Crazy for Flowers

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

She had the face, body, height, and money. What the hell, she not only just liked herself, but she loved herself so passionately! I don’t understand it at all!

Alicia was someone who would be laughing with someone one day, but stab them in the back the next. It was hard to believe she was still the heroine with her hateful attitude.

What’s more annoying is that everyone thought that Alicia was an angel from the start to finish. The ending was also made just for her.

The ending was “Alicia gave affection to all three men, and they loved her for a long time.” Isn’t this the sound of a dog barking?

So Dorothy decided. She would become a journalist who would expose Alicia’s fake attitude and save those poor men and the empire while being rich at the same time.

And today was a great day to start her job.


When Dorothy first found out that she was in 『Crazy for Flowers』, she wondered how she would claim her title. She rolled her sleeves which revealed her arms.

The girl I possessed only had 3 lines described about her, but I still remember it because it was really sad.

Alicia had laughed at Dorothy in the orphanage. She called her a fool who didn’t know that her own father was a Count.

If you asked Alicia whether she would ever help Dorothy, she’d say no. I mean, what’d you expect from a fake angel?

In the world where status was important, Dorothy would have to get that title later.

‘I also need to know how much money I get from it.’

To do that, I had to go to the City Hall to prove that I was a part of that family.

The problem arises here. I…don’t know where it is… Struggling with tears, Dorothy spread her stuff on the floor.

Two rings, two necklaces and a bankbook. Other than that, unnecessary things occupied the floor.

Dorothy opened her eyes and observed what she had closely.

These stuff didn’t seem meaningful, but you never know. How much does the ring with a silver border and a light green jewel in the middle cost? Or was the wooden-floored necklace that’s able to open apples used to make sweet tart more expensive?

No, these are too personal.

Especially the flower necklace she was wearing. Her name, Dorothy Den Lupaspin, was written on the back of it.

Dorothy scratched her head. Even if she thought about it, it was beyond her ability. No matter how many times she had read the book, she couldn’t find any information that wasn’t written in it. It was impossible unless she herself was a ghost.

In the end, Dorothy had no choice but to do dark things.


Dorothy exclaimed as if she had realized something. Her eyes were round and the corners of her mouth went up.

There was a place in this world where there was a book about the castle that existed until now— the Central Library. The Central Library is extremely large and spacious, but it has a high admission fee to enter.

Though, it didn’t matter because I had a lot of money, but the central library doesn’t allow anyone who isn’t an adult to go in.

Which would mean that Dorothy had to wait a few more months for her birthday to pass. But if she were to wait until then, it’d be too late.

Before writing an article about Alicia, I had to be a famous reporter. And for that to happen, it’d take a long time to do so.

Above all, I couldn’t stand it. I was excited at the thought that something interesting would happen in front of me, but I can’t wait. There was no retreat.

Originally, Dorothy was an adventurous girl who didn’t know of giving up.

As soon as it dawned on her, Dorothy went to the market to buy the necessary items. A wig and a ticket to the central library.

A cane, a purple hat, an old purple coat, and a pouch. Inside the pouch was foundation, mascara, and eyeliner. It looked a little different from cosmetics from the 21st century, but they were used for the same purpose.

Cosmetics were not as diverse as I thought, and it was so expensive that it wasn’t a familiar item to ordinary people. Dorothy, dressed in plain clothes, went to a boutique, but soon got goosebumps.

Such keen interest is a decline.

Dorothy looked through the pouch in her hand and recalled her memory. She patted herself on the shoulder.

Settled in a public restroom, she started to get to business. She first did some shading, which made her face look round and her nose lower.

The pencil eyeliner drew freckles and wrinkles, and patted the lips with a foundation to make them look chapped.

After finishing the decor, Dorothy finally wore typical grandmother clothes, which was a mixture of gray, white, and black.

Aru Han was a talented makeup artist.

For the first time, she was grateful for her job. Thanks to herself, Dorothy disappeared and an old lady appeared.

But it wasn’t over yet. There’s an important finishing left. With her eyes fixed on the mirror, Dorothy wore a coat, a hat, and then held a cane.

Now, she was an old woman.

