Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 246 244. Ginawa Fur Films (1) ...

A few days later, a table paradise at the time the sun rises.

Haru and Yumi were cooking as usual, but the atmosphere was a little different.

An expression of shouts as if you were in a cooking contest.

Hoot, a day of deep breath clenched my right fist.

"Yumi, let's do our best. We have a big guest today, so you know you have to pay attention to cooking, right?”

"Of course! Don't worry. This can't be bad, can it?”

"He said he wanted to eat Korean food, so he really worked hard to make it. I'm sure this will do the right thing.”

Today was a day when Bapsang Heaven was closed, but it opened a restaurant.

There are only 15 guests today, and there's only one team.

The two had been making special dishes for the guests for a few days.

Haru's order itself was very simple.

-Please make Korean food! Something delicious.

He even gave 100,000 won per person for meals by saying so.

I have something to tell you.

At first, the client said he would match the day as he wanted, so he called 20,000 won, but he insisted that it was at least 100,000 won, saying it would not be possible.

I asked him if he wanted something luxurious, and he said no.

Inevitably, the government decided to make all the food that could be cooked within the common people's boundaries.

Haru rolled up his sleeves, saying, "I'll make sure to break the table."

Honestly, forsythia used to be a good cook. I've definitely learned how to cook japchae.'

First of all, Japchae, which cannot be missed at such a feast, was thoroughly seasoned.

All the vegetables used in today's cooking were bought from a yellow bakery, and the perilla oil that my aunt made herself was quite good, so I ordered some bottles of it.

Foreigners called japchae "Korean pasta" and said they ate it very well, so they made enough.

"The soup must be beef bone soup."

In fact, there are not many kinds of expensive Korean food. Oyster soup or beef bone soup?

In China and the United States, "stew, soup" types of expensive ingredients such as shark's fin and beef have developed significantly, but unfortunately, Korea has not.

But instead, there was a gomguk that I could introduce very proudly, so this was enough.

In addition, there was no need for long words because there was a teacher who cooked beef soup very well.

Gomguk, which is boiling in white milk color, is boiled with effort for three days a day.

While I was at it, I made a lot and gave it to the guests the day before.

I cooked rice cake soup and served it as a menu, and the response was very great.

And this is the highlight!’

If Gomguk worked hard for three days, today's main menu was a guy who paid attention for nearly a month.

He's the king of Korean food. Everyone likes it but it's too expensive to eat.

"Yumi, how are you?"

At the end of the day, Yumi, who opened a large jar on one side of the restaurant and checked it, raised her thumb.

"It's the best! The soy sauce is completely soaked to the inside, so it doesn't smell bad at all."

"When I checked a few days ago, it was okay. That's nice. It's a bit difficult to ripen, but as Chef Choi Han-seok said, it was soaked while alive."I told you so! Honestly, I'm sorry to say this to crabs, but soy sauce marinated crabs must be soaked when they're alive. That way, it's even more delicious.

The secret weapon of the table heaven prepared by Haru was none other than soy sauce marinated crab.

Haru went to the fish market himself, bought a female crab full of eggs, dipped it himself and matured it.

"By the way, it was really hard……. I didn't know soy sauce marinated crab was so much needed. Didn't Haru do that?"

"It was my first time making this amount at once. When I was in oral fairy tales, my seniors made all the marinated crabs."

You might think that you just have to soak crabs in soy sauce.

But that's really out of the question.

You have to be careful not to kill the live crab, put various medicinal herbs and water in the soy sauce, boil it, and cool it down again.

Only then can you pour soy sauce into the jar where there are live crabs.

The crab eats soy sauce and dies, so it tastes better.

That's not even how it ends.

Every three days, remove the soy sauce from the jar, add more water, boil it, cool it down, and repeat.

To kill the germs in the crab.

Soy sauce marinated crab is finally completed only after aging it for a month.

It takes a lot more work than most foods.

Of course, the more you do, the more guaranteed the taste.

Oh, my God.

I grabbed the back of a large black crab and tore it horizontally.

Bright red eggs bulged out. It's full of eggs.

I cut such marinated crab with a knife and cut it into four equal pieces.

I put a lot of eggs on the scab, and when I put a round of chives and sesame oil, it made my mouth water.

"It just so happens that the rice is ready."

The rice is just plain rice. I was going to make mixed-grain rice, but I turned around because I thought it was rice for marinated crab.

