Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 244 242. Our House Mot mot motes (7)

"By the way, how's your daughter? I heard you were a little sick last time."

"My daughter? Oh, come on. It's not a matter of being sick, but do you know how much trouble I had last time I met the wrong man?"

"Oh, my. How was it?"

"So they met on a blind date. Turns out...….”

Sometimes, there are unusual landscapes in the countryside or residential area.

Some women gather to peel peppers or assemble mechanical devices or do side jobs.

Even in the morning, many people gather to make pancakes.

It was also a daily routine to give out some to strangers if they were wandering around after smelling the savory Jeon.

Even the subjects seemed more intimate because they were all family members.

It was more like a holiday scene than a side job.

Of course, there was a very small problem that it was a scene in a restaurant for a day.

"President Haru, President Haru. Isn't it a little... strange?”

"I wasn't the only one who thought that, was I?”

"Of course! No, I'm sure they were just fighting. Of course, it was a little less than the first day.”

I'm sorry to say this, but grandmother forsythia's family had the worst day ever.

It's not worth mentioning the fact that we fought back and forth at the funeral.

Of course, time is medicine, and a few more days later, the mood has somewhat abated.

However, rather than caring for each other, they tried to keep each other in check and bite each other.

So, of course, it was a day when I thought that the Cold War-like atmosphere would continue even during cooking time in heaven, but the reality was a little different.

As time went by, the air began to become softer and softer.

The ladies naturally chatted together, trimming vegetables, and the uncles were helping them.

Of course, it wasn't without a quarrel.

"There's no green onion in it."

"Oh, come on. Why are you acting like you haven't tried japchae before? My mother's japchae always had green onions in it. I just didn't know because you cut it into small pieces."

"I've been working at a restaurant for years, and I don't know what's going on."

"Just trust me and put it in. Or we can make it again!"

"All right, all right. Do as you please. By the way, what about the soy sauce?

"It's usually dark soy sauce, but my mother used sweet Korean soy sauce. It tastes better with perilla oil.”

"But it also tasted like dark soy sauce."

"But it also tastes sweet.”

"Oh, my head is killing me. One, I can't even ask my late mother again."

Words broke out one by one here and there, but the conclusion was not easy.

As they grew older, they left home and lived apart from their mothers, so the taste of japchae had to be brought from their childhood memories.

How sweet it was, what ingredients were in it, and how the liver was.

The things that people remember were a little different.

Naturally, people gathered at the restaurant put their heads together and began to reminisce about their childhood.

"The japchae I had at that time was really delicious. Why, on New Year's Day when I was in elementary school. That happened once. The day my aunt grilled ribs."

"Oh, then? We just said it was delicious and ate it. Turns out he saved up money and bought meat...…. Somehow my mother kept saying, "Money, money." Now that I think about it, there was a reason.""When you raised us, you made a lot of money, but you didn't make us embarrassed. Expensive clothes, expensive shoes. Buy me anything you want."

"But he scolded me hard if I didn't use my pocketbook or waste my money. I was really upset back then. Now that I think about it, my mother was right a hundred times."

"I did, yes…….”

As the story progressed one by one, the cooking slowly became complete.

Stir-fry vegetables carefully, and boil noodles with soy sauce and sugar.

The women's worries were helped by Haru.

"It's probably a half-baked and half-baked soy sauce. That's how it's used for seasoned food.”

"Really? Do you mix it?"

"It's more balanced than you think if you just match the mixing cost. The aftertaste of the brewed soy sauce and the sweet taste of the soup soy sauce come out well. If you put a lot of perilla oil in it, it'll give you a taste."

"Come to think of it……I think he's right.”

"I heard you're a good cook. I guess it's true. I guess that's right!"

All preparations were completed in less than two hours, perhaps because everyone rushed in.

"Then let's carry it and go to the funeral. There's a small kitchen there, so let's mix it there."

"But why don't we just do it here?"

"Please do me a favor."


His voice was quite large, as Yong-soo had already conceded many things.

The people on a large truck headed back to the funeral hall in unison.

After bringing several large bowls, I poured all the ingredients I prepared and sprinkled the seasoning.

The eldest daughter, who said she had the best taste among the bereaved families, mixed japchae with rubber gloves and sanitary gloves.

"Add some more perilla oil. Mom's japchae tastes like perilla oil. It's delicious with a lot of oil."

