“Criminal” Break Through The Window: Hubby, Please Spare Me

Chapter 254

Water Dingdang understood, the eyes of the thief in front of left Yingying compared with a thumb, praised: "Mom. You're really good at killing people with a knife. If Shui Miaomiao dares to bully Shen Mochen and get a woman, Shen Mochen will definitely hate her. Maybe he will deal with her by himself. "

Zuo Yingying thinks of the scene of shuimiaomiao being bullied, and complacently raises the corner of her mouth, "little hoof, dare to fight with me, I will not die her."

Water Miaomiao pushes the door to enter the building and looks at Shangshui Qiangyi with pity.

Shui Miaomiao didn't want him to worry. He raised a bright smile and said briskly, "Dad, the weather is fine today. Do you want to go out and have a look?"

"Second young lady, madam, don't let the master go out." Nanny embarrassed said.

Shuimiaomiao pursed his mouth, shrugged helplessly, went to Shui Qiangyi, sat down, and asked with a smile, "Dad, do you want to eat bananas? I'll peel it for you. "

Shui Qiangyi blinked.

Shuimiaomiao peeled the banana, handed it to Shui Qiangyi's mouth, and said, "Dad, you don't have to worry about me. I'm very good, and I'm very good. You haven't seen Yan Yan for several years. He's tall and handsome. Moreover, he's very smart. He opened a Taobao store and made more than 100000 yuan a year.

I've got a good job now, and when I've saved enough money, I'll take you out. "

Shui Qiangyi's eyes are red and he is chewing bananas.

After eating,

shuimiaomiao wipes Qiangyi's mouth, wipes his hands, picks up the nail clippers, and then cuts his nails.

She took shuiqiangyi's hand out of the quilt.

Shui Qiangyi suddenly holds her hand.

Shuimiaomiao is startled.

There's something in the palm of your hand.

The door was pushed open.

Shui Qiangyi frowns and releases her hand.

Shuimiaomiao clenched his fist, stood up and looked at Zuo Yingying who came in.

Left Yingying looked at shuimiaomiao coldly and said unhappily, "we should have dinner. You won't have the audacity to stay for dinner."

"I'll cut dad's nails and go." Shuimiaomiao replied. She turned around, sat down, lowered her head, pretended to look for something in her bag and opened her palms.

Shui Qiangyi gave her a white pill, because she held it in her hand for a long time, and the surface of the pill melted open.

Shuimiaomiao puts the pills in his bag and looks suspiciously at Shui Qiangyi.

Shui Qiangyi looked at her expectantly, as if she had something to say and blinked.

Shuimiaomiao lightly nodded his head and cut his nails.

Left Ying Ying hands around the chest, leaning against the door frame, toe high gas looked at the water Miaomiao, sneer, "what kind of filial piety ah."

Shuimiaomiao doesn't speak and cuts her nails seriously.

Zuo Yingying looked at the water Miaomiao just cut open, impatiently said: "you can go, see you, I can't eat."

Shuimiaomiao, as if he had not heard Zuo Yingying's words, stood up quietly and said to Shui Qiangyi: "Dad, I'll go back first, ha. I'll see you again after the battle."

Shui Qiangyi blinked.

Shuimiaomiao picks up her bag and goes out. She looks thoughtfully at the window of shuiqiangyi's room.

The brow curled slightly.

Her father, his hands seem to move, why pretend? Why not let Zuo Yingying know?

And what was the medicine she was given?

Is his father in danger?

Shuimiaomiao's back began to cool.

Her friends are very few, the friends of the drug administration bureau have no more, think about it, it seems that only Shen Mochen can help her check the drug ingredients in her bag.

Thinking of this, shuimiaomiao walks to the bus stop and goes to Longmen Yaju.

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