Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 37 38. Salt and sugar (2)

There was one person who visited the food truck of the day with a mysterious atmosphere.


The man, who appeared to be in his early to mid-40s, stood in front of a food truck and coughed in vainly.

My bangs were empty because I was slowly getting hair loss, but an unusual aura came out from my first impression or clothes I was wearing.

The man glanced around the food truck of the day with the lunch break sign.

Soon after, Choi Han-seok, who found him, gestured to Haru.

Huh? Haru. I think there's a guest over there.

"Yes, Chef? Oh, you're true. It's break time right now. Excuse me, sir!"

"Hmm, hmm! So, you're the boss?”

"Yes, I'm the boss of 'Dependable Haru' here. I'm really sorry, but we're on break time."

"Breaktime, can't you make one? It's not hard to make one. I've been through a lot of trouble.

"Uh... oh, this isn't supposed to work. Che-up."

I couldn't pass by the nature of a good day.

It's break time until 5 o'clock, but I thought it would be okay because I was going to eat bread roughly anyway.

It actually takes less than five minutes to make a sandwich there.

I'll just do it for you because you're tired.

When Haru, who thought so, took the order, the man who was thinking for a while ordered a regular sandwich.

The man who was looking at the inside of the food truck and the day of cooking opened his mouth.

In the eyes of a snake-like man somewhere, Choi Han-seok's eyes narrowed as he looked closely at him.

"Then please wait a little longer. I'll do it for you soon. Instead, today is the last day, right?”

"All right, all right. By the way, is this really handmade patty? What, not frozen or something?"

"Oh, yes. It's handmade. I make my own food every morning.”

"How do you make handmade noodles? Do you just add pork and beef ground, and make it like that? Or does something else go in there?"

Once asked, they were answering, but something was wrong with the question.

Haru, who felt something unusual, including the atmosphere and attitude when the uncle first came, hesitated to look at Choi Han-seok.

Before long, the two men's eyes shifted.

"Chef, I'm sure you do you?’

- Wouldn't I agree with you? That old man, 200% is it. That one!

They just blinked a few times, but they had a conversation.

When Choi Han-seok nodded suspiciously, Haru smiled as brightly as he could and asked his uncle.

"Well, by the way. Sir. I'm so sorry.…. By any chance, you're not a merchant around here, are you?”

He looked like a merchant no matter how many times I looked at him.

Because he's making it obvious that he's going to do that way.

I'm not just here to eat your food.

A little more. No, quite a lot of impure intentions.

"……what are you going to do with it?"

An old man who says that with a grimace.

"Of course, you're right."

I don't know exactly where the merchant works, but he was probably here to find out about Haru's food truck.

I thought, "Of course, you may be curious because the sudden food truck in the really bad commercial area is gaining huge popularity in a few days."

"I think he's just a merchant. The feeling."

"Hmm, hmm, yeah. Yes, it's a merchant. I've been selling this place for 15 years. He's even the president of the merchant association. Oh, I'm a young boss, so can I speak informally?"Oh, yeah, by the way, you were the head of the merchant president. I didn't recognize you."

"Well, that's possible. Yeah, yeah. So how do you make Patty? It's not a big deal. Just let me know. I'm just curious."


This guy was a lot more brazen than I thought.

I don't know what you're asking me to do, but it certainly wasn't ordinary to ask such a direct question about other people's restaurant recipes.

What kind of person is that? It's ridiculous/ How can you be so shameless when you get older?

Choi Han-seok, who laughs out loud as if it doesn't make sense.

A day of shrugging his shoulders for a while soon opened his mouth.

Well, it doesn't matter.

"Mix the ground beef with the ground pork. For seasoning, it's soy sauce.….”

"Oh, oh, that's how you do it, isn't it? And then you put the vegetables and teriyaki between the buns?"

"Yes, the recipe itself is not that difficult. Oh, here's your sandwich."

While cooking while talking, sandwiches were made in an instant.

An ordinary Tteokgalbi sandwich ordered by the merchant president.

After sprinkling mayonnaise and teriyaki sauce on the sandwich, he put it well in a paper wrapper and stuck it out to the uncle.

I took out a can of cola after I asked you to wait a moment. It was a service.

"Well, thank you. It's amazing that the production cost ratio is adjusted even though you do that. Anyway, thank you for the food."

"Yes, yes. Come again."

