Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 312 Episode 307. Forsimo (3)

Grandpa's meal was neither fast nor slow.

Moving the spoon and chopsticks neatly.

As if you won't miss a drop of soup and a taste of every ingredient. He tasted it carefully.

I thought there would be a lot, but fortunately, it seemed just right.

Hwang's grandfather emptied a bowl of dumpling soup as if he had washed the dishes.

Haru and Yumi silently joined his meal, as did the grim reaper, who hid himself from sight.

She sat a few tables away from her grandfather and waited.

Time flew by so fast.

"Thank you for the meal.”

Took, my grandfather put down the spoon and chopsticks.

"Thank you, Mr. Haru."

"Thank you, that's all I have to say."

A day with the same answer as always. Grandfather smiled, and slowly rose from his seat.

He opened his wallet and took out a 10,000 won bill.

One day, I said I didn't want it, but I couldn't help it because they gave it to me like a thud.

Unexpectedly, there is a little time left until the business starts.

Yumi took out the ice cream tactfully.

It was a carp ice cream that my grandfather gave me before, and Yumi liked it so much that there was always this in the freezer of the table heaven.

"Have some ice cream. We still have some time."

"Shall we?"

Mr. Hwang doesn't mind and nods right away.

I cut the ice cream into bite-size pieces, and there was a moment of silence.

It was Hwang's grandfather who opened his mouth first. The wise old man knew.

"Mr. Haru, do you want to hear from me?"

Since when did grandpa notice?

When Haru and Yumi visited you? Or when you had dumpling soup?

"What did you do? What did you do?”

Perhaps because it was an unexpected reaction, the grim reaper flinched in surprise.

The day nodded silently. Why is it important?

"I don't know what you think…….”

"What are you going to use it for when you hear about an old man who's about to die? It's not like there's a lesson or anything."

"I'm not the one who listens for lessons."


"I listen to it to hear it. I think that's my job, too.

"Isn't it hard? It must have been tough and dark stories. Like now, how many people have listened? President Haru."

"That's a lot."

"Huh……I'm a little relieved then."

Grandfather's words were as if he knew the identity of the day.

The grim reaper watching it was so dumbfounded that he couldn't breathe.

What's going on?’

Unless Haru tells his grandfather what he really is, this conversation can't happen.

Besides, there wasn't a single reason why a day would. It's like committing suicide.

But fortunately for her, grandfather may first get lucky.

"When I tasted the dumpling soup, it was sesame. It reminded me of my grandma. No, it didn't occur to me. It was a moment, but it appeared before me."

I wonder if it was thanks to a lot of spices.

Hwang's grandfather seemed to have seen something special.

It may have been possible because it was Hwang's grandfather, who was already living beyond his original life in a table heaven where the boundaries between ghosts and people were blurred.

A small miracle created by a day's cooking. The effect was great.

"My grandmother told me. Maybe it's because we're good people, but we met a noble person. You told me to shake off everything inside. What do you think that means of that? I'm asking you to talk."

"Grandmother... .. Is that what you said?”

"Who else would you be if you were a noble man? Of course, it's Haru.""Thank you, really."

"It's not really a big deal. It's just a story of a bad father."

Hwang's grandfather's story has begun. It wasn't that long.

The sound of the second hand on the clock at the restaurant was particularly loud.

* * *

"There are no parents in the world who don't want their children to be successful. If parents are having a hard time, I don't want my child to. I'm doing it."

It was an everyday story.

A family that failed in business and collapsed greatly.

Father and mother who gave all expectations to their only child, sometimes severely whipped.

"If I don't do well on the test, I'll be kicked out with a wind, if I don't do my homework, I'll listen to the cane, and on the day I came in fifth place in the class, I didn't even eat dinner and made him study until dawn."

"To your son?"

"I used to say this every day. Even though it's hard right now, hold it in. If I clench my teeth and hold on for a few more years, I'll be a dragon in the stream. You said one day you'd appreciate this father."

Of course, I did my best from my grandfather's point of view.

I slept less, worked less, paid for the academy, and my grandmother did the same.

All three had clenched their teeth. That is why it has paid off.

"Then at some point……. I just left the house."

My son left the house, saying he couldn't live because he thought he would die like this.

Even then, my father was angry.

I worked so hard for myself. I've given it my all.

Why didn't you know that, couldn't stand it anymore, and went out to the house?

However, when his son did not return for nearly a month, his anger turned into regret.

When the police were reported that they had not found their son, regret was devastated.

"Hyung-suk was 23 when I heard from him. He tried to sell himself in the family register after he came back from the army. I'll change my last name."

"Well... you're still a parent! He's the one who raised me. Were you just going to throw it away?”

