Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 18 19. Black Pig Bag (3)

"It should be here somewhere...….”

Haru, who returned to oral fairy tale with Hana, searched the warehouse busily.

Choi Han-seok, who was snooping around him wondering what was going on, insinuated.

Haru, what are you looking for?

"Chocolate cover and cream. I'm sure I used it for dessert before and put it somewhere here."

Chocolate and cream? Suddenly? Are you going to make dessert today?

"Yes, I'm going to feed you one. Sweet and filling. I'm going to make cocoa.”

Cocoa... Well, who is a high school girl who hates cocoa? Hey, hey, Haru. Look, in the corner of the cupboard, isn't it?

The eyes of the day went round and round to where Choi Han-seok pointed.

The chocolate and liquid cream in the bag were placed in the corner of the cupboard.

"Oh, right!"

I tucked my arm in and pulled them out.

I immediately ran to the kitchen, washed my hands well, and prepared to cook.

A day's special cocoa.

The ingredients are incredibly simple.

Dark chocolate, cocoa powder, a little cream and honey.

If you don't have cream, you can take it out, but dark chocolate and honey are better.

Hana's facial expression is weird, Haru's as well. I think something happened because I volunteered today. Don't you think so?

"You have such a good sense of humor.

Hahaha! I'm such a self-conscious ghost. So what's going on? Can you talk to me?

As soon as Choi Han-seok's voice became a little smaller, his expression became serious.

He also realized that now is not the time to simply play pranks.

Sitting in the restaurant hall, looking sideways at one staring blankly in the air, the day slowly began to explain what had happened today.

In the meantime, I continued to cook. In fact, there wasn't much of a cooking process.

Homemade cocoa filled with sincerity.

Melt the pan dark chocolate in double boiler and mix with cocoa powder, cream, and honey.

After that, put it in the warm milk and mix it well, and it's done.

It's a little cumbersome, but it tastes so deep and rich that you can't even compare it to instant cocoa with powder.

It was made of milk as a base, so it was reliable enough to replace it with a meal.

"……that's what happened. I lost my way home. One is."

As soon as three cups of cocoa were completed, the explanation of the day was also finished.

Handmade cocoa to comfort tired souls.

After hearing the whole story, Choi Han-seok murmured, gazing at the cocoa of the steaming day.

Haru, I'm sure you have a good sense of cooking choice. Cocoa in this situation. You can tell it's outstanding. Isn't that so?

"Thank you, Chef."

-No, I'm serious. And one more. Haru, aren't you lucky to pick someone? In this situation! Just in time. Choi Hanseok is next to me.


Chef Choi Han-seok's words are hard to understand at once.

Even so, what do you mean by suddenly choosing a good person?

Choi Han-seok smiled and opened his mouth as he drew a question mark full of faces.

The foundation I founded in my lifetime. Isn't it for this occasion?

* * *



One body, which took a sip of Haru's handmade cocoa, drooped.The warmth of the tension flying away and the sweetness that relieves your worries for a little bit.

Surely one seemed visibly relaxed.

"Drink slowly. Because it's hot."

-Yes, thank you very much. Cocoa, it's so good.

"Yes, yes. That's a relief."

Slurp! Slurp!

For a moment, only the sound of drinking cocoa resonated in the hall of the oral fairy tale, where only three people were left.

Around the time one cocoa was reduced by half. Choi Han-seok carefully brought it up.

Hey, Hana. It could be a little sensitive, but. Do you remember when you died?

- When I died...…. I don't remember. I don't even know why he died. I just woke up and I was standing in front of the house. In front of the collapsed house.

-Yes... -If you don't remember that time, it means that the reason you died is your resentment.

To be honest, I couldn't think of it easily.

What is the reason why a young high school girl could die suddenly?

Well, don't worry. This uncle will take care of everything!

Choi Han-seok shrugged confidently.

His plan was really simple.

All you have to do is connect your foundation with the rest of your family.

That way, you will naturally be able to know Hana's family's new home address, and it will not stop there and provide various support.

In the first place, Choi Han-seok's purpose of existence was to help the needy, so it didn't seem such a vain plan.

Except for the one thing, which is too real.

Haru, who drank all the cocoa, put the cup down and asked.

"Well, Chef Choi Han-seok. By the way, how are you going to connect Hana's family with the foundation? The foundation doesn't know anything. "Who's Hana's family and where she lives."

A day was the biggest obstacle to thinking about.

It was only natural, but when the foundation just says 'Here's the poor man!' No! Really!' doesn't rush around.

There will be various procedures internally and externally, and I could not imagine what problems would arise between them.

I don't know if Choi Han-seok, the founder of the foundation, is alive, but it's not like that anymore.

Haru asked in a worried voice, but strangely, Choi Han-seok was only easygoing.

You said you knew Hana and her sister's names.


That's enough.

"No, how? It's not like there's a foundation executive near us. How I move the foundation by myself."

Haru, you don't know, I've done a lot of good things in my life. It was no joke at all right. There are thousands of people I saved and found dreams for.


I mean, it's time to get your reward. Nothing much. Just call Hansu, the chairman of the foundation. Then all you have to do is sell my name.

"You want me to call the director of the foundation myself?!”

Choi Han-seok's words that are hard to understand at once.

I just thought it was ridiculous to hear.

However, Choi Han-seok was very easygoing. I just said it with a confident expression as always.

Don't worry. He's got a lot from me, too.

* * *

In the middle of Seoul.

A building named "Chef Choi Han-seok's Bob and Dream Foundation" stood tall.The foundation left by chef Choi Han-seok, the world's master of Korean food.

At the deepest part was Park Han-soo's office.

On the desk with the nameplate Park Han-soo, his cell phone began to ring.


