Cooking Genius With God

Chapter - 179 177. Unusual conger bread

Basically, Yumi went to Yeyoung's hospital visit alone, but we went together once a week for a day.

Yumi visited Ye-young almost every day, so the relationship between Haru and Ye-young, which was quite ambiguous, was completely broken down as she literally died and survived.

Yeyoung's table. She's learned the secret of heaven.

Crucially, it was weird not to look at each other's faces.

It's a bit of a regular customer management thing.

"Yumi! Oh, you came all the way to Haru today!"

"Take this first. I brought some dumplings, salad, and fruits that you said you wanted to eat...….”

"Oh, it's okay. Why did you bring so much? You can't even finish it.”

"For that, every time you come in, the bowl is empty."

"I don't want to have leftovers from Yumi. I shared it with the people in the hospital room. Oh. The grandmother over there who went to physical therapy wants to say thank you. I thought I was going to die because the food in the hospital room was not good, but it made me feel better."

"Huh, that's a relief!"

Ye-young was injured in a car crash and her whole body was broken to the point of cardiac arrest, but she recovered quickly whether she was determined to live.

Of course, I had to live with bandages all over my body for the first three weeks, so Yumi's heart hurt when she visited the hospital.

I can tell that it's getting better right after I take off the bandage.

Yumi also has a lot of worries that she is even discussing discharge now.

Haru and Yumi intentionally came in time for lunch, so they shared the packed food and had a nice lunch.

I'm almost done eating. Yumi asked, "I thought of something."

"Oh, yeah. Yeyoung. I'm saying this because you're leaving the hospital soon. What are you going to do when you get out of the hospital?”

"Huh? Work?”

"The motorcycle. Don't tell me, you're not going to ride a motorcycle again after this accident, are you?"

"Well, that's the thing."

Yeyoung who gives an awkward smile instead of answering.

Just in case, Yumi calmed down her anger.

"Hey, that's not true. You know how dangerous it is.”

"You know, what I've been through. But Yumi, you know, I don't have any specifications. I didn't go to college because I was making money since high school. I don't have a license that everyone else has."

"But I'd rather have another partisanship.….”

"Other part-time jobs are less than 200 a month. But I can earn more depending on how I deliver. And another thing I've been thinking about it on my bed, but I like motorcycles."

"I guess it's true if you even remember it lying on your bed."

"Even Mr. Haru does that?”

"Well, you're right. I think it's better to deliver things to people than to run too fast. It's fun. It's worthwhile. I felt proud when I saw the faces of customers I liked when I got a quickie."

"If you're saying that much, I don't have anything more to say…….”

Yumi turns her head as if she's disappointed.

I would like to tear my friend apart, but I couldn't speak strongly anymore because I knew his situation."By the way, don't you come too often? Yumi, you too. I know Haru is very busy."

"It used to be new at the end of everything, but it's quiet these days. I wonder if she's telling me to take care of myself with Ye-young."

"Come on, you're not taking a break from visiting me. And Yumi, you too! You don't have to come every day. Anyway, I'm starting to feel sorry."

It was Ye-young who talked as if she was going to spend Haru and Yumi, but it was full of sincere consideration.

If you just say you don't have to come, it's obvious what Yumi will do.

"But I'm still worried. How can I not come? Did you eat well or did you sleep well?"

"Oh, if you're gonna do that, why don't you just be my mother? Yumi's mom. Did I eat well?”

"Ugh..." I'm sorry.”

Yumi and Yeyoung are arguing again today.

Looking at the two, Haru smiled pleasedly.

The eyes of the day went especially to Yumi.

Yumi was talking about Bob again today anyway.

Food story, recipes story, restaurant story.

I think it's all about cooking in my head.

The more I look at him, the more I look like him. Yumi said,

To exaggerate a little, I thought it would be appropriate to say that I was crazy beyond engrossed.

Besides, my skills were increasing rapidly.

"As expected, wouldn't the table heaven be too small for Yumi?"’

I couldn't help but think of this on my own.

Since it was Yumi, a Michelin three-star restaurant, aimed at oral fairy tale, wouldn't the table heaven feel like a narrow cage if it had grown this much?

I've been hearing this concern lately.

The moment Haru thought of those thoughts while looking at Yumi.



The cell phone I put in my pocket vibrated twice.

I opened it wondering what was going on, and there were two text messages.

[Mr. Myungseok (fish-shaped bun)]

[Head Chef Park Joo-hyuk]

Each was a text message from different people, and the time spent coincidentally seemed to overlap.