It was almost time to make boiled pork, kimchi geotjeori, and braised short ribs.

A large bus stopped outside the table heaven, and people carrying large equipment began to get off.

What's unusual is that most of the people who come in like that were foreigners.

Most people had blue eyes and yellow hair.

The front of the bus was written like this.

[Nflix Filming Team & Made Fur Films]


The door of the restaurant opened, and the hanging bell shook cheerfully and made a sound.

A man wearing a T-shirt written in English, "Movie is my life!" rushed in and rushed to Haru and hugged him.

"Chef Haru! Long time no see!"

"I missed you, too. William Bacon."

William Bacon.

Park Joo-hyuk is the man who succeeded Haru, and he is now a representative director of Made Fur Films, a member of Nflix.

A long time ago, Haru and Bob had made a suggestion after an undercover investigation as if they were some kind of detective.

Would you like to do a documentary with me?


It is also a documentary made in the United States, not in Korea.

Naturally, it spreads around the world because Nflix is in charge of distribution, and even the theme of the documentary is "Chefs of the World."

It's a program where you travel around 10 countries and visit chefs who are at the top of each country's unique food and make a documentary.Even the producer was the famous Made Fur Films, so of course it was a great honor for the chef who appeared.

Park Ju-hyuk handed over the honor to Haru, and after many hours, today came.

The night before the shoot, when everyone eats at the restaurant where the shoot begins.

"Well, this delicious smell! It smells different from other restaurants. It's like, it's heart-beating. Chef Haru's cooking is."

"I'm flattered. Oh, Yumi. Could you show me around?”

"Of course! Come here and sit down. Give me your clothes and luggage!"

I put the table according to the number of people in advance.

The staff had been in Korea for a few days, so they seemed to have adjusted to a certain extent.

The table was prepared in advance, so I could eat it right away. A day pointed to a small bowl in front of people.

"Eat that first. It's abalone porridge, and it's good to eat before eating."

Abalone porridge? It's green.

"It's boiled with abalone intestines. I added some blue to make it taste better.”

"That's very luxurious!"

Abalone is known as a high-end food ingredient not only in Korea but also around the world.

People quickly emptied a bowl of abalone porridge.

Haru and Yumi served the dishes they had made one by one, and of course, soy sauce marinated crab received the most attention.

The camera director, whose forearm is twice as thick as a day, asked, pointing his cell phone into the crab as if it were amazing.

"Is this... a crab?”

"It's raw soy sauce pickled. It's rice, so you can eat it together. I grabbed it with chopsticks."

"Oh...… I've never seen this kind of food in Korea. Let me try it.”

Since Yumi taught me how to eat kindly, the staff copied me as much as possible with an expression of curiosity.

With the hands of sanitary gloves, he picked up one chubby thing, bit it and sucked it out.

The crab meat was so full that it fell down just by holding it with my hands, but just one bite filled my mouth.

Plus savory and bitter eggs.



If you mix a little bit of soy sauce with white rice sprinkled with flying fish eggs in your mouth, everyone would be satisfied.

For those who tasted marinated crab once, nothing else seemed to come into their eyes.

Among the people who started eating marinated crab like crazy, Haru and Yumi mixed rice with crab shell.

Use a spoon to mix the intestines and rice.

"Take this with you. It's crab bibimbap."


The eyes of those who tasted each bite closed by themselves.

There was even a person shaking his right hand holding a spoon and chopsticks to see how delicious it was.

I heard that marinated crab is so popular with foreigners, so it seems to have been real.

Bacon, the host of today's event, seemed to be in a good mood as everyone ate deliciously.

He held his leg in one hand and shouted.

"How's everything going, all right? You like it, don't you?"

"Yes, Mr. Bacon was right, indeed.

"I'm still amazed. How can a restaurant like this taste...…. I must learn a lot, too."

The faces of the staff who are completely brightened up.

Bacon smiled as he looked at the day, and answered back with his thumb up.

'Is it is it a success?

There was no problem with this kind of reaction.

Actually, this was the biggest reason we had a get-together today.The documentary that we're making is a plan to find the best chef in the country. It's hard to call it a restaurant.

It was literally a small neighborhood restaurant.

Naturally, the staff voiced their voices asking if this was right, and Bacon made a place to check it out.

Fortunately, it worked out well, but at the same time, I was determined once again.

I'm gonna have to build a restaurant, too.’

It's time to get out of heaven on the table.

And the beginning, documentary with Bacon.