Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 264 Episode 264. Cold Cooking (4)

Tick, talk.

Tick, talk.


It felt like time was passing very slowly.

It was as if I could see each hand of the clock moving.

No, it was more of a feeling than a look.

Like a clock in the heart. Very accurate, very slow.

"Run, run, run!

"Let's go, let's go!

The chefs rushed frantically into the material storage behind them.

Half an hour is never a long time.

I had to finish trimming, cooking and plating the ingredients in it.

He had to save even one minute and one second, so it was natural for him to run like crazy.

In addition, there was one more reason.

'When I peeked at it earlier, the ingredients I had weren't enough.’

It's a real disaster if other people take all the ingredients they need.

Of course, you can borrow or do it somehow, but isn't it such a loss that the time and appearance of going out in the process?

I had to preoccupy it sooner or later.

There are no colleagues here at the moment. Everyone is just an enemy. One day alone. You have to win in solitude.

"Hmmm……, sort of."


"A herd of buffalo running through the savanna meadow?"


At the words of Giovanni, whose whole body was tanned with copper, Ben burst into laughter watching her.

The other judges didn't laugh as loud as Ben, but everyone was either smirking or covering their mouths.

Obviously, Giovanni didn't hit the jackpot on YouTube for nothing.

There was, of course, the only eregulla.



He doesn't say anything, he doesn't budge. I was just looking at the chefs.

On the other hand, other judges looked at the large camera screen.

The chefs who quickly found the ingredients were returning to the table one after another.

Mitsuru of Japan opened his mouth first.

"Chef Tanaka brought fish, too. Alive gold eyeshadow, salmon with fillets open. I can see scallops."

"Japan is seafood. That's also active seafood. I heard Chef Tanaka ran a sushi restaurant in Japan.”

"Maybe the second most important thing after the finals is the round of 16. So I think you're going to do what you're most confident about."

Sure enough, vinegar and kelp appeared one after another.

This is obviously sushi. It was clear.

In fact, there were so many people who expected Tanaka to make sushi.

"As expected, he's good."

"It's not okay, it's excellent. At that age, if you're that good."

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Sneak! Sneak!

Tanaka, who grabbed a big gold eye dome, soon began to show a knife close to wearing.

Put a knife through the gills, stab it in the heart, and die instantly.

Then, do an 'Ikezime' to kill nerves by picking near the tail. It took me 30 seconds to get here.

Soon after, a brush-like tool was picked up to remove all the scales of the dome - especially the gold eye dome, which is famous for its toughness, but Tanaka peeled it like a banana peel - only three minutes to save the skin and perform the orosi.

Everyone knew it, but I couldn't take my eyes off it.

"Oh, look over there. Jamie brought some beef.”

"Ha! America is meat!"

Soon the chefs' eyes were on Jamie.

The ingredients he brought were none other than beef.

It was also a tenderloin famous for its soft texture and delicious like butter.

"I heard it from Jamie earlier. That's an expensive relief.”

"Isn't it almost a cheat key? Beef."

"It's basic for a chef to use delicious ingredients. Why do you have so many truffles in Michelin?""It's not wrong, but...…. Well, yes."

Mitsuru was picking on Ben and eventually nodded disapprovingly.

In fact, it is clear that expensive and delicious beef is fraudulent here.

Expensive ingredients.

Expensive and delicious ingredients, to be exact.

Expensive food has its reasons. It was one of the main reasons Michelin restaurants' food was expensive.

Sure enough, other chefs were pretty much the same.

Someone brought the best oysters. Some beef just like Jamie.

Someone brought pine mushrooms and truffles.

There was even a chef who brought foie gras, so I said it all.

"One coast is a hell of a high."

Ben, who sat on a chair as if he was lying down with his hands behind his back, said he didn't like it a little bit.

At the same time, however, she did not expect her eyes to fall off the screen.

To be exact, Jamie's cam, who started cooking in earnest.




Jamie pulled out two sharp knives.

Then he began to frantically mince the relief on the cutting board.

Cut, chop. Cut, chop. Cut and chop.

The fine tendons are all broken. The butter-like aroma of beef rises.

A little fishy smell and blood? It's only a matter of time before you know it.

"Olive oil, Hall Grain Mustard, Rosemary and thyme-based herb base plus basil pesto."

It is a simple American seasoning.

Considering the diversity of nationalities of judges, it did not include herbs that could be divided into likes and dislikes.

With butter-like tenderloin, yukhoe mixed with fresh seasoning and herbs.

Beef tartar, to be exact.

How can this be tasteless.