I thought it was unusual, so my eyes became thinner and thinner when I was reading the text slowly.

"Well, it's time to move on."

It was also a time when nothing happened and it was a time when I was bored, so it was a time when nothing happened.

"Huh? What do you have, boss?"

"Yumi, you said you don't have any plans for tonight, right?”

"Uhh... That's right. I was just going to go home and practice cooking before going to bed."

"Then would you like to go somewhere with me? Let's go eat."

"Dinner with the boss……. Hehe. Good!"

Yumi gladly accepted a day's request to spend the evening together.

I organized the food I ate well and came out of Yeyoung's hospital room.

"Then let's stay home for a while and meet in the evening."

"Okay, but where are we going?”

"Well, I think we'll stop by the oral fairy tale and go to a restaurant about a 20-minute drive away."

"A oral fairy tale……okay!"

There was a little time left, so I sent Yumi back home without much thought.

Likewise, he spoke as if he was going home, but one day he headed back to heaven on the table, not home.

One reason why I'm going to the restaurant even though it's a holiday.

Before the oral fairy tale issue to be solved later in the evening, it was to see the work related to Myung-seok first."Oh, Chef Haru! It's been a while!"

I thought I had come earlier, but Myung-seok came earlier and was waiting.

As soon as I found Haru, I bowed to greet him, and he looked like he had lost a lot of weight even when he was wearing a suit.

"You must have been on a diet. You lost a lot of weight.”

"Do I look like that, too? That's right. I'm on a strict diet these days. Each of our cities says fat men aren't good, so there's nothing we can do about it."

Gakshi, I said.

A ring that had never been seen was inserted in the ring finger of the left hand of such a brilliant stone.

Myungseok said this is the ring he gave to Gakshi while proposing. The poem was none other than Choi's.

In the past, when Park Shin-ae was a ghost, she helped her daughter who was locked in the house because she felt guilty that she couldn't be with her mother at the end.

The most helpful thing at that time was Myeongseok's bungeoppang cart bar, which used to be Choi's favorite restaurant.

The relationship between the two began shortly after Haru took Choi Na-ra out of the house and made her buy fish-shaped buns directly from Myeongseok's cart.

Before that, they were just regular customers who knew each other's faces, but since they went through that, they couldn't help but feel closer to each other without realizing it.

And this is the result a few more months later.

"When did you say your wedding was?”

"Oh, it's the middle of next month! I know there's a lot left, but I'm already excited. Each of us wants to cool down before we get full.”

Myung-seok, who was talking about his wife and child, eventually burst into laughter, unable to control his overflowing happiness.

By the way, I can't believe you've already become a family of three before preparing for the wedding.

The married couple seemed to have a good relationship.

"Hmm. Anyway. So, are you preparing to start a store?

"That's right, Chef Haru."

After a brief update story, he brought up his original purpose.

This was about the contents of the text sent by Myung-seok earlier.

Now that I'm married and have a proper family, I'm thinking of closing my cart life and opening a bungeoppang restaurant myself.

I was wondering if you could help me.

"I don't think it's a good idea to keep doing business in a cart bar after having children. I've saved some money, so I don't have much to worry about."

"As expected, you're caught bungeoppang.”

"You're right."

Anyway, there is a perception that fish-shaped buns are only eaten around the time of cold wind in autumn and winter.

Thanks to the tips Jeong-dong gave me, I was able to do business in summer and spring to some extent, but it was still lacking.

The bungeoppang parpero was definitely limited.

"So I've developed as many new menus as I can. First of all, here are a few things."

Myeongseok takes out a paper bag with a half-cautious and half-proud look.

There were a lot of carp that I couldn't imagine what might have been inside, saying that I brought the new products under development test as much as I could.

Hm, a short breathtaking day picked up anything at hand in hand.

Holding the head and tail, I split it in half, and I can't believe it.



It's been a while since it's been baked, but it's still crispy. The cheese was slightly stretched inside.Tomato sauce base, bacon and corn.

"Pizza bungeoppang?"

"Do you think you're all right?"


It tasted just as good as it looked.

Sweet and sour sauce and filling as Myeongseok claims. The balance was good, too.

"It's really good."


I couldn't help but look forward to it because something so good came out from the beginning.

Haru picked up another fish-shaped bun.

by the way

"Oh, this color.”

A familiar scent in my nose.

This fresh and toothpaste-like.

"Oh, it's mint chocolate fish buns! Our city loves it!"
