Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1010

Two words, full of countless emotions, make Xia Ling\'s mood turn over countless ripples.

Even without restoring her memory, she can feel the tenderness of men for her during this time.

I have to say, she was fascinated by him again.

The man\'s face was getting closer and closer, and the man\'s breath close at hand came to her and wrapped her in it.

Does he want to kiss her?

Does she want him to kiss her?

He is her husband and the man she admires. It should be no problem to kiss him.

Xia Ling lifted her eyes and looked at the man slowly tilting his head and gently closing his eyes.

"Oh, eerie..."

At this time, the little milk bag woke up upstairs and cried loudly. The voice was loud and instantly made Xia Ling open her eyes.

Looking at the thin lips of the man who was only a millimetre away, Xia Ling hurriedly pushed him away, and his ears were red.

"Don\'t cry, mom is coming."

What\'s the matter with yourself?

So eager to be kissed?

Too hungry?

Xia Ling wanted to cover her face and hurried upstairs and rushed into the children\'s room.

The door slammed shut, and Fu Yunting\'s black eyes downstairs were dark and smiling.


He was almost able to kiss his little wife squarely.

Of course, in the future, he no longer needs to sneak into her bed, but can only kiss Fangze in her deep sleep.

Suddenly, the mood is relieved and happy.

Finally, we can see the sky through the clouds!

When the mobile phone rang, Fu Yunting took out his lips and took a look. It was LAN Mei\'s call.

I think you must be worried, so I specially called to inquire.

Fu Yunting was in a good mood.


"Yunting, where are you? How is Lingling?"

"Mom, don\'t worry, everything is going in a good direction. Lingling, she knows the truth."

And teased him badly.

He seems to have seen the clever little wife before!

Fu Yunting\'s eyebrows twinkled with a fine light, and the whole person was immersed in joy.

"That\'s good, that\'s good, thank God, God bless."

LAN Mei on the other end of the phone wept with joy and thanked God in a series.

Fu Yunting calmed down a few words and hung up the phone.

When I was in a good mood, my stomach began to protest.

He found out that they haven\'t had dinner yet.

Fu Yunting touched his chin and went to the kitchen. He swept open the cupboard and turned it over.

There are no ingredients, just a few eggs and a packet of fine noodles.

Fu Yunting is not very good at cooking, but at this moment he wants to cook a bowl of noodles for his little woman.

He hooked the corners of his lips and turned the sleeves of his hands twice, revealing his thin forearms.

After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone again, clicked Kaidu Niang and looked for the following steps.

Boil water, put noodles

It doesn\'t seem very difficult.

When Xia Ling came downstairs with her child in her arms, she saw Fu Yunting busy in the kitchen.

Tall and straight back, in the warm yellow light, showing a reassuring halo, is so charming.

Is he cooking dinner in the kitchen?

It turns out that he is not only a bully, but also a warm man at home?

Xia Ling bent her lips and walked closer slowly with a smile in her eyebrows.

However, a burning smell came to her face, breaking her beautiful imagination.

Xia Ling frowned and stepped forward quickly. He saw Fu Yunting frying eggs with his hands and feet.

The pot has been smoking and the eggs have been fried.

The water in the other pot was gurgling and had overflowed the lid of the pot, putting out the fire at the bottom in an instant.

"Fu Yunting, if I come out later, do you want to burn the kitchen!"

Xia Ling was funny and hurriedly handed the child over to a black faced man to clean up someone\'s arrogant mess.