Seriously, if it doesn't taste good, it's a dereliction of duty as a chef.

Tick, tick, tick!

"15 minutes."

"Oh, yeah. That's right."


Adam, who had not said a word, finally opened his mouth for the first time.

The judges, who were speaking to each other, all cringed and looked at Adam's place.

It was really amazing.

How can you set the time like a ghost without looking back at the clock?

About half of the time passed, and the chefs' food was getting ready.

Tanaka was waiting for the rice to be cooked after he had finished preparing the fish.

Jamie also had almost finished making beef tartar and was baking bread to go with.

The chef's food is about 50% complete.


But Adam didn't see anything like that in his eyes.

There was a really interesting fellow.


When other chefs were flaunting themselves with expensive and valuable ingredients like lobsters, beef and truffles.

There was a man who silently went his own way alone.

I've been keeping an eye on you for a while.

Since I brought only one bean, which is nothing else.


Adam drooled a little.

The eyes of the judges who were wary of him naturally merged with Adam.

I couldn't see it well because it was a little far back.

Number 13, the counter.

Chef Haru, from Korea.

He was cooking something really unusual.

Ben and George frowned for a moment and asked at the same time.

"What on earth is that?"

"What are you cooking? I've never seen anything like that before. Isn't that raw beans? The little thing next to you, seeds?"

Small black beans on the work surface of the day.

And something that looks like a little white seed and a walnut.By the time the chefs' faces were filled with question marks, Mitsuru launched a supportive fire.

Korea and Japan were called brotherly countries in the world.

It was that close, so there were many similarities in food culture.

"Seeds? That's pine nuts."


"I've never heard of it."

"It's similar to nuts. It tastes less bitter than walnuts, sweeter and more savory."

"Aha! It was nuts."

"Chef Haru, do you understand what you're going to cook? I've never seen beans soaked in water and ground, filtered, or anything like that."

Flying and growing is a recipe that even the world's chefs don't know.

When Mitsuru couldn't explain it anymore.

Adam, who had been sitting on the sidelines for a while, stepped forward.

"Bean water."

"Bean water?"

"What the hell is that?"

"Bean water is bean water. Then what? Literally, ground bean water. That black bean is a guy named Seo Ritae. He flies a lot in Korea."


"It's a little black guy, but it's incredibly sweet and savory. On top of that, pine nuts and walnuts to create synergy as well. I think you're trying to make the most savory bean water."

"Oh, my God... I don't know anymore. What the hell is Chef Haru thinking?"

"Other chefs bring beef and truffles, and you're alone in beans. What a nerve."

Adam's explanation was exactly halved by the chefs' reactions.

There must be something on your mind after a day like that day.

Will it taste better than I thought?

It could be a hidden card and a dark horse in this round of 16.

Two hopefuls who say this.

And all the expensive ingredients from all over the world are out, talking like they're trying to rub it in cheap beans.

Two desperate people who simply look at the day like a reed because they are so confident.

It was the only day of all chefs that the judges' opinions were so divided.

Good, very good. We're having a lot of fun! Oh, I'm going crazy!’

There was no sign of laughter falling on Bacon's lips when he was told the situation through cameramen.

This is a regular.

Haru is the most appropriate word to describe a chef, Bacon could affirm.

His existence itself was a variable.

Isn't that the case now?

From the cooking to the cooking, there was something that caught people's eyes with every move of breathing and lifting a knife.

And on the air, irregular is the fun of course!

Bacon was able to affirm.

Who's the star of this show?

I don't know if Chef Haru will win first place. No, maybe I'll drop out of the round of 16.’

The winner is the main character?

Yeah, you're right.

But more important than that, Bacon thought, is to go up one step, one step until the moment when the first place is obscured.

And the main character was a day.

Whatever you do, who you bond with. Even when you win or fall! Chef Haru will be the main character of the story.’

The one who catches the eye the most.

Who has the most cameras, the most footage.

It was a day.

And the same was true now.

Certainly more cameras were staring at the day than other chefs.

Adam must have thought the same thing as me.

Adam and Bacon were looking at the same place.

Bacon didn't know what Adam was thinking, but at least that one thing.

Drop! Drop! Drop!

Haru began to filter bean water made of Seo-ri-tae, pine nuts and walnuts in fine cotton cloth bought from a Korean mart.Sweat formed on his forehead.

We have 10 minutes left.

There was no time.

I had to finish cooking quickly.

'Faster, faster...…. I'm not ready yet.’

But the heart of the day just beats fast.

Cameras zoomed in on the forehead of such a day.