Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 201 199. Midnight Time (2)

The day looked into the air and talked.

Her face, which was always smiling, passed by.

"I'm such a selfish person……. I think that's what you're thinking. "Because of Ye-young's personality."

Definitely. Yeyoung's personality can do that. You looked depressed earlier. Not because of others, but because of you.

"I have a lot on my mind. I thought there would be a lot of problems running the restaurant, but I never imagined there would be a problem like this."

But of course, Haru is the owner of the restaurant.

I thought about it, but Haru himself couldn't make up his mind yet.

So, I put it aside for now and was preparing for the moment with Yumi.

"Let's just think that time will solve it and wait and see. In a little while, it's time for the ghosts to come."

"That's right. Plus, this pork cutlet, the college student couple ghost who came every day, were singing because they wanted to eat it.”

Unsurprisingly, not long after, the door to the table heaven, which had been tightly closed, continued to open.

A bell that constantly shakes and makes sounds.

Ghost guests began to enter, and Haru and Yumi put down their thoughts about Bonam and greeted them with a full smile.

I didn't really want to hand over the business of the boss and the store to the customers.

I was so busy receiving customers, and a college student couple ghost, who recommended today's menu, came in with someone they saw for the first time.

"Welcome……Huh? There's a face I've never seen before."

Mr. Haru! Hmm, this pork cutlet smell. Do you know how long I've been waiting?

We met this person while taking a walk around the neighborhood. I heard he died today. Unlike other ghosts, I think you have a lot of memories. So I brought him here. We did a good job, right?

Couples who are in their mid-20s and late 20s are drawing a V-shape.

It was definitely a face I had never seen before, and a little peculiarly, he was wearing a work suit that said "XX Biotech."

I felt like a worker working at a factory nearby.

I don't know why, but I can't believe I died this young...…. I was heartbroken.

But I couldn't make it obvious, so I tried to smile.

Choi Han-seok rushed next to him and sat him down.

"Oh, so it must be your first time at our restaurant."

What, you've never been dead before, huh? Come on, that could be embarrassing. Are you hungry? Sit down. Today's menu is pork cutlet, but if there's anything else you want to eat, I'll make you something. I'm sure college students over there explained everything about our restaurant.

-Yeah, well... It's a place to feed ghosts. That's what I heard.

Okay! Then you knew I's going to happen. Let's eat first. Is there anything you want to eat?

"Anything is fine, so if you tell me, I'll do it as much as I can. Please feel free to tell me."

As soon as he sat down, as if he had promised, other ghosts flocked and began to ask questions.

What's your name, how old are you, where did you work, how far do you remember...….

If people flock around you and continue to talk to you, you can forget even for a moment the hard memories of dying or the embarrassment of being a ghost.

Through that gap, a day helps recover by making a bowl of warm food.It was an implicit rule that had been made sometime between Haru and ghosts, while running the Table Heaven for a long time.

Uh... My name is Kim Yong Sam Kim. I'm 27 years old.

Your clothes look like you worked at an industrial complex nearby.

Right. I used to make semiconductors and stuff. Actually, it was just good work. Keep the machine running. Research. I was a low-level researcher.

-And do you, by any chance, remember how he died?

An old man ghost asked very naturally.

It seemed like a small, obvious question, but for ghosts it was simply more important than life.

Do you remember how you died. Because it meant you thought of resentment at the same time.

That alone greatly determines how long it takes this ghost to make a living.

No one can promise when he or she will be holy if he or she can't recall resentment. But what if you remembered resentment?

Assuming Haru and Yumi do their best to help, they can still hope to be successful.


I don't remember that. I just stood there blankly in front of the industrial complex when I woke up.

What a shame.

It's too bad for the young man. President Haru's regular customer will increase.

I've said it in a roundabout way, but I'm really sorry to hear that. Many ghosts flick their tongues.

But he thought of something after thinking hard for a while.

Still... I didn't know this before, but I just thought of something since I came into this restaurant.

You have something in mind? There you go! Then tell me anything. Yongsam.

You know, the pork cutlet.

"Pork cutlet?"

Yes, the pork cutlet you're making now.

Ghosts' resentment usually doesn't occur until they see or feel something related to resentment.

So it was normal to wait for something to come to you.

Whether it is a coincidence or inevitable, great luck seems to have come to Yongsam.

- When I used to work in the industrial complex. I ate at a restaurant outside the industrial complex. I often went to snack bars, and the main menu there was pork cutlet. It's 5,000 won pork cutlet. It smelled exactly the same as this one.