"Okay, what else do you need?”

"Sugar. Not just sugar, but brown sugar. We didn't use white sugar when we were young. I heard it's not good for your health. Pour sugar a little too much. Your mother ate it sweetly.”


Sneak! Sneak! Sneak! Sneak!

Suddenly, the savory smell began to spread in the funeral hall.

The bereaved families of the forsythia grandmother rented a large ceremony hall for 10 days, so there was no damage elsewhere, but I thought my head was dizzy from the strong smell of perilla oil coming through my nose.

It was even very proper perilla oil. I heard it was made of perilla seeds that you grew yourself, and they even signed a contract with a luxury hotel last time.

The precious things were literally gushing in.

"Well, I think it's almost done. Take a look at the taste."

"May I try it?"

"Yes, of course. Come here."

When you taste japchae, the national rule is to put some on your hands and eat them.

When my eldest daughter picked up some noodles and vegetables, Yong-soo, who took a step forward, snatched them away.


Yong-soo, who tasted his first bite of japchae, closed his eyes and chewed. The family looked at him with a little nervous eyes.

"How is it? Does it taste right?"

"Grandmother... .. They made a lot of japchae for me. These are the flavors I'll never forget. In that sense, the liver is fine, but I think it lacks some sweetness."

"Sweet? Let me see."


The eldest daughter, who had tasted a bite herself, nodded right away. Her husband picked up more sugar.

"I'm sure it is. Just a little more sugar would be perfect.""Yong-soo, you must have a good sense of taste.

"Unlike you look, you look like a gourmet. Hahaha!"

The atmosphere between Yong-su and the other bereaved families also seemed to have eased a lot.

Even if it's peace that's only going to continue right now, or if it's true. Although it was an unknown problem in a day.

'We'll be the only ones in Korea who can cook japchae at the funeral.’

I've never seen anything like this before. It's amazing. Don't you think so? Is it Haru?

Haru and Choi Han-seok took a step away and watched such a scene.

I thought it was really amazing.

We kept fighting, but when I noticed something, we became harmonious again. I wondered if this was a family.

However, it seems that Yong-soo's intention was a little different.

"That's because I was the last person who lived on my grandmother's food."

"……Mr. Yongsoo?"

He uttered a cold word without a change of expression.

Heavy words. And there's nothing really wrong with that.

The air, which had become very fluffy, froze cold in an instant.

"She thought about you a lot. They want to see you during the holidays. In the past, I wanted you to call me instead of calling me, but now you want me to call you."

"Do you really need to talk about it now?”

"Dongseo is right. What the hell's wrong with you?"

"……I always said. Then try to contact me. They're my kids. They're not going to answer. Why don't you come if I tell you to? But my grandmother always. I'm busy making money. You said you didn't want me to bother you."

People's faces have lost their smiles.

Yong-soo himself brought up the things that he had been trying to ignore until now.

Now the bereaved families had to face things that were in reality.

That he didn't care about his mother. Things I lost because I was greedy.

"I think I know a little now. Why my grandmother asked me to make japchae in my will."

"What do you mean?"

"Yes, Yong-soo. What are you talking about? Do you understand why your mother's will is japchae?”


Yong-soo hesitated for a moment to say something.

I looked for a moment at people who looked like they didn't really know a thing, and then I let out a deep sigh.

"How can you be so greedy under such a man...….”

He muttered something, but no one could hear him.

Soon he raised his head.

"Let's be a little honest. Seriously."


There was silence. The water continued.

"I was the last one to eat my grandmother's food, but I couldn't stay with her at the end, so I guess I have nothing to say.”

Then he strolled along.

He took a bite of japchae from a large basin and breathed again.

"It's delicious. It tastes very similar to what my grandmother made. Well, that's it."

"This is it?"

"Yes, here's my grandmother's will. Now that we've had a fight at the funeral. I don't have any greed. I'm satisfied. When the mourners come from now on, give them this instead of the japchae you bought. The taste of your eldest daughter's hands is similar to your mother's."

"……yes, I see."

Yong-soo dressed up. I was about to change my shoes, but I turned my head and looked at the day.

Then he bowed to greet. Somehow his eyes looked really sad.

"I'm sorry, I asked you too much."

"What? Oh, no. It's nothing."

The day shook its hands with effort. Yong-soo left the funeral hall like that.