Crippled Master's Young Wife

Chapter 1008

As night fell, everything on the earth fell silent.

There was no one above the country path, and several street lamps lit a warm yellow halo.

In the roadside car, Fu Yunting leaned against the back of his chair and looked deeply at the villa in front of him. Jun\'s face was as silent as usual.

When the phone rang, Fu Yunting glanced at Gu Luoluo\'s call.

The eyes and heart move slightly, and the heart jumps and fluctuates inexplicably.

At this time, Gu Luoluo called him. Did it mean that Xia Ling had verified with her?

The big hand with distinct bones quickly took the mobile phone and pressed the connect button.


"Mr. Fu, Xia Ling just talked to me on the phone. I explained everything to her."

Have you made everything clear?

Sure enough!

Fu Yunting tightened his hand holding the steering wheel, and there was a trace of unknown tension in his tone. "What\'s her reaction?"

"Her mood is a little unstable. She should try her best to recall the past."

Gu Luoluo replied, which made Fu Yunting\'s face sink. "Gu Luoluo, who allows you to make your own decisions?"

He doesn\'t want her to feel ups and downs. He wants her to be safe!

"Mr. Fu, Xia Ling is not stupid. Up to now, even if I don\'t say it, she still has doubts and always looks for the answer. It\'s better for me to take this opportunity to tell the whole story."

Gu Luoluo paused: "what\'s more, President Fu, don\'t you want to know Xia Ling as soon as possible? Don\'t you feel tired of worrying about gain and loss?"

Of course, he wants to recognize his little wife as soon as possible, hug her and kiss her openly.

But only if she\'s safe.

Fu Yunting frowned. "Gu Luoluo, don\'t think I\'ll be grateful to you. When the matter is over, I\'ll settle with you and Fu Xichen."

When the phone hung up, Gu Luoluo looked at the lights in front and pulled the corners of his mouth with a bitter smile.

She knew that those who did wrong would always be punished. She only hoped that Fu Yunting could see that Fu Xichen\'s blood was flowing with blood similar to his.

And Fu Xichen

What happens to him next?

Xia Ling has learned the truth. Will he still go his own way?

At the other end of the phone, Fu Yunting hung up and thought of Gu Luoluo\'s unstable mood of Xia Ling. He couldn\'t help worrying.

He didn\'t trust her to be at home alone.

When he opened the door, he walked to the villa with long legs and tried to knock on the door. His hand reached into the air, but suddenly stopped.


Although the word is not used properly, it is really his current mood.

I\'m not sure how she would look when she faced him after she learned the truth.

Disbelief, joy, excitement, or disgust?


Obviously, the person inside is his little wife. Why is he so afraid to face it?

When Fu Yunting hesitated, the gate suddenly opened.

The woman\'s pretty face suddenly appeared in front of her, which really stunned Fu Yunting.

The hands are still clenched and held high above the head. If you want to knock or not, your eyes are opposite, and each other\'s eyes reflect each other\'s small shadow.

"Well, i... you..."

Fu Yunting was so nervous that he became incoherent.

Xia Lingmei, who was opposite, flashed a smile in her eyes, moved slightly to the side, and gave way to a way: "have you done something bad? So stammer?"

Is this the rhythm to get him in?

Fu Yunting was so excited that he suddenly felt like a lengtouqing who had just fallen in love. He went to the door of his beloved woman for the first time.

Fu Yunting took a deep look at Xia Ling and looked at her drooping eyebrows. He only felt that his heart was incomparably soft.