Without saying thank you for the service, an old man roughly greeted and turned his head away, looking only at the sandwich he received.

He trudged along the Noryangjin street, where the students were coming back.

Choi Han-seok, who was staring blankly at his back for a while, asked Haru.

Hey, hey, hey! What did you just do? You can't just tell me how to cook! And if that old man copies me, what are you going to do?

In a way, it's a natural question.

Why else would another merchant come to spy on a day's food truck in the first place?

But one day it was just calm.

He shrugged his shoulders as if nothing happened and told Choi Han-seok.

"That's all right, I can get to the recipe. Either way, you'll never get this taste.”

- No matter how...….

"And he's the head of a merchant association who's been here for a very long time. There's nothing good about being ugly."

It doesn't matter anyway. Knowing the recipe won't even make it taste like short rib patties in a day.

Furthermore, it will be difficult for the merchant chairman to end the day.

If Haru just sends him back here, the merchant association might find fault with him.

Choi Han-seok couldn't say anything more because he was right day and night.

You are more proud of your cooking than I thought, aren't you?

"It's a dish recognized by the world's best Korean chef. You have to be proud!"

Anyway, he's a great talker. No matter how nice a kid is, you're very thorough at times like this. Very proud.

"Huh, thank you for the compliment."

A day of smiling and bowing down.

Choi Han-seok had no choice but to laugh.

* * *

"What, maybe it's because he's a kid, but he's a pushover, right? I shouldn't have been worried. Yup."

The head of the merchant association, who came after spying on the food truck of the day, laughed despicably.At first, I thought that the food truck, "a reliable day" or something, would naturally fail in an instant.

He was a little far from the main business district where he and other merchants were holding tight, and he looked like a punk who started business with a light heart.

"There are just a lot of students in Noryangjin. I thought it was a guy who came in easy, but it went better than I thought. Annoyingly."

But that was not it.

He literally hit the jackpot.

The number of students coming to his restaurant, which was selling cup rice in the main business district, was decreasing.

That's why I've been spying.

I thought he was an unusual guy, and I thought I had to defuse him somehow.

To be honest, I was going to do a bit of a dirty job at first.

But I changed my mind in an instant.

It's nothing but the boss was too seriously naive and a good pushover.

"I never thought you'd let me know the recipe so openly. Hehe, being nice isn't everything."

Didn't they even give you a service?

The innocent face of the boss still glistened in front of me.


I took a bite of the sandwich that the merchant president was holding in his hand.


The juicy and non-greasy taste of meat that pops out right away.

Combination of sweet teriyaki sauce and crispy bread.

It was delicious.

Certainly, this was enough for the students to run frantically.

It was unbelievably high quality at this price.

But it didn't matter now.

"It's rather good. He's such a jerk. Can't I do that? If I make the same thing and sell it. I've had years of experience in business!"

It was obvious who the students would choose between themselves who had been doing business here for a long time and that young president.

The head of the merchant association, who thought so, closed the business early today and bought materials.

It's a shame that we can't use frozen food that was easy to cook, but still, where is this.

"Mix pork and beef grated one on one. Season like this. Let's go with the butcher's meat today, and we can get imported meat from the company next time."

I cooked just like the recipe the boss told me.

Patties were made, kneaded, baked, covered with sauce, and sandwiches combined with bread.

The sandwich that was in his hands earlier was made in a snap.

Isn't it a food that is eaten roughly with sauce like cup rice here anyway?

The students were easy ones who would be satisfied with another line of mayonnaise anyway.

"All right, all right. Then where are you?"


The merchant president who smiled like a toad and tasted his masterpiece.

Soon after, however, the expression filled with confidence hardened.

"What's this?”

It didn't taste like that.

The patty was stiff, even smelly, not moist juicy.

I'm sure they used better meat!

So it didn't taste like sauce? It couldn't have been.

"Did you cheat on me? No, it can't be. Such a naive guy. So you think I made a mistake? No, but does that make sense?"

My cooking can't be worse than that guy.

This is ridiculous.

Having thought so, the merchant association repeatedly tried to make a short rib sandwich, but nothing changed.

Eventually, only the ingredients were wasted and only the tasteless sandwiches were piled up like mountains."What a rotten... ...”

An annoyance that rises for no reason.

The merchant president stared at the street where the food truck of the day was located with spiteful eyes.

It was time for other merchants to close their business, but he was preparing something else.