Yumi shouted in a fit of rage. Hwang's grandfather shook his head.

"But I and my grandmother didn't get angry, but I thought it was a little bit. From what I hear, baby, after all, she got into Seoul National University and is doing well.Even more. I think I'll get good grades and get into a good company. And... were alive.”

Two people relieved to hear from their son that they were trying to change their last name.

As time goes by, the regret grows longer. The desire has dwindled little by little.

"And Hyungseok showed his face a few more times. Sometimes I give pocket money to my bank account without saying anything. I brought my grandchild to New Year's Day two years ago. Of course, it was because my wife talked to me for a long time, and I went right after a meal."

He said that he liked it.

Seeing you live a good life, feeding you a meal.

He said he was happy beyond words.

Grandfather and grandmother were already sinners. He felt that way for himself.

"I think it's a good thing in the end. He's an ugly son, but he's dressed well. "I saw you outside, so I rode a foreign car, and I met my wife with a good son."

Should I not see your face once a year.

I get a short call once or twice a year.

Also, he gives me 1 million won a year.That was the only connection between Hwang's grandfather and his son.

"Was it all right? To that extent."

"It's not okay, it's thankful. He's such a sinner, but he hasn't completely lost touch.”

"Even at my grandmother's funeral...…. I heard you didn't come."

"I guess you've been busy. I've been busy with my work. You don't have to force a man to come and go. I have to think about it."

How busy must I be to not come to the funeral of my mother who gave birth to me?

But one day I couldn't ask that much.

Hwang's grandfather's expression, smiling even when he said this, looked so dangerous.

"That's all. What do you say, it wasn't a big deal, as I said?"

That's how the grandfather's story ended.

There's no end to it. Even the resentment didn't seem to ease. Nothing's been solved.

It shouldn't be like this. Grandfather will eventually become a ghost with resentment...I was just thinking that ….

"But you talk to someone. As Grandma said, it's comfortable. I can organize my thoughts."

The air surrounding Hwang's grandfather changed for a moment.

There was nothing visible with the eyes. But the sense of the day was clearly felt.

"This is like the time of the Holy Spirit."

When fate is changed from schedule.

When something happens that wouldn't have happened without a day.

Every time, the mysterious feeling suddenly came.

"It's my fault, so it's done. I only wanted my son to live well, but it's already been achieved. I'm confident now, Haru."

Hwang's grandfather got up from his seat. Then he took care of his hat and clothes.

"I won't regret it until I die. You woke me up. Still, I didn't live a bad life."

"Don't say you're mean. Still……."

"Well, no. If I'm the bad guy, my son will be the good guy. What I've done is what I've lost. That's right."

My grandfather regretted it.

I shouldn't have said that. I should have thought of my son more. I should have said thank you.

But not anymore.

The way grandpa's resentment was lifted was really unique.

Nothing has changed in reality, just grandpa's thoughts have changed a little.

That alone, he seemed to be a lot more comfortable.

He left the restaurant as if his heavy shoulders had become completely light.

"Eat well and go."

"Yes, grandpa."

Haru and Yumi came out to the front of the restaurant and bowed down to greet each other.

After seeing him off until his grandfather was out of sight, he finally found the grim reaper.

"It took a long time, didn't it?”

"……you, what?"

"You're the master of table heaven, aren't you?”

"You're not kidding me, are you? What the hell did you do? Yeah, let's say that's why he met his grandmother for a while thanks to the spice of King Yeomra. But the way he just let go of his grudge, I mean. How should I put it?"

It was the last way to do it in the next world. Don't you think so? You can't repent in the afterlife.

"Choi Han-seok, you're real!"

Choi Han-seok, who suddenly raised his head, smiled.


To truly repent for sin.

At the same time, one of the most difficult things that only people who are still alive can do.

The surest and most effective way for the living to get rid of their 'own' resentment.

The penitence of a dead ghost is meaningless. I think the grim reaper taught me last time."By the way, Grim Reaper. Let me know what happens to us."

Haru, Choi Han-seok, and Yumi looked at the grim reaper.

The red-faced grim reaper fiddled with his cell phone a few times.

"……I got a call from the underworld. Under the direct control of the Underworld."


"It's 1 a.m. today. We'll have guests, so leave the restaurant open."

I said I'd have a guest.

A few hours later, when the door opened.

"Prepare two servings of food. There will be two guests."

"As a ghost guest?"

"One ghost, one man."

Who are people talking about?

One day I thought I knew. That's why I answered.

"One person has dumpling soup, and the other person has already eaten it, so we can make another one."

"You're quick on your feet. Oh, my dear.