Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 199 197. Give me your son! (2)

Please, boss. Give me back my son back.

I want you to fire the reserved man. So let me come back home.

Before the request of the mid-sized chicken franchise president, YMCA, it was a request made by the father of a "family" who works at his restaurant.

Of course, one day couldn't help but agonize.

As a restaurant owner named Bapsang Heaven, as well as as a chef like Yoo Seong-bok.

But at the same time, Yoo said to Haru as a looker.

- I don't want to go back. I want to continue working here.

These days, I have often said that I love heaven on the table.

Besides, whether it's true or not.

When I overheard Yoo Seong-bok's story, it was highly likely that Bonam would naturally have to give up his graduate school if he left the table now.

After all this hard delivery work. Even the graduate school I was trying to save money hard.

What authority does a day have to prevent him from learning?

Bonam said he wanted to build.

He didn't ask why, but his eyes, which said he wanted to be an architect, were very familiar to Haru and Choi Han-seok.

It's nothing but that they had it when they were Bona's age.

Someone who wants to do something and is ready to do it. Eyes full of determination.

Therefore, I wanted to support Bonam even more for one day.

'What should I do?'’

Whether to stand by the father or the son. It's a perfect Lee Ji-sun.

Yumi was also shaking her head for a while, and Choi Han-seok also left the decision to Haru, saying it was up to you, the owner of the restaurant.

What should I do?

But the concern wasn't as long as I thought.


The eyes of the meteor suit, which tasted strawberries and ice cream on a small dessert spoon, grew for a moment.

It's amazing that the actual taste is a little different from what I thought when I saw it from the outside.

Sweet vanilla ice cream, strawberry and strawberry syrup.

It was a taste that anyone could imagine, but it was different in texture.

So is the texture of very thinly sliced strawberries, but the syrup seeps into them very quickly.

It was obviously raw strawberries, but the taste and flavor were marinated for several days.

It was much sweeter and more palatable.

Certainly, eating something sweet made my head spin more.

"You said it was Haru, right?”

"Yes, yes, that's right."

"You're really good at using knives. How could you write strawberries like this without any softening...…. And when I ate earlier, to be honest, I was a little surprised. I thought it was just a good restaurant. I never imagined that they would serve such simple and luxurious Korean food.”

"I'm flattered. You're the CEO of YMCA Chicken.I never thought you'd win."

"I think my son, who is not good enough, can learn a lot from working at your restaurant. A chef who uses a knife well says there's nothing else to see. My son seems very passionate. I'm sure you've grown up a lot as a cook."

"I... I hope so, too.

As expected, he was the representative of a franchise company, so he was good at liquidating his words.

I was praising him for the day, but he turned it around and gave Bonam a hint to come back.

"I didn't mean to tell you the truth."

One more bite. Yoo Seong-bok, who ate ice cream, slightly looked sideways at Yoo Yeon-nam sitting next to him."You've already noticed it, so I don't want to hide it. Yes, that’s right. I'm the representative YMCA Chicken franchise.…, this is my son."


Yoo Seong-bok, the representative who makes sure to say the line.

At that moment, the faces of the heavenly family members at the table, who were sitting in the same seat, were instantly stirred.

Even if Haruna and Yumi were, Ye-young seemed a little shocked.

If it's obvious, it's obvious.

It turns out that a colleague who was closest to Yumi who delivered the food together was the son of a famous chicken franchise CEO. How can there be no shock?

Whoops! Whoops!

The meteor suit, which contained plenty of ice cream, was quickly emptied.

I put the empty cup down on the table and stared straight at the day.

"So, have you thought about it? Mr. Haru."

What he said earlier, could you give Bonam back?

"Dad, didn't I tell you? I am!"

"Stay still! This is a job for adults. I told you it was a family thing!”

"The same way this time…….”

Bo-nam trying to keep his temper.

He made eye contact with him and brought out the answer that Haru had prepared, smiling as if he was okay.

"Yes, I've been thinking."

"How do you like it?"

"At the request of CEO Yoo Sung-bok, it is right for me to force Bonam to fire him."

"Mr. Haru!"

"As expected, right? Thank you for your understanding. It's hard for me to tell you in detail, but our situation is not so good right now. So does his mother.”

Maybe it's because I answered the question.