“Hmm. You’ve aged beautifully, Dorothy. You’ve lived a good life!”

Dorothy smiled in the mirror. But she realized that something was off after she laughed.

It was awful. The teeth were too white, unlike those of an old woman.

I had to speak as little as possible. With a determined heart, Dorothy walked out of the bathroom with helpless granny steps.

The size of the Central Library made Dorothy’s mouth open. This was because the building was much grander than expected. I only saw these types of buildings on TV, and this was the first time I saw one with my own eyes.

The library seemed to have enough food space for a baseball field. Maybe even be larger.

Dorothy, who could barely close her mouth, swallowed her saliva and led her feet vigorously, no—weakly, in front of the main gate. In front of the main gate, two knights were there identifying people.

Sure enough, a knight blocked Dorothy as she approached the main gate.

“Hello, knights.”

I greeted them as naturally as possible with a soft voice. I didn’t forget to lower my head at the right angle where my white teeth wouldn’t be visible.

“Hello, Grandma. I just need you to show me a ticket and an ID for identification.”

When the young man with an accent greeted Dorothy, Dorothy found the tickets in her pocket and handed them over.

“Here’s the ticket. And the ID, the ID…”

I repeatedly put my hand in my pocket and took it out intentionally. In the meantime, I didn’t forget to sigh as if the ground was going out. Soon after, she frowned and opened her heavy mouth.

“Well, I guess I didn’t bring my ID.”


The young man thought for a short time. Success was now just around Dorothy’s corner.

I poked out my lips and tried to look more pitiful. Who wouldn’t help such a small and lonely-looking grandmother? If you kick me out, it’ll even be a surprise to the bad guys who’ve passed away.

“I walked for about two hours to get to the carriage and five or seven hours to get here. My knees are hurting. Oh, I didn’t bring my ID. You can’t go in without your ID, is that right?”

It was the perfect performance.

Did Dorothy’s earnest cry move them? The long-bearded man standing next to the young man opened the end of the ticket, returned the other side to her, and winked at the troubled young man next to him.

“This happens often. You can just close your eyes a few times and send them in.”

“Yes, Sir!”

The spear that had been blocking her with the loud voice of a young man was taken down. Dorothy moved her short legs fast and stepped into the safe Central Library. She did that just in case the guards changed their minds.

Even if it wasn’t a castle, it was surprisingly very fancy. Maybe that’s why the Central Library is the Central Library.

Once again, I felt the dignity of the Lupan Empire. The intense red carpet added an antique feel, and the crowded room created a lively atmosphere. Even sitting at the library desk was so cool. If I had a camera, I would have loved to take a picture of this.

Unfortunately, the exclamation soon turned into a scream. I think this is crazy. This isn’t real. (t/n: not literally, in her head)

Dorothy, who was denying reality, really wanted to cry. It was because the thickness of the book in front of her was terrifying.

I think it’s about 20 centimeters. The title was definitely ‘Count’, and the last name was probably Lupaspin. I’m in the worst situation where I have to look through the book one page at a time.

But who was Dorothy?

Isn’t she a brave woman who can do everything with just one dessert? Reflecting on her strong will, Dorothy, who sat in the corner, took out a strawberry cake and began to flip the page.

How long has it been that Dorothy’s head fell while standing upright. And soon after, she filled the surrounding area with her heavy breathing.

The sound of footsteps rang out suddenly around her quietness. The steps stopped in front of Dorothy.

The owner of the sound tapped her shoulder as if to wake Dorothy. This acted as a reminder that she wasn’t allowed to sleep in the Central Library.

“Grandma, get up.”

“…me? I’m not a grandma.”

The man stopped talking and looked at Dorothy from head to toe at the sound of a murmur. She looked like a grandmother who couldn’t take in the truth.

Of course, that was the way it looked. The man pulled Dorothy’s gray hair and the wig fell helplessly on her lap.

“Pu, ha, ha, ha. This is funny.”

The man squinted at Dorothy. But only for a moment. He immediately lost interest, tapped Dorothy on the shoulder and pinched her cheek.

When Dorothy’s sleepy voice became clear, he left.

When Dorothy had fully woken up, he was already gone.

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