.

This man, this anti treachery trick is very smooth.

Su he was calm and silent, thinking about countermeasures.

Xiaxi on one side was impatient when she heard their dialogue.

"Mr. Frank, you\'re so funny. Is that what you say? Mr. Lyon can\'t listen to your provocation. I advise you to get out of here, or don\'t blame me for being rude to you."

Hearing Xia Xi\'s clamor, Frank sneered and glanced at Xia Xi, "Oh? Tell me, how would you be rude to me if I didn\'t leave?"

It\'s true that calves are not afraid of tigers.

He wanted to hear what the young man would do with him.

Thinking about it, I saw Shaxi walking slowly towards frank and unbuttoning his clothes on his chest as he walked.

Frank frowned, and the man in black stepped out and stopped Xiaxi with a cold face to keep her away from Frank.

"Miss Xia, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? You\'ve brought so many people into the place where our mother and daughter live. Isn\'t it because you covet the beauty of our mother and daughter and want to see the color uprising? I\'m helping you find out this fact!"

Shaxi looked at frank with a stupid expression on her face.

That\'s the idea?

This brain is not as smart as her mother Suho.

Frank smiled coldly, "OK, do you want me to call the police for you and let you talk in front of the police? But I can remind you that as long as you call the police, it\'s not as simple as private. Is Miss Xia sure to make everything public?"

There are people inside!

Wouldn\'t it be if the police didn\'t come?

He wanted to do so, but he was afraid that this moment would cause him unnecessary trouble.

His task is to delay time and wait for Fu Yunting and them.

It\'s best to solve it privately.

"Mr. Frank, it seems that you must embarrass us when you come today?"

Su he obviously figured out the link, and his heart was itching with hate.

Do you just hand over Xia Ling and others?

She hasn\'t had a good time yet. She\'s not willing.

"How can this be embarrassing? I just don\'t want our tansford family to be criticized."

Frank hung his lips and perfunctorily.

Suho\'s hands on both sides clenched his fists and stared at Frank. He wanted to tear him, but he felt unbearable to take him.

On one side, Xia Xi was more irritable, pulled Su he\'s sleeve and asked, "Mom, what should I do now?"

The man made it clear that he came to support Xia Ling.

She just wanted to send him away quickly so that she could torture Xia Ling.

SOHO patted her hand, gave a reassuring look, and then took a step forward. "Mr. Frank, take a step."

The woman\'s eyes glittered. Frank raised his eyebrows and walked aside, "what\'s the matter?"

He wanted to hear what the woman would do at this time.

SOHO looked left and right, close to Frank\'s ear, Whispered: "Mr. Frank, are you entrusted to come here today? Did that man promise you that if you help him, he will help you fight for the position of tansford\'s master? Mr. Frank, I\'ve been staying with Mr. Lyon. I know a lot of secrets that he doesn\'t know. Why don\'t we cooperate? I\'ll help you take the position of tansford\'s master. Today, you Just don\'t see what\'s going on here. What do you think?