Bonam and Yeyoung were a little angry.

But one day I just shake my head calmly.

"But from the perspective of the restaurant owner. You can't force an employee to fire who you think is a family member."

"……family? I'm a real family member. I'm his father.”

"He's precious to me, too, Mr. Bonam. Thank you for choosing our restaurant and coming to the interview.”

"Is that so?"

A day of stubborn refusal.

To be honest, Haru and Choi Han-seok thought Yoo Seong-bok would come out a little rough.

I came to Haru's restaurant in person. Because I boldly asked for my son back.

But it wasn't.

He was as gentlemanly as he was at first impressions.

"Me too……I ran a restaurant. My son is an adult, no matter how much he is a father. I know I can't force you."

"I'm sorry. I can't help it."

"Then could I have a moment more time? It's a little bit separate, but I'd like to tell you a little bit about myself."


"If you're in the restaurant business, it's worth listening to."

If you just listen to me, I'll give up and go back.

It wasn't a bad offer for a day, nor for Bonam.

What is it? I'm looking forward to it. Then.

I was even looking forward to what Choi Han-seok would say.

Haru looked around, and Yumi and Yeyoung nodded.

I can eat lunch a little soon, so it's fine.

"Well, let's hear it. The boss's story.”

"Well, I don't know where to start. It's kind of weird to say it myself. YMCA chicken, you all know that, right? It's not very famous, but you know it to a certain extent."

That's about it.

To that extent, YMCA chicken in Yoo Seong-bok had a position.

* * *

"It wasn't much of a start to my business. I've loved chicken since I was young. It's delicious, right? There's no Korean who doesn't like chicken."Chicken is not Korean food.

Although there are many stories that say that Africa is the originator rather than the United States, there is probably no one to deny that it is so popular that it is almost treated as a Korean food in Korea.

Crispy, savory. Even though it's all meat, it tastes good, doesn't like it, and it's not that expensive.

Of course, it's hard to call it food for the common people now, although the price has gone up to 20,000 won per person.

At least until CEO Yoo Seong-bok first started his business, chicken was not that expensive.

"Many people say they're running chicken restaurants after failing their businesses, but……. I've always been a chicken. In the first place, I used to work with a knife while moving around the restaurant, and then I met my wife. That's how I ended up with Bo Nam.”

"Then you've always been a cook. And Yoo Seong-bok."

"Yes, it is. But after giving birth to Bonam, it doesn't cost a lot of money. Besides, you must have some money saved, you must be confident. I suddenly opened a chicken restaurant.”

"Not a franchise?”

"I've been thinking about the franchise, but I also like my shop."

CEO Yoo Seong-bok opened his own store instead of a well-known and stable franchise.

Thanks to his thorough career and experience, chicken restaurants did better than expected.

"At first, there were only three flavors. Fried, seasoned, soy sauce. Of course, I made all the seasoning. This is it."

"But isn't the menu really increased now?”

"That's what customers say. The chicken restaurant here is cheap and delicious, but there are no other franchise chicken restaurants that sell it. So I started developing it. Well, it's a hit."

Unique taste and menu.

It is one of the many conditions that a franchise must have.

Without big waves, the YMCA chicken cruised.

The store that started with one column grew bigger and more people wanted to open a franchise store, so the second and third stores were opened.

But that's not all. It hasn't really become a franchise.

And there's a reason why YMCA Chicken became what it is now.

"Have you heard of Bburing Bburing Chicken?"

"If it's Bbooring Bbooring……. You sprinkled cheese-flavored sweet powder on the chicken, right? I know it's very famous."

"Then do you know where the chicken was first made?"

Bburing bburing chicken.

Anyone who said I'd opened some chicken couldn't help it.

Thanks to the sweet and savory flavor of cheese, it became extremely popular with young people, even sprinkling this ppurring seasoning on other foods such as cheese balls and fries, not chicken.

The originator of the Bburing Bburing.

As far as I know, Haru doesn't order chicken often.

"I think it's... Youngjun's chicken."

"Me, too. Youngjun's chicken was the original on TV. Celebrities are coming out. People order a lot."

Not YMCA, but a chicken restaurant named Young-joon's was the original.

Youngjun's Chicken was one of the top three chicken brands in Korea, and it was really big enough to be said to be a large company.