"What Haru is making right now is kimbap paradise style! I think the restaurant in front of the industrial complex would have felt similar, so?"

It's 6,500 won. So there was a pork cutlet that was 1,500 won more expensive. I really wanted to eat it, but I couldn't eat it once. I'm saving money.

I forgot about it, but now I remember pork cutlet. You didn't even eat once when you were alive?

The smell of resentment came out.

I think we're almost there.’

One day was almost certain from experience so far.

If Yong-sam recreates this pork cutlet that came to mind now, he can make it holy grail!

"Then can you tell me as much detail as you can? There's still meat left, I'll make it for you."

"Yes, Yong-sam, you're really lucky."

Haru and Yumi are so excited that they can make a saint right away, but.

I can't think of it anymore.

"You can't remember?”

Really. There was pork cutlet at that price, and I really wanted to eat it. That's all I remember.

"Oh, really?"

I thought we were almost there.

Haru and Yumi had a new ordeal.Ah, but. Well, it was very savory. That's about it.

"I see. Well, savory, 6,500 won pork cutlet."

There are only three hints so far.

In front of the industrial complex, more expensive pork cutlet, and savory smell.

With these alone, we had to embody the pork cutlet that existed in Yongsam's life.

I've cooked dozens or hundreds of dishes so far, but I've never done this before.

It wasn't too difficult though.

It was a tonkatsu that changed. To some extent, the answer was visible.

"I think I know what it is. I'll make it right away."

Really? Are you sure you don't mind?

"Of course. Oh, Yumi. I'll prepare the bottom part, so could you find it under the freezer?”

"Yes, sir! I'll get it right away!"

Yumi, who ran to the freezer without saying what it was, soon brought something big.

That's mozzarella cheese in block form.

"Cheese pork cutlet. I think that's it.”

A half-confident day began to cook quickly.

Well, what do we do?

Choi Han-seok was looking at Haru and Yumi with an interesting expression.

* * *

Cheese pork cutlet.

Spicy buckwheat noodles and cold buckwheat noodles. Seasoned and fried chicken. Pouring sauce and dipping sauce.

When it comes to choosing a food, there is really a food that people like or dislike in half.

One day, I thought cheese pork cutlet was one of them.

People who like cheese pork cutlet only eat this, and people who don't like it only eat regular pork cutlet.

Besides, didn't you say that dragon ginseng is only 1,500 won more expensive?

A little more expensive than the basic tonkatsu, and it smelled savory?

If it smelled sweet, I would think of something like sweet potato pork cutlet, but if it was savory, the most likely thing was cheese.

"I'm ready, so I can do it in a minute."

It would be very difficult to make pork cutlet at home.

But what if you actually do it? I find it more doable than I thought.

Of course, it's overwhelmingly convenient to buy and eat.

"Yumi, do we have any meat left?"

"Yes! I still have about four left."

"Then let's write it down."

After buying pork sirloin, season with salt and pepper and spread it out widely.

You can use a hammer at home, but these days, when a butcher makes pork cutlet, they turn it around and spread it out.

It's really easy from now on.

Place a square cut mozzarella cheese cube in the center of the seasoned meat.

The cheese here was put in the freezer or refrigerator, so it's better to have it cold.

This is because it gets sticky as soon as the temperature rises, similar to butter.

Then wrap the cheese well with meat and dress it in the order of flour-egg-bread crumbs, which is the basis of the style.

One day, I used a particularly thick and rough breadcrumbs to give the texture with breadcrumbs because the cheese is fluffy.

I'm done now. Just fry it in properly heated oil and you're done.

Cheese pork cutlet, which was more appetizing than I thought, was made in an instantaneously.

Here's the cheese pork cutlet you ordered!


I cut it in half on purpose, but the green cheese flowed through the cutting surface.

White cheese is well-fried golden pork cutlet.

On top of that, brown pork cutlet sauce sinks.

If you pick up a piece with a fork, the melted cheese will stretch out. Isn't it a delicacy to wrap it in a fork?In addition, kimchi, kkakdugi, and pickled radish were served together to meet the historical records.

Who can resist this magical food?


a mouth-watering dragon ginseng It was a good start.

Even ghosts that naturally flock around are nervous.

He dipped cheese pork cutlet in sauce and tasted it.

Yum yum, gulp!

Waiting for Yong-sam to swallow a bite, he asked in a confident voice.

"So, what do you remember again?"