"Who is it?"

When I looked at the cell phone screen, it said an unknown number.

I was thinking about whether to get it or not, but I accepted it because I wanted to quit if it was spam.

A strange man's voice over his cell phone.

"Good evening! Is this Park Han-soo's cell phone?"

"Yes... by the way. Who are you, by any chance?”

"Oh, I'm Chef Haru, working at a restaurant called oral fairy tale! The oral fairy tale, you know?

There's no way he didn't

If it is a oral fairy tale, isn't it a restaurant established by Chef Choi Han-seok, his benefactor and teacher?

At the word of chef there, Park Han-soo's voice changed dramatically.

"You were the oral fairy tale chef. Yes, I'm Park Han-soo, the chairman of the foundation. Thank you for your hard work. By the way, what's going on?"

"You know, there was a regular service a few days ago, right? In Newtown."

"Yes, I did. Thanks to the chef, I got a call that it ended very well. The staff at our foundation complimented me a lot about your skills."

"Ahaha, thank you. By the way, in fact, I found some people I was a little interested in while volunteering."

"What do you mean you like him?"

"She's a grandmother who visited a restaurant with her grandson. The house was destroyed due to redevelopment, and it seemed like you were having a hard time living. I don't think there's any other family."

"Huh... I see.”

Park Han-soo's voice seems a bit vague.

One day, he threw a lethal move prepared by Choi Han-seok here.

"When I saw you two, I thought of Chef Choi Han-seok. Why? Chef Choi Han-seok said this a lot in his lifetime, right? There are two people in the world who should never starve, and those are children and old people."

"Oh, my God. Oh...…. That's right. That's right. You said that a lot."

"In that sense, I found out that Chef Choi Han-seok was the one who supported me personally. But the chef died and the support was cut off."

Shortly after Haru uttered the word, Park Han-soo's body stiffened.

At the same time, a memory flashed through my head.

When he was a child, barely making it through a life where he couldn'

Choi Han-seok, who was still a novice chef, came to him and offered him a bowl of warm rice.

"Only two in the world. Old people and children should never starve. When I first met Chef Choi Han-seok, he said this to me. And they helped me a lot. Thanks to you, I was able to be a proper adult and sit here.….”

Choi Han-seok said, Park Han-soo is not a student, but he helped a lot like his son, just like Park Joo-hyuk.

Park Han-soo lost his father early and lived alone with his mother. Did Choi Han-seok fill his empty father's economic power?

The rough story was like this.

It was half a coincidence that the two met, but the bond of relationship began when Choi Han-seok went on a kimchi-making service for the needy.

The last part of the event was to deliver the kimchi that was made directly.

The house where Choi Han-seok took kimchi was where Park Han-soo and his mother lived alone.

Delivery without thinking too much.

However, it was such a big gift for Park Han-soo's family.

Choi Han-seok said he felt it when he saw the two people making soybean paste soup in a hurry and having a simple but abundant meal with kimchi.For us, a container of kimchi can be more valuable than any other delicacy, such as caviar and foie gras.

To Choi Han-seok, who unexpectedly ended up eating together, young Park Han-soo said.

"Chef! By the way, will you be here next year? To make kimchi?"

"Yes, I'll be back next winter. Please."

"Well, can I join you then? Making kimchi."

"It doesn't matter. Why?"

"My mom was so happy after she got the kimchi! The grandmother next door, the grandfather and the friend in the back. So I want to make it and bring it to you next year."

A child's horse with an innocent child's horse.

However, Choi Han-seok had an unacceptable weight.

The two really met again next winter.

And Choi Han-seok made up his mind. I want to help him with his future.

Thanks to him, Park Han-soo proudly graduated from Seoul National University's Department of Social Welfare with a full scholarship, and succeeded Choi Han-seok as chairman of his foundation.

Choi Han-seok said. With Park Han-soo, I think he can sincerely help Hana.

"Did you say chef Haru?”

"Oh, yes, it is."

"Don't worry. Our foundation will take care of the grandmother and grandson you mentioned. We're planning a welfare project, so the timing is great."

"Well, really?”

"Yes. And……thank you. Thanks to you, I was able to think about it again. I don't know who I could be here for now. And what I have to do."

"Oh... Yes...…. I'm more grateful."

At this point, I couldn't say anything beyond the feeling of surprise.

On the day I hung up, I looked at Choi Han-seok with a look at something that was not in this world.

Choi Han-seok shrugged his shoulders deftly, as if he could clearly see what Haru was thinking.

What did Hansoo say? You're going to be nice to me, right?

"Yes, as soon as I said what the chef said, he changed his voice completely.…. No, by the way. What kind of life have you been through? What kind of service did you do when you were a trainee cook, so every word you say changes the chairman of the foundation?”

It's a day. What can a cook do? I just cooked hot rice, so I fed it well.


Choi Han-seok was originally a respectable person to Haru.

He was his role model, and Haru was saved by Choi Hanseok.

But he seemed to have a far more formidable past than Haru thought.

* * *

I work in oral fairy tales in the morning, and do business with ghosts in the middle of the night.

When three days flew by like that.

After the oral fairy tale was over and I was cleaning up with other chefs, someone came to me.

I tried to send him back, saying that business hours were over, but he was not a customer.

A man who introduced himself as an employee from the foundation found a day.

"Well, Chef Haru. Chairman Park Han-soo sent it himself. They found the location of the two people you told me last time. And this time, the foundation wants to send someone to contact me...Would you like to come with me?

Only three days.

It happened during the change of day and night three times.

I was puzzled for a moment, but my tongue moved first.

One day I looked him in the eye and nodded.

"Yes, I really